conversation Introduction Social networkshaveenteredoursocietyoverwhelmingly for use in late years, as not long ago another social phenomenontiempo.Desde for the invention of writing as well as the press, there'sbeen no ningúnsuceso he managed to change the habits and customs of people in all agelosniveles, sex, religion, country, purchasingpower ... Recentstudiessuggest that in Spainthere are over 27 million Internet usersaccessing and social networks, resulting in the third country in the usuariosen ranking around the world 'all social groupshaveimplemented the so-called Web 2.0, but ifdestacaunpopulationgroup that is the teenagers. In this group stand out aboveTuenti and Facebookfollowed by Twitter, Sonic, Hi5, general ..., Whileeach more and more social networks in specificthematicfields, ejemplovideo (YouTube, vimeos), photos (flick, devianart, ..) , music (Spotify, myspace, last.fm) ... alsoincludeprofessional social networkswhereusersagrupanporsectors and so are offeredelsewhereempleos.Por this social networking boom has alsochanged many otroscampos of life, such as fewphonesfromwhich no puedeacceder Internet and uploadphotos of weekend ortweet the lastmovieyouvisto.En this contextwherepeople's social life is everything, social networksocupanunveryimportant. But unfortunately the misuse of thesesites, puedeconllevarseriousproblemsonprivacyabove all, iewhotieneacceso to your personal data. To this is added as are lasuplantaciónmajorissues of identity, orphishig and cybercrimescams.
history To betterunderstand the reason for this phenomenonwe go back to review a little lahistoria. By definition, in the world in whichwelivewe can say isa social networkstructurecomposed of groups of peopleunited by the type of relaciónque has: friendship, kinship, knowledge, ideas or the like comunes.Lacalled "theory of SixDegreesSeparation ", which is based the idea that sixpeopleOnlycorpsesneedconnect with anyotherperson in the world was the basedethesenewsites. This theory is basedon a statistic that says that cualquierpersona has on average about 100 friends and relatives with which it interacts, so exponentiallycontact this numberwouldexpand to reachanyphysicalpersonanywhere in the relationsplaneta.Lasbeginning to be studied social and in the eighteenthcentury, wheresedefinieron the firsttypes of interactions and theirbenefits for membersofthesegroups. Later the earlytwentiethcentury, the Germansociologist Georg Simmelintentó to specify the characteristics of modern social networkshastanuestrosarrivingdías.Haciendo a historicleap for, we can say that the originonthe Internet social networks as we know and use nowbegins in 1995 with theWebclassmates.com, created by Randy Conrads with the mission of providing a service to formerstudents to keep in touch with old classmates. Already in losochenta, Geocitieshadbegunoffering a similar service, heredabacaracterísticasforums and BBS (BulletinBoardSystem), very popular in the ninetiesochentay but this weborientedincorporated a constructionnuancedecomunidadesbasedonrelationships and notjust the mere exchangedeinformación.Peronotuntil the earlytwenty-firstcenturybegan to appearonthe Internet sitesbasedoncreatingcircles of friends online. In 2003 apareceMySpace, dedicated to music, and a yearlater the giant Google launchesOrkutwarmlyreceivedbyacceptance. JustmonthsafterFacebookbornconocidoMarkZukenberghand, this social network is currentlymarking the course and how inwhichthedefinedrelationshipsdía.Se Internet today even says that there are over 400 social networksdivided by segmentosprofesionales, friendship, family, couples, athletes, politicalactivists the mostextravagantoinclusoonlysupportusersatractivosfísicamenteorsimply for beingrich.
