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Explore the process of affixation in linguistics, including types such as prefix, suffix, simulfix, and infix, with examples from various languages. Learn about segmentable and non-segmentable affixes, derivational and inflectional morphemes, and more.
MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESSES • Affixation • Root Modification (Replacive Morphemes) • Suppletion • Compounding • Reduplication • Abbreviation
AFFIXATION Affixation is a process of adding affix to root. An affix is a bound morpheme which must always be attached to a root morpheme. Depending on the way in which affixes are attached to root, affixes can be classified into segmentable and non- segmentable affixes. A segmentable affix is one in which there is a clearly delineated boundary between an affix and a root or between one affix and another affix. The types of segmentable affix are: prefix, suffix,simulfix (discontinuous affix/circumfix), and infix. Prefix is an affix which comes before a root. For Example: dislike, unhappy, enlarge, illegal, etc. Suffix is an affix that is added after a root. For Example: agreement, happily, dangerous, natural, etc.
AFFIXATION (Cont…..) Simulfixes are affixes which have two parts, which are separated from each other by some other affix, or more commonly by the root morpheme. The meaning in the case of a discontinuous affix is carried out equally by both parts of the affix, and neither can occur without the other. The two parts must be both present or absent. For Example: merah → kemerahan sakit → kesakitan, etc. Infixes are affixes which are inserted within a root, rather than before or after the root. Tolai has a productive pattern of infixation. For Example: mat ‘die’ → minat ‘death, corpse’ mait ‘be sick’ → minait ‘sickness’, etc. Javanese also has this kind of infixation. For Example: santen → semanten jari → jemari, etc.
AFFIXATION (CONT……) Non- Segmentable affixes are those that cannot be neatly separated from a root, or from each other. The types of non- segmentable affix are zero morpheme, portmanteau morpheme and suprafix. Zero morpheme is a morpheme which does not have phonological shape whatsoever. It is symbolized as Ǿ. For example : in Gitua, there are two roots, they are tama (father) and tazi (younger brother). tamangu ‘ my father’ tazingu ‘my younger brother’ tamam ‘ your father’ tazim ‘your younger brother’ tama ‘ his/her father’tazi ‘his/her younger brother’ tamazi ‘ their father’ tazizi ‘their younger brother’ Suprafixes are affixes that are expressed by suprasegmental features such as vowel length, tone, or stress. tama ‘father’ → tama: ‘my father’ kasi ‘brother’ → kasi: ‘my brother’
AFFIXATION (Cont….) Affixes can also be divided into two major functional categories. They are derivational morphemes (affixes) and inflectional morphemes (affixes). The word building processes of this are derivation and inflection. Derivational morphemes (derivation) form new words either by changing the meaning of the base to which they are attached, for example: kind into unkind , or by changing the word class that a base belong to, for example: happy becomes happiness. The function of derivational morphemes are: noun forming, verb forming, adjective forming, and adverb forming. Inflectional morphemes (inflection) don’t change referential or cognitive meaning, and don’t alter the word class to which it is attached. The affixes that belong to this are: -s (plural marker), -s (third person singular marker), -ed (past tense marker), -ing (progressive marker), -er (comparative degree), -est (superlative degree), -‘s (possesive)
DERIVATIONAL PREFIXES • Negative forming prefixes: un- , dis-, in- (im-, il-, ir-), non-. • Reversive prefixes: un- (untie), dis- (discontinue), de- (decentralize) • Wrongly or incorrectly : mis- • Verb forming prefixes: en-, em-. • Other prefixes: ante- (before), anti- (against), co- (together), contra- (against), ex- (former), inter- (between), intra- (within), mal- (bad, wrong), multi- (many), poly- (many), post- (after), pre- (before), pro- (in favor of), re- (again), sub- (below), super- (above, over), micro- (small), auto- (by oneself), over- (too much).
DERIVATIONAL SUFFIXES • Noun forming suffixes: -ment, -al, -ance/-ence, -ture/-ure,- sion, - ission, -tion, -ation, -ition, -ification, -ity, -ness, -ce, -hood, -ship. • Agent noun forming suffixes: -er, -or, -ant/ -ent, -ist, -ar. • Verb forming suffixes: -ize, -ate, -ify, -en. • Adjective forming suffixes: -al/-ial/-ual, -ic,-ical, -y, -ary, -ery, -ly, -ar, -ful, -less, -ous/-ious, -ish, -ive, -able, -ant/- ent, -ed, - ing. • Adverb forming suffixes: - ly