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AOG Cambodia CHE Program

AOG Cambodia CHE Program. Building a new future for Cambodian Villagers. Cambodia. recent history …. In 1980, after 4 years of tyranny under Pol Pot and the Khmers Rouges people’s lives were totally destroyed.

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AOG Cambodia CHE Program

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  1. AOG CambodiaCHE Program

  2. Building a new future for Cambodian Villagers

  3. Cambodia recent history …

  4. In 1980, after 4 years of tyranny under Pol Pot and the Khmers Rouges people’s lives were totally destroyed

  5. 1.7 million victims 1 Cambodian out of 4

  6. Cambodia today …

  7. one of the poorest countries of the world

  8. … a very young population

  9. over 80% of Cambodians live in rural areas Only 30% have access to drinking water

  10. Less than 50 % of children are vaccinated One of the world’s highest rates of TB infection

  11. Out of 1000 children born124 will die before the age of 5 Every day 8 Cambodian women die during delivery

  12. Medical staff is often undertrained, under-equipped, underpayed , and discredited. Medicine is often out-of-date, damaged or fake.

  13. Malaria, dengue fever, TB and typhoïde are preventable and curable diseases, but they kill 150 Cambodian children and dozens of adults every day.

  14. Such deaths can be avoided   «Too many people are dying unnecessarily»

  15. 45% of Cambodian farmers who sell their land do so due to disease... diseases that can be prevented or cured...

  16. A vicious cycle: Poverty-> Ignorance-> Disease-> Poverty-> Ignorance-> Disease-> Poverty->...

  17. Poverty and ignorance can be countered How to overcome ?

  18. Health Prevention Education Immunization Access to drinking Water Nutrition...

  19. How can we address such needs ? Community Health Evangelism is one way...

  20. with a CHE Program What is CHE ?

  21. A Community Health Education program was created in the 80’s in East Africa

  22. Since 1987, CHE is promoted around the world by Medical Ambassadors International

  23. God changes eternal destinies and...daily lives

  24. Since 1995 in Cambodia AOG missionaries (France,U.S., Philippines) have been developping a new Health Evangelism program

  25. 1998: CHE materials translation starts Beginnings… 1999: First Pilot CHE Program in Kompong Spoeu

  26. 8 different Program Units

  27. including 54 villagesA team of 47 nationals and 6 missionaries

  28. Let’s go through the CHE process…

  29. Sign a protocol with the Ministry of Rural Development

  30. Recruit CHE Trainers with different skills

  31. Build their capacity for holistic development

  32. Choose target areas: Some areas with a church and others without any believers

  33. Gather information (with PRA and baseline surveys...) in the target areas

  34. Hold Vision Conferences in the chosen villages

  35. Facilitate fair and free elections of VDC(Village Development Committees)

  36. Train Committees to run the program by themselves

  37. Encourage other villagers to volunteer as CHEs (Community Health Educators)

  38. Train Village Educators and let them train their neighbours

  39. now 340 Committee members & 730 villagers are volunteering in 55 CHE villages around Cambodia

  40. The CHE Training programincludes many topicsrelative to the local needs

  41. Prevention, hygiene and nutrition

  42. Agriculture, animal husbandry and food processing

  43. Spiritual and moral topics

  44. Environment, Human Rights and many other lessons

  45. Villagers are encouraged by receiving Awards & Certificates

  46. There are also self helpCommunity projects such as …

  47. Water Filters Wells

  48. Water sewers Latrines

  49. Reservoirs

  50. Road repairs

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