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Design for Excellence

Design for Excellence. Self-Study Process. VCEA. Virginia Catholic Education Association Recognized by Virginia Council for Private Education VCPE. VCPE.

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Design for Excellence

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  1. Design for Excellence Self-Study Process

  2. VCEA Virginia Catholic Education Association Recognized by Virginia Council for Private Education VCPE

  3. VCPE St. _______________School is accredited by the Virginia Catholic Education Association whose accreditation process has been approved by the Virginia Council for Private Education as authorized by the Virginia State Board of Education.

  4. Philosophy/Purpose of Self-Study Process • To facilitate advancements and enhancements • Clarifies the direction • Examines the total school • Studies the school in a systematic way • Motivates growth • Helps plan future advancements • Provides accountability (Artifacts/Evidence) • Fosters community involvement • Builds public relations

  5. Clarifies the Direction Provides time and process to: • Ask why school exists • Share individual visions • Shape a corporate vision • Determine specific objectives • Determine academic excellence • Assess school’s response to society and the mission of the Church

  6. Examines the Total School • Mission and Catholic Identity • Religious dimension • Governance and Leadership • Leadership team – qualified – implement mission • Academic Excellence • Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment • Operational Vitality • Finances, human resources, facilities, advancement

  7. Studies the School in a Systematic Way • To determine continuity in: • Philosophy • Goals • Program Objectives • Teaching Experiences • Learning Experiences • Expectations for the Future

  8. Table of Contents • Introduction • Vision Statement • Design for Excellence - Self-study Process • Four Domains • Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance & Leadership • Academic Excellence, Operational Vitality • Design for Excellence Benchmarks • Rubrics • Five Year Plan for Growth

  9. Vision Statement The Catholic School of the future, rooted in the richness of the Catholic Tradition, will be a Christ-centered learning environment, focused on cultivating the potential of child-ren and adults within the faith community. As an educational center where Gospel values are learned, embraced, and integrated by all members, the Catholic School will be a center for life-long learning, which…

  10. Vision Statement …both challenges and empowers persons to assess the present and to design the future. The Catholic School will create and integrated curriculum that accommodates the diversity of learners in a global society.

  11. VCEA Vision Statement • Christ-Centered Learning Environment • Cultivating potential of students & adults • Assessing present & designing future • Integrating curriculum • Accommodating diversity of learners

  12. Consensus Process Subcommittee Work Standards Committee Reporting to All Editing Reports Endorsing goals Teachers Clergy MRE PTO Representatives Finance Committee Involves Active Participation

  13. Steering Committee • Headed by Steering Chairperson • Is well organized individual • Possesses good interpersonal relations skills • Establishes well-defined guidelines • Cultivates consensus process • Whereby all faculty/staff actively participate • Closely Reviews Standards and Benchmarks • Oversees Creation of Executive Summary

  14. Responses • Requires answers in narrative format • Consistent throughout all four domains • Reflecting on your responses in this domain, determine areas for growth, and articulate your goals in the area of for the next five years. • Goals will be captured at the end of each of the DFE Benchmarks section as well.

  15. Curriculum Section • Focused on Philosophy of Learning • Teachers should be prepared to articulate responses and goals for continued improvement in this section • Standardized Test Scores (TN & Scantron) • No TerraNova CRST Scores • Use asterisk * to indicate Scantron Scores

  16. Evidence • List evidence specific to each benchmark • Indicate where evidence can be found • Possible Evidence • Generic List • Personalize List to Your School

  17. Testing Data • Taking into consideration your testing data, instructional program, faculty needs and parent survey results, identify two core curriculum areas needing the most attention for improvement. Complete the form provided and include the form within your self-study document. • Strategies to correct the weaknesses; • Budgetary needs/resources; • Assessment tools to evaluate success Due to Office of Catholic Schools: October 15th.

  18. Curriculum Goals • Create substantive goals that promote ongoing student and school progress, advancements and enhancements in the areas of curriculum, instruction and assessment. (Minimum 3) • Include the two identified areas within the other curriculum goals that should be surfaced. (No less than 5 goals)

  19. Disabilities Tally Spreadsheet(Form provided by Diane Elliott)

  20. Standards


  22. Standards • National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools • Four Domains • Mission and Catholic Identity (1-4) • Governance and Leadership (5-6) • Academic Excellence (7-9) • Operational Vitality (10-13) • 13 Standards – 73 Benchmarks

  23. Mission and Catholic Identity An excellent Catholic School is guided and driven by a clearly communicated mission that embraces a Catholic Identity rooted in Gospel values, centered on the Eucharist, and committed to faith formation, academicexcellence and service.