Pros and cons • Personally I find the positive aspectsorbenefits in social networks, and accompany a practicalexample: • First, the more imminent is that it is veryeasy to communicate with laspersonas of yourphysicalenvironment. • In classyouhavenotheard of that exercise was to do TuentiChatcomputer and youask the nextfellow. • You can alsocontactpeoplewho do notseeeverydayperomantienes a closerelationship. • Want to stay with yourfriend of the people in the city and need concrete time and place. • Moreover, althoughsometimes it is difficult, you can keep the ContactTecofitpeopleyouhavemet at somepoint but notmantienescontacto. • Partieswant to congratulate all the friendsyoumet in the summerexchange. • You can meetnewpeople, to this optionmusthave a posiciónmuycautious as there are people with verybadintentionson the network. • Youlove the music of the Beatles and are interested in sharingopinions with more people with these musical tastes. • To practicelanguage with peoplewholivehundreds of miles dedistancia. • Throughforumsyouwant to practicetalking to an American. • If at any time youneedhelpon a particular subject, the redofrece many forums to answeryourquestions. • Want to know the distancebetween Earth and the Sun and the questionsonQuora. • Beforebuyingsomethingveryinteresting to contrastotrosconsumidoresopinions and shareexperiences. • Notsureyoubuy a mobileiOS (iPhone) and Android (Google, HTC, ...) and queriesthroughTwitter. • Unable to create a workplacewhere a group of peoplesonmuyvalidcertainwebsites to workcollaboratively. • It is impossible to get to do the job of religion to the school and created a groupon Google Groups to shareinformation and othersources. • To reportanunfairsituation that youappreciate in yourdailylife to seeksolutionspuedecrearplatforms, pressuregovernments, ... • Haveyoufound a stray dog andcreating a Facebookgroupyoufindanownerwhowill take.
Pros • These are a few of the advantages that come to mind in justhalfhorapensando, so I think they are a fraction of all quetienenapplications and networks come to havesociales.Perounfortunatelyalsoothertruths I findnot so nice: • You'renever quite surewho is on the othersidethinktalkingwiththecomputer. • A minorwho is ciberacosada by a pederastwho was posing as a friend of the school. • Computercrime, aboutwhich more later, you can come to endconbuenapart of yoursavings. • A supposedly mail youaskedyourbank to yourbankaccountnumbers and otherconfidential data. • Can alsocertainissues and extorsionarte ofreciendocantidadesmoneyjust for thosemattersnot made public. • A personwhoasks for money in exchange for notexposingsomevisits to certainwebsitescompromised. • Whenbuyingsomethingon a social network, youfind that whatyouthoughtesexactamentenothaveboughteither because it is broken, usedordirectlyporqueestádoesnotarrive. • Shopping onebayaniphone and it is animitation of the famousChinesemobile Apple. • In this connectionthere are also cases of falseadvertisingsincelaspropiascompaniesspeakpositively of theirproducts in the forums. • Shopping for accommodation at a hotel because there are comments that say that this hotel is verygood and has beenlyingsince the company that wrotesuchgoodreviews. • That whenentering a websiteautomaticallydownloadmalicious material queinfecteyourcomputer virus. • Whenentering a link in a comment markedunsafe, youdownloadanexecutable. Exe so it must be reset entirecomputerlosing all the informationyouhadsaved. • Someone with badintentionspassworddecryptsomeseveremisunderstandingsparaproducir social network in anyway. • A persondiscoversyourpasswordTuenti and start posting inappropriatecomments to be leftexposed. • It alsohappens that youwant to delete a particular social networkaccountwhich is no longerusing and impossible to delete the photos, videos and othercontenthaspublicado. • Borras yourYouTubeaccount and haveuploaded videos and can not be deletedever.
recommendations • To prevent this type of crime, especiallyfocusedon social networksserecomiendafromstateinstitutions: • Read the terms of use providedprivacyclausesestarseguros that the service is of sufficientquality. • Searchsafetyspecifications and data encryptionprotocols: But are visible, youshouldnotrelyon the service. • Being short oninformation that is publiclyoffering: shouldnohacerostentationor show toowilling to exchangecontacts with strangersydatos. • Be selective with newcontacts: no standardaccepted by people of Lasque nothaveanyknowledgeorreference. • Nobodygivesanythingorofferanything for free: lacomunicaciónimmediatelycut to suggestions and offers of economicorsexual.Seguro that behind it is a scam. • Do not open messages that do notofferconfidencesocialesenvíannetworkingