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The abdominal section and CT. The medical college of shandong university. 1. the transverse section through right fornix of diaphragm. right ventricle and atrium, pericardium, inferior vena cava, esophagus, azygos v., thoracic aorta,. 2. Through the second porta hepatis T10.
The abdominal section and CT The medical college of shandong university
1. the transverse section through right fornix of diaphragm right ventricle and atrium, pericardium, inferior vena cava, esophagus, azygos v., thoracic aorta,
2. Through the second porta hepatis T10 diaphragm, right ventricle, fundus of stomach, azygos v., right and left lobe of liver, Superior layer of coronary lig.
3. Through esophageal hiatus pericardium, azygos v., thoracic aorta, right anterior (or posterior) lobe of liver, falciform ligament of liver, left , right and middle hepatic v. fissure for ligamentum venosum
4. Through the cardia of stomach 4. costomediastinal recess, inferior vena cava, esophagus, azygos v., thoracic aorta, falciform ligament of liver, left , right and middle hepatic v., caudate lobe of liver , fissure for ligamentum venosum
5. Through angular part of left hepatic Portal v. 5. inferior vena cava, cardia, hemiazygos v., thoracic aorta, right and left hepatic portal v., fissure for ligamentum venosum, left , right and middle hepatic v., caudate lobe of liver , spleen
6. Through sagittal part of left hepatic Portal v. 6. diaphragm, fundus of stomach, inferior vena cava,cardia, hemiazygos v., thoracic aorta, right and left hepatic portal v., falciform ligament of liver, fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis, left , right and middle hepatic v., caudate lobe of liver , spleen
This is a important section, which means the appearance of the portal hepatic v.
1. 肝左外叶 left lateral lobe of liver 2. 胃体 body of stomach 3. 大网膜 greater omentum 4. 肝尾状叶 caudate lobe of liver 5. 胸主动脉 thoracic a. 6. 脾 spleen 7. 肝右后叶 right posterior lobe of liver 8. 肝右静脉 right hepatic v. 9. 下腔静脉 inferior vena cava 10. 肝右前叶 right anterior lobe of liver 11. 肝门静脉左支横部 transverse part of left hepatic portal v. 12. 肝圆韧带裂 fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis
7. Through the right hepatic portal v. 7. body of stomach, inferior vena cava, thoracic aorta, right and left hepatic portal v., falciform ligament of liver, fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis, right and middle hepatic v., caudate lobe of liver , right and left hepatic duct, hepatogastric lig.
1. 肝圆韧带ligamentum teres hepatis 2. 胃体body of stomach 3. 大网膜greater omentum 4. 肝尾状叶caudate lobe of liver 5. 胸主动脉thoracic a. 6. 脾spleen 7. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 8. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 9. 肝门静脉右后支posterior branch of right hepatic portal vein 10. 肝右静脉right hepatic v. 11. 肝门静脉hepatic portal v. 12. 胆囊gallbladder 13. 肝左内叶left medial lobe of liver
8. Through upper part of fossa for gladder 8 . inferior vena cava, thoracic aorta, hepatic portal v., right hepatic v., falciform ligament of liver, ligamentum teres hepatis, caudate lobe of liver , common hepatic duct, proper hepatic a. omental bursa lesser and greater omentum, gallbladder, left and right suprarenal gland
1. 胃体body of stomach 2. 大网膜greater omentum 3. 肝门静脉hepatic portal v. 4. 胰体body of pancreas 5. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 6. 脾静脉splenic v. 7. 左肾left kidney 8. 脾spleen 9. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 10. 右肾上腺 right suprarenal gland 11. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 12. 肝尾状叶caudate lobe of liver 13. 胆囊管cystic duct 14. 肝总管common hepatic duct 15. 胆囊gallbladder 16. 肝左内叶left medial lobe of liver
9. Through celiac trunk 9. abdominal aorta, hepatic portal v., ligamentum teres hepatis, common hepatic duct, proper hepatic a., lesser and greater omentum, pancreas, left and right suprarenal gland, kidney, omental foramen(bursa), hepatogastric lig. and hepatoduodenal lig.
