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Quality and Professionalization – Intermediate Results of a national German „Coordination Process“. Martina Pohl, Peter C. Weber Heidelberg University, IBW. Problem of strengthen the pattern “Quality and Professionalisation ”
Quality and Professionalization – Intermediate Results of a national German „Coordination Process“ Martina Pohl, Peter C. Weber Heidelberg University, IBW
Problem of strengthen the pattern “Quality and Professionalisation” Quality as Result of a negotiation process - The coordination process: The recommendation of the nfb Combined approaches to quality A set of quality criteria The quality development frame and experience from bringing it to practise Overview
on individual level: If clients know what he/she can expect .... on level of counsellors: If the engagement as a counsellor is based on professional behaviour, competence, reflection and continuing development… on organisational level: If a provider knows and respects the need for proper environment that allows professional service… Professionalization in our field is about establish more clear and stronger patterns. How can we identify, if the pattern has reached professionalized status? on policy level: if responsible actors make a clear statement on institutions that support professional guidance/counselling…. on science, universities?
Quality and professionalisation „where no oneis in charge“ • Thesituation in thefield of Guidance in Germany isvery diverse and • weasume, that no oneis „in charge“ fortheissue • Cooperation and coordinationneedscommitment to give up partlytheirauthonomy and engagefor a „common good“ • See also Crosby & Bryson: Leadershipfor a common good in a shared power world (2005)
Transfer Coordination-Board Policymakers, Experts, Stakeholders Transfer Nfb Koordination IBW Scientificbase WG1 „Standards & Competence“ Expertsfromthefield WG „Qualitydevelopment“ Project-Partner Work-groups Piloting and discussionwithpractise (Praktitioners and Organisations) Transfer Transfer
Process of developing a „qualitypattern“ • Flipchart
Existing quality assurance activities in Germany • Use of evaluation tools on level of providers • Use of QMS in some organizations that also offering guidance • Use of standards and other tools in BA (PES) • Initiative toward quality concepts in Länder (16 Federal States) • Standards developed by professional associations - > No consistent model or approach
Cirtieriaforprofessionalpractise • Professional practise can be described by criteria • The quality approach shall reflect these criteria to foster professionalisation (instead of undermining it) • Such criteria are for instance • The process is based on the interest of the Klient • Methodology has an scientific base and is proved by practise • Employed practitioners have a certain qualification • The service and the processes are transparent for Klients and interested actors • ... • The Idea is, to anchor criteria of professional practise in the quality appraoch
Different Approaches to Quality Common understanding of guidance/counselling in thefield of education, vocation and empolyment
Criteria on fivelevels QualityCriteriafrom theorganiationalcontext QualityCriteriafrom thesocietalcontext Societal Context Organizational Context Counselling System Generic Prinziples Intervention techniques Consulter‘s System Consultant‘s System QualityCriteriafrom a processperspecitive QualityCriteriafromthe consultansperspective Basic Critera Source: Schiersmann/Thiel ,2011
All Qualitycriteriareflect different perspecitves • All Quality Criteria are formulated in respect of • What the Practitioners shall respect, • What the Organisations/service providers shall respect and • What the policy actors in charge shall respect • So alongside all the criteria the tree levels have a responsibility • The Criteria can be reached if all actors fulfil their ‘task’
Basic Criteria (Ü – Übergreifend) What is it about? Thera are criteria which are the geneneral base for a hich quality and professional guidance/counselling service. • The basic Quality Criteria are: • Ü1. Orientation on the clients (interest, need) • Ü2. Transparency of the service, • Ü3. Ethical base • Ü4. Continuing improvement of practise • In general: • All Quality Criteria are operationalized with indicators • The indicators are the base for developing quality assessment and reflexion approaches (available in German)
ProcessCriteria (P - Prozess) What is it about? Quality in guidance is based on a professional guidance/counselling process! • For the Guidance/Counselling process we defined criteria that reflect important aspects that are proved by empirical studies as well as by practise as effective and basic. • The criteria are explicitly open for all kind of services and a wide range of approaches and methods. • P1. The counsellor sets up (and maintain) a relationship that is appropriate to the reason of counselling. • P2. Clarification of Interest. Counsellor and counselee are clarify the interest/issue and goals for the session • P3. Client and Counsellor work together to identify the situation, resources and the goals of the counselee • P4. The counsellor supports the counselee in developing solutions appropriately. • .
CriteriaforCousellors - Berater (B) • The Criteria descibe the need for qualification, derfined competence and continues development. • These criteria combine the set of Quality Criteria with the competence frame that is developed in the process. • B1. By means of his/her education and continuous further training and refelxion, the counsellor is able to act in a professional way. The contents of the education and further training match the accredited qualification profile • B2. The counsellor acts according to the developed quality criteria/standards, concretises them on his/her own responsibility and reflects his/her work according to these standards What is it about? Without professional practitioners no high quality service is possible!
Organisation (O) What is it about? Guidance needs propper organiationsl environmen! • These set of criteria define the needs for a organisational environment. • They encourage to link the service stronger to the resources etc. and want to rise the awareness that Guidance/counselling needs specific environment. • O1. Defined Service and Mission • O2. Defined Structures and Service Processes • O3. Develop organisational cultur • O4. Provide appropriate staff and resources • O5. Develop appropriate networks
Gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen (G) What is it about? Legitimacy, impact and success of guidance/counselling activities are strongly linked with the goals and circumstances that are coming from a social background. • These Criteria describe how guidance refelcts on knowledge and information comming from difernt fields in society (e.g. Labour makret, Economy, Education, Law and Funding). • And these criteria describe the aspects that set the goals that shall be achieved/supported by guidance (outcomes, effects) • Transfer of information • Strenghtening self-organisation and career competence • Supporting achievement (Education, vocation, work) • Supporting social inclusion
Questions: • Questions, Comments? • What is your experience establishment quality-criteria in your context? • How do you see the relationship of quality criteria approach and professionalism
Implementing Quality Criteria into quality development in pracitse Experiance form actual pilot projects
Next steps to extend the „pattern Quality and Professionalism” • Publishing and spreading the reached status • Using and validating the Quality Criteria (QMM) and Quality Development Frame (QER) • Building structures for transparency of high Quality and professional Services • Bounding of (public) funding of services and projects on quality criteria and professional criteria • Establishment of validation of practitioners competence • Building up a supporting infrastructure
Critical refelction: Where we are, what is the role of research and scientific evaluation • Involvement of policy perspective on the different levels. Keep or get the awareness • Reached and reachable Grade or intensity of building a „new pattern quality and profession“ • Establishment of „Institutions“ that guarantee a continues, open and multi-perspective further development • Keep in strong contact with trans-national/European developments • Defining the role of Science in such development projects
Questions: • Questions, Comments • What is your experience about science in combination with such “hands on” and political development projects • If “Quality development and professionalization” is a field of competence for the practitioners. What do you think students should learn in our study programs?
Thankyouverymuch Kontakt: www.beratungsqualität.net Peter C. Weber pweber@ibw.uni-heidelberg.de