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Restaurant Ali Barbour' cave – Ukunda - Kénya

Restaurant Ali Barbour' cave – Ukunda - Kénya. Shangri-La Hotel - Sydney - Australie. Asiate restaurant – New-York -USA. Restaurant Bann rim Pa - Phucket - Thailande. Restaurant Caldera - Santorini - Grèce. Restaurant Canlis - New-York -USA. Restaurant Crater lake lodge - Oregon - USA.

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Restaurant Ali Barbour' cave – Ukunda - Kénya

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Restaurant Ali Barbour' cave – Ukunda - Kénya

  2. Shangri-La Hotel - Sydney - Australie

  3. Asiate restaurant – New-York -USA

  4. Restaurant Bann rim Pa - Phucket - Thailande

  5. Restaurant Caldera - Santorini - Grèce

  6. Restaurant Canlis - New-York -USA

  7. Restaurant Crater lake lodge - Oregon - USA

  8. Restaurant Dasheene at ladera – Sainte-Lucie - Les Caraibes

  9. Restaurant El farallon - San Lucas - Méxique

  10. Restaurant Paradise valley – Arizona - USA

  11. Fangweng restaurant - Hubei province - Chine

  12. Restaurant du Grand canyon du Verdon - France

  13. Restaurant Grotta palazzese - Polignano Amare - Italie

  14. Restaurant Rayavadee - Krabi -Thailande

  15. Restaurant Edelweiss - Murren - Suisse

  16. Restaurant Ithaa undersea - Maldives

  17. Restaurant La Sponda - Positano - Italie

  18. Kupu kupu Barongs villas – Bali - Indonésie

  19. Restaurant Waterfall - San Pablo City - Philippines

  20. Restaurant Le Jules Verne -Paris - France

  21. Restaurant Panorama Alm – Saalbach - Autriche

  22. Restaurant le Panoramic Mont-Blanc – Chamonix - France

  23. Restaurant Pierchic - Dubai

  24. Restaurant Piz gloria - Murren - Suisse

  25. Restaurant Siroco - Bangkok - Thailande

  26. The Sky restaurant - Tokyo - Japon

  27. Restaurant skyline - Queenstown - Nouvelle Zélande

  28. Restaurant Soho House – Californie -USA

  29. Rock restaurant – Zanzibar- Tanzanie

  30. Restaurant The view – Californie - USA

  31. Restaurant Torre d' atal mar - Barcelone - Espagne

  32. Restaurant Tosca – Hong-Kong - Chine

  33. Restaurant Two ocean - Cap Town - Afrique du sud

  34. Restaurant Wolfgang Puck WP24 – Los Angeles - USA

  35. Restaurant Eagle's eye golden - Canada

  36. Restaurant Milkla – Istanbul - Turquie

  37. Restaurant Vertigo - Bangkok - Thailande

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