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Sales Organisational Survey. Main results. The survey (1). Objective: to define the marketing potential and future prospects of Northern hunting tourism
Sales Organisational Survey Main results
The survey (1) • Objective: to define the marketing potential and future prospects of Northern hunting tourism • The sales organisations were defined by the North Hunt partnership as tour operators, tourism organisations, travel agencies, and/or others who sell hunting tourism products
The survey(2) • 30 questions – preliminary focus on three themes: • To whom the sales organisations are selling hunting tourism products • What kind of products are they selling • How are they selling (marketing arguments, methods, structures • Focus on hunting tourism in the North Hunt countries (Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Scotland and Canada)
The survey respondents (1) • 38 sales organisations got the survey sent to them by e-mail (follow up by phone) • Response rate: 63,2% • Approx. 50% of the sales organisations have sold hunting tourism products for 10 years or less • They operate all over the world, most in Germany (35%) and Scandinavia (23%) • The sell hunting worldwide and offer all kinds of game
The survey respondents(2) • 58% of the sales organisations sell other activities with their hunting tourism packages - sightseeing and fishing most common • Customers come from all over the world, mostly Germany, USA, Sweden and Denmark • 88% of the sales organisations estimated that the percentage of female customers was less than 20%
To whom do you sell hunting tourism products? • The sales organisations mostly sold their hunting tourism products to individuals. Groups were the second biggest customer group, then business clients and lastly families
The sales of hunting tourism products (1) • The sales organisations sell different kinds of hunting tourism products such as trophy hunting (29%), big game (21%), mixed adventures (25%), safari hunting (17%) and small game (8%) • Average length of hunting trips: 5 nights
The sales of hunting tourism products (2) • Prices of hunting tourism packages depend on the game, the country and the duration of the trip • Least expensive: goose hunting or peasant hunting (€500) and deer hunting (€700) • Most expensive: Big game (€500-12.000) • Customers ask for different kinds of game such as wild boar, reindeer, goose, ptarmigan, roe buck… • A few sales organisations reported that customers ask for reliable hunting and correct information
Changes in demand • 67% of the sales organisations did not detect changes in demand in any particular game for hunting • Increased demand was detected in: wild boar hunting (37%), safari hunting (25%), low cost hunting (25%) and small game (13%)
Challenges for the marketing of hunting tourism • In order to identify challenges for the marketing of hunting tourism, the sales organisations were asked to rank from 1-3 different challenges, with 1 being the biggest challenge, 2 being the second biggest challenge and so on. The figure below shows the range of the responses and the ranks.
Unexploited opportunities? • 47% of the sales organisations did see unexploited opportunities regarding hunting tourism • 41% of the sales organisations did not see any unexploited opportunities 12% wrote both yes and no • Most of the sales organisations believe that they could sell some of their current products to a new client base
Future trends • What new trends (hunting and travel) can be expected in the future according to the sales organisations? • Hunting will increasingly involve the family (45%) • Hunting will become more nature based (25%) • Less expensive hunting trips will emerge (13%)
Are the North Hunt countries safe and reliable destinations for hunting tourism? • Which country has the best score (on the scale of 1-5)? • Iceland 4,7 • Canada og Scotland 4,6 • Sweden and Finland 4,3
Are the North Hunt countries important markets for hunting tourism in the future? • Which country has the best score (on the scale of 1-5)? • Canada 4,6 • Scotland 4,2 • Sweden 3,5 • Iceland and Finland 3,4
Do the North Hunt countries provide satisfying hunting tourism products today? • Which country has the best score (on the scale of 1-5)? • Canada 4,8 • Scotland 4,1 • Finland 3,8 • Sweden 3,7 • Iceland 3,5
Opportunities? • Are the sales organisations interested in hunting tourism products in the North Hunt countries? • Yes, although 80% of the sales organisations did not think that there were any hunting tourism products from the North Hunt countries that were missing • Some of them admitted that they know very little about the products from these countries • Therefore, there could be possibilities for informing the sales organisations better about the products available in the North Hunt countries
Product ideas based on survey results • New hunting tourism products • E.g. Big game and/or small game • E.g. combine other activities with the hunting tourism packages • North Hunt grand slam • A combination of hunting activities in the North Hunt countries (e.g. moose, goose and reindeer/deer hunting) • Based on principles of sustainable hunting