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EDS 3 Release 5

EDS 3 Release 5. Monday / Friday Market Updates. May 08, 2008. Agenda. Antitrust Admonition Submissions Update Submissions Metrics This Week’s Activities Updates / Questions / Reminders Second 6.3 Pre-test Review LFC Update Q&A / Open Forum Roll Call. Antitrust Admonition.

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EDS 3 Release 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EDS 3 Release 5 Monday / Friday Market Updates May 08, 2008 http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. Agenda • Antitrust Admonition • Submissions Update • Submissions Metrics • This Week’s Activities • Updates / Questions / Reminders • Second 6.3 Pre-test Review • LFC Update • Q&A / Open Forum • Roll Call http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. http://nodal.ercot.com 3

  4. Submissions Metrics • Metrics process has been more fully automated • More fully takes into account status of resources • Please closely review metrics posting for this week • If you would like a breakdown of you QSE’s resources and metrics send an email to eds3@ercot.com to request. http://nodal.ercot.com 4

  5. Submission Times for week of 05/12/08 • Activities for Week of 05/12/08 • Submit the following prior to the trade date:Note that offer curves cannot be submitted after market close (10am) until the adjustment period opens (1800) on the day ahead. • COP • TPO • Output Schedule (open to all resources) • INC/DEC (DSR resources only) • Submit RT COP adjustments during business hours • Submit RT OS adjustments during business hours • 6.3 Pre-Test Logistics for 5/12/08 covered in slide 8 http://nodal.ercot.com 5

  6. Updates / Questions / Reminders • FIP / FOP for week of 5/12/08: • FIP: 10.83 • FOP: 22.57 • REMINDER: FIP/FOP Integration to be deployed to EDS end of May • Values will update daily • MP’s must implement process for retrieving prices daily • EDS Environment Outages • Outages: • Notification Issue: • When a QSE mistakenly uses the wrong certificate Sub-QSE’s (e.g. sub-QSE), it will send notifications to both, and not just the certificate being used • Under Review – Fix TBD • 5/5 7:30-8:00AM Reports unavailable – Planned maintenance did not restart some server properly • 5/5 9:00-9:30AM MIS, Market Manager unavailable – Web Server process stalled – restarted services, root cause under review • 5/6 4:30-7:10AM MIS, Market Manager unavailable – Server out of memory – restarted services – root cause is failed deployment from previous evening • 5/8 11:30AM – 12:00PM MMS unavailable – Restarted services – Root Cause Hardware Exception (under investigation). http://nodal.ercot.com 6

  7. Updates / Questions / Reminders • Resource Updates • On 5/15, ERCOT will be loading in all RARF’s • This is exclusively the new RARF’s submitted on 5/1 • Important – If no current 5/1 RARF is on file, those resources will not be included in the 15th load • Resources will not be loaded until RARF is accepted by ERCOT • Currently 70% of RARF’s have been received. • Of that 70% only 20% have been accepted due to issues with RARF data • Please get with your RES entities to determine status on your portfolio http://nodal.ercot.com 7

  8. LFC 6.3 pre-Test • ERCOT has reviewed the major data issues for second 6.3 Pre-test • Spreadsheets were sent to each QSE with summary of any issues discovered • Please review and make necessary adjustments for the 5/12 test • Last Open Loop Test • 5/12 from 7-9am • On these dates: • QSE’s will submit a “deconstructed” zonal, portfolio-level offer as a resource specific, nodal TPO • QSE TPO’s will be submitted into the RT market in the adjustment period • Please ensure: • Appropriate staff are available to support submissions • ICCP data is of good quality • Note: consistently we have lost valid real-time data during these tests • This is imperative to ensure a meaningful exercise on these dates • REMINDER: ERCOT to provide QSEs with settlement impact resulting from OOME and Local Balancing had units followed SCEB BP • The impacts from the first test on 4/28 will be distributed to those QSE’s that are affected today Please refer to details provided during the 3/14 workshop: http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2008/03/20080314-EDS3-6.html http://nodal.ercot.com 8

  9. Target Dates for 6.3 Tests • Week of June 16th – 2 hour test • Will proceed with 2 hour test with or w/o CIM • Week of July 7th – 8 hour test • Week of July 28th – 48 hour test http://nodal.ercot.com 9

  10. Nodal SE Convergence: 5-5 Began Contacting MPs http://nodal.ercot.com 10

  11. MW set to 15 & MVar at 30, spikes removed from graph (5/5) http://nodal.ercot.com 11

  12. Limits during test period 5-5, 4pm – 6pm • Limits Improved from first pre-test but a number of units continued to have questionable values http://nodal.ercot.com 12

  13. Reference LMPs Vs GTBD (5/5) • Price remained flat from 1730-1750 while GTBD changed due to the generation that was changing over this period were price takers • Other nuances attributable to generation with no EOC, changes in OS, and telemetered limits • MCPE for this period remained slightly lower than the Reference LMP http://nodal.ercot.com 13

  14. LMP Graphics from 5/5 http://nodal.ercot.com 14

  15. Results for week of 5/05 LFC 6.2 test Suez BTU Luminant APX In-Process Tenaska In-Process LFC 6.2 pre-test Constellation BEC Scheduled Tests: week of 5/12 LFC 6.2 test San Miguel Monday 1:00 PM BTU Wed. 9:00 AM APX Wednesday 1:00 PM APX Thursday 9:00 AM LFC 6.2 pre-test CPS Tuesday 1:00 PM Reliant Wednesday 9:00 AM BEC Wednesday 11:00 AM LFC Phase II Testing • Remember to submit test forms 2 business days before Test • The Date & Time Format for the test file is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM • Submit to LFC@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 15

  16. Q&A Q&A / Open Forum http://nodal.ercot.com 16

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