1. 胃体body of stomach 2. 大网膜greater omentum 3. 胰体body of pancreas 4. 肝门静脉hepatic portal v. 5. 肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric a. 6. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 7. 左肾left kidney 8. 脾spleen 9. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 10. 肝门静脉右后下支right posteroinferior branch of hepatic portal vein 11. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 12. 胆囊管cystic duct. 13. 肝总管common hepatic duct 14. 胆囊gallbladder
10. Through pylorus 10. body and pyloric part of stomach, pyloric sphincter and superior part of duodenum, omental bursa, superior mesenteric a., pancreas, hepatic portal v., common hepatic duct and cystic duct, gastroduodenal a., lesser and greater omentum,
1. 胃体body of stomach 2. 大网膜greater omentum 3. 胰体body of pancreas 4. 肝门静脉hepatic portal v. 5. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 6. 胰尾tail of pancreas 7. 脾spleen 8. 左肾left kidney 9. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 10. 右肾right kidney 11. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 12. 小网膜lesser omentum 13. 肝总管common hepatic duct 14.胃幽门部 pyloric part of stomach 15. 肝固有动脉 proper hepatic a. 16.胆囊gallbladder
11. Through the origin of hepatic portal v. 11. body and pyloric part of stomach, omental bursa, descending part of duodenum, superior mesenteric a., hepatic portal v., splenic v., superior mesenteric v., ligamentum teres hepatis, common bile duct, left renal v., greater omentum
1. 胃体body of stomach 2. 胰颈neck of pancreas 3. 横结肠transverse colon 4. 肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric a. 5. 十二指肠空肠曲duodenojejunal flexure 6. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 7. 左肾left kidney 8. 脾spleen 9. 腰方肌quadratus lumborum 10. 竖脊肌erector spinae 11. 右肾right kidney 12. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 13. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 14.十二指肠降部 descending part of duodenum 15. 胆总管 common bile duct 16.肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric v. 17. 胃幽门部pyloric part of stomach
12. Through the upper part of second lumber vertebrae 12. body and pyloric part of stomach, omental bursa, descending part of duodenum, left colic flexure, inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, pancreas, spleen, superior mesenteric v.and a., greater omentum, common bile duct, left renal v., kidney,
1. 横结肠transverse colon 2. 肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric a. 3. 左肾静脉left renal v 4. 左肾动脉left renal a. 5. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 6. 左肾left kidney 7. 竖脊肌erector spinae 8. 腰大肌psoas major 9. 右肾right kidney 10. 肝右后叶right posterior lobe of liver 11. 右肾静脉right renal v 12. 十二指肠降部descending part of duodenum 13. 胰头head of pancreas 14. 胆总管common bile duct 15. 肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric v.
13. Through duodenojejunal flexure 13. descending part of duodenum, duodenojejunal flexure, transverse and descending colon, pancreas, common bile duct, inferior vena cava and right renal v., abdominal aorta, greater omentum, superior mesenteric v. and a., left renal v., kidney, spleen,
1. 横结肠transverse colon 2. 肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric a. 3. 空肠jejunum 4. 左肾静脉left renal v 5. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 6. 左肾left kidney 7. 右肾right kidney 8. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 9. 肝右叶right lobe of liver 10. 十二指肠降部descending part of duodenum 11. 胰头head of pancreas 12. 胆总管common bile duc 13. 肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric v.
14. Through Second lumbar intervertebral disc 14. descending part of duodenum, ascending part of duodenum, jejunum, transverse and descending colon, pancreas, common bile duct, inferior vena cava and right renal v., superior mesenteric v. and a., left renal v., greater omentum,
1. 肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric v. 2. 空肠jejunum 3. 十二指肠水平部horizontal part of duodenum 4. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 5. 左肾left kidney 6. 腰方肌quadratus lumborum 7. 竖脊肌erector spinae 8. 右肾right kidney 9. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 10. 十二指肠降部descending part of duodenum 11. 胰头head of pancreas 12. 横结肠transverse colon
15. Through upper part of body of third lumber vertebrae 15. descending part of duodenum, ascending part of duodenum jejunum, transverse and descending colon, pancreas, common bile duct, superior mesenteric v. and a., greater omentum, quadratus lumborum, psoas major
1. 空肠 jejunum 2. 肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric v. 3. 下腔静脉 inferior vena cava 4. 腹主动脉 abdominal a. 5. 左肾 left kidney 6. 腰方肌 quadratus lumborum 7. 竖脊肌 erector spinae 8. 右肾 right kidney 9. 十二指肠降部 descending part of duodenum 10. 升结肠 ascending colon 11. 十二指肠水平部 horizontal part of duodenum 12. 横结肠 transverse colon
16. Through major duodenal papilla 16. body of stomach, descending part of duodenum, horizontal part of duodenum and jejunum, transverse and descending colon, pancreas, major duodenal papilla, superior mesenteric v. and a., inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, kidney, greater omentum, right colic flexure,
1. 空肠jejunum 2. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 3. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 4. 降结肠descending colon 5. 腰大肌psoas major 6. 竖脊肌erector spinae 7. 右肾right kidney 8. 升结肠ascending colon 9. 十二指肠水平部horizontal part of duodenum 10. 回肠ileum
17. Through third lumbar intervertebral disc 17. body of stomach, descending part of duodenum, horizontal part of duodenum and jejunum, ascending, transverse and descending colon, superior mesenteric v. and a., inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, kidney, greater omentum,
1. 空肠jejunum 2. 腹主动脉abdominal a. 3. 降结肠descending colon 4. 腰大肌psoas major 5. 腰方肌quadratus lumborum 6. 竖脊肌erector spinae 7. 十二指肠下曲inferior duodenal flexure 8. 升结肠ascending colon 9. 回肠ileum 10. 下腔静脉inferior vena cava