  24. Mission and Catholic Identity An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides a rigorous academic program for religious studies and catechesis in the Catholic Faith, set within a total academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life.

  25. Mission and Catholic Identity An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides opportunities outside the classroom for student faith formation, participation in liturgical and communal prayer, and action in service of social justice.

  26. Mission and Catholic Identity An excellent Catholic school adhering to mission provides opportunities for adult faith formation and action in service of social justice.

  27. Governance and Leadership An excellent Catholic school has a governing body (person or persons) which recognizes and respects the role(s) of the appropriate and legitimate authorities, and exercises responsible decision making in collaboration with the leadership team for development and oversight of the school’s fidelity to mission, academic excellence & operational vitality.

  28. Governance and Leadership An excellent Catholic school has a qualified leader/leadership team empowered by the governing body to realize and implement the school’s mission and vision.

  29. Academic Excellence An excellent Catholic school has a clearly articulate, rigorous curriculum aligned with relevant standards, 21st century skills , and Gospel values implemented through effective instruction.

  30. Academic Excellence An excellent Catholic school uses school-wide assessment methods and practices to document student learning and program effectiveness, to make student performances transparent, and to inform the continuous review of curriculum and the improvement of instructional practices.

  31. Academic Excellence An excellent Catholic school provides programs and services aligned with the mission to enrich the academic program and support the development of student and family life.

  32. Operational Vitality An excellent Catholic school provides a feasible three to five year financial plan that includes both current and projected budgets and is the result of a collaborative process, emphasizing faithful stewardship.

  33. Operational Vitality An excellent Catholic school operates in accord with published human resource/personnel policies, developed in compliance with diocesan policies and/or religious congregation sponsorship policies, which affect all staff and provide clarity for responsibilities , expectations and accountability.

  34. Operational Vitality An excellent Catholic school develops and maintains a facilities, equipment, and technology plan designed to continuously support the implementation of the educational mission of the school.

  35. Operational Vitality An excellent Catholic school enacts a comprehensive plan for institutional advancement based on a compelling mission through communications, marketing, enrollment management, and development.

  36. Standards • Rubric • 4= Exceeds the Benchmark • 3=Fully Meets the Benchmark • 2=Partially Meets the Benchmark • 1=Does Not Meet the Benchmark • Possible Evidence to support rubric • Self Rating and Visiting Team Rating

  37. Standards • Level 3 is the default. • Study carefully the difference between 3 & 4. • Goals could be generated from close study of what is required to reach level 4.

  38. Benchmark: 1.4The mission statement is visible in public places and contained in official documents .

  39. Governance Section • Standards 5.1 and 5.5 • Applies only if Formal School Board is Operational • NA

  40. Self-Study & Evaluation REPORT Document • School completes blue portions (Self-Study). • Visiting Team completes green portions (Evaluation). • The report is sent to the visiting team chair electronically as a working document - • when the self-study document is sent – one month prior to visit.

  41. Ratings • Opportunities for Improvement • Required Action(s)

  42. Visiting Team • Educational Professionals (8) • Core Team Model • (Chair & Two Team Members) • Public or Private School Representation • High School Representation • Curriculum Specialists for two identified areas. • Possible Peer Review Member (VCPE)

  43. Opening Event • Social Event Lasting 45 - 60 Minutes: • Introduction of All Faculty/Staff by steering committee chairperson • Introduction of Visiting Chairperson by local steering committee chairperson • Introduction of team by Visiting Chairperson • Brief Presentation • Slide Show or Video or Student Performance, etc. • Opportunity to Socialize

  44. Visiting Team Chair Visit • Meeting with Principal and Steering Chair • Review Schedules • Review Files • Arrange Meetings • Verify Evidence is Provided as Indicated • Discuss Logistics: Meeting Area • Confirm Lodging Arrangements

  45. Benefits • Assesses Total Program • Affirms strengths • Identifies Future Goals • Awards Re-certification Points • Raises awareness of all aspects • Fosters professional dialogue • Welcomes ownership/leadership • Showcases school • Creates Marketing Resources

  46. Continuous Improvement • “Polishing the Stone” • rather than • “Repairing the defect”

  47. Good Luck! God bless each of you for your commitment to quality Catholic Education!

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