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Central Dauphin School District. AYP Report 2007. First AYP Target: Attendance/Graduation. Attendance threshold is 90% or growth Graduation threshold is 80% or growth CDSD met/exceeded the attendance threshold for grade spans 3-5 and 6-8.
Central Dauphin School District AYP Report 2007
First AYP Target:Attendance/Graduation Attendance threshold is 90% or growth Graduation threshold is 80% or growth CDSD met/exceeded the attendance threshold for grade spans 3-5 and 6-8. CDSD met/exceeded the graduation threshold for grade spans 9-11.
Second AYP Target:Participation Rate Participation Rate threshold is 95% for total students population and for all subgroups with at least 40 students CDSD met/exceeded the participation threshold for all grade spans with total student populations and for reported subgroups.
Third AYP Target:Performance Performance thresholds are: 45% Proficient in Math and 54% Proficient in Reading These thresholds must be met for the total tested population and for all subgroups with at least 40 students.
Third AYP Target:Performance • Central Dauphin School District is a large and diverse school system. As a result, we are required to report numerous subgroups at the school and District level. • In addition to “All”, reported Subgroups for Central Dauphin School District include: White, Black, Asian, IEP, Econ in all grade spans. In addition, Lat/Hisp, and ELL are reported at grade spans 3-5 and 6-8.
Overall, the District achieved the performance thresholds of 45% Proficient in Math and 54% Proficient in Reading. The District made AYP in 20 of the 22 reported populations in Math and 15 of the 22 reported populations in Reading. Third AYP Target Performance
Third AYP Target:Performance • All of the schools evidenced some improvements with the total population of students and/or with reported subgroups of students. • Many of the schools reported scores that exceed the State average and the projected performance thresholds for 2008.
Third AYP TargetPerformance • Central Dauphin School District did not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for Target Three with some of our reported subgroups, so the District is in the status of Corrective Action II. • We were unsuccessful in demonstrating adequate yearly progress with the following subgroups as defined by NCLB:
AYP Performance Subgroups District Wide
Strong Results for Students • Districts that are not making A.Y.P. are required to revise their District Improvement Plan and develop a District Restructuring Plan. • Central Dauphin School District formed a committee in September 2006 and began developing a plan that focused on “Strong Results for Students.” This plan will be revised and presented for approval from the superintendent and the local school board.
Highlights of the Current District Initiatives • Learning Focused Schools (K-12) • Instructional Coaches – Accountability Block Grant funds • Reduced Class Size (K-3) – Accountability Block Grant funds • District-wide Benchmark Assessments (DIBELS, 4Sight) • Course Mapping and Prioritizing Curriculum • Response to Intervention – National Grant funds as participants in the MP3 Study with Lehigh Univ. • Small Learning Community at East High School
District Initiatives Continued • Grant funding to support High School Reform Initiatives – Project 720 and Dual Enrollment Grant funds • Classrooms for the Future (CFF) at CDHS and CDEHS • Differentiated Supervision Model in Learning Focused Schools • Professional Development Plan – 10% of Title 1 funds • Additional Reading Specialists – Title 1 funds • Added Intervention Specialist at RTI sites • Engaging/Effective Parent Involvement Policy • Implementing new Attendance Policy
What’s New for the PSSA Spring 2008 • The PSSA Science Test will be operational for 2008 but the science results will not be included in the AYP calculations. • For the 2008 PSSA, the academic target for math will be 56% and for reading will be 63% of the students must be at or above the proficient level.
What’s New for the PSSA Spring 2008 • CDSD Schools and the District will be reporting additional subgroups as the population of diverse students increases.