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The Cold War Impact on the Middle East: Superpowers Shaping History

Explore how the Middle East was influenced by the superpowers during the Cold War period, with a focus on US interventions in Iran and Afghanistan. Discover key events such as the Iran Hostage Crisis, Iran/Iraq War, and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

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The Cold War Impact on the Middle East: Superpowers Shaping History

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  1. Cold War Divides the Middle East How is the Middle East influenced by the Superpowers?

  2. I. US tries to influence Iran A. 1941: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi becomes Shah after his father’s death, embraces west, secular ideas B. 1951: Muhammad Mossadeq is elected Prime Minister, he is backed byIranian nationalists & Ayatollahs (religious leaders) 1. Mossadeqnationalizes Iran’s oil fields, Shah Pahlavi flees C. 1953: CIA sponsors a counter-coup  removes Mossadeq & puts Shah back in power 1. Shah begins to weaken the Ayatollahs’ powers D. 1978-79: Ayatollah Khomeini returns, starts a revolution, Shah flees, Khomeini creates Islamic theocracy E. “Iran Hostage Crisis”: Islamic students storm US embassy and hold Americans hostage for 444 days Overthrown!

  3. II. Iran/Iraq War A. After Iran Hostage Crisis, US worried Soviets will support Iran, US supports Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein B. US backs Hussein because: 1. He had established a secular government 2. He was cracking down on Iraqi communists C. Hussein goes to war against Iran. 1. US sends weapons (including poison gas) to Hussein to fight Iran D. “Iran Contra Affair”: Fearing Hussein could gain too much power US secretly sends weapons to Iran during the war, war ends in 1988, no clear winner III. Soviets Invade Afghanistan A. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev puts puppet Communist Gov in Afghanistan B. 1979: Afghanis dislike “puppet” Communist Gov, rebels begin an Islamic Revolution

  4. 1. Dec 1979: Puppet Gov is losing, Soviets must send in troops D. US aid is not enough, so US increases aid & weapons, Mujahedeen start winning. Soviet economy is struggling due to costs of the war C. Soviets expect easy win, but rebels called the Mujahedeen are being aided by the US 1. Soviets withdraw in 1989 E. After war, US doesn’t send any more aid to Afghanistan. Mujahedeen split into two groups Taliban & Northern Alliance; each try to win control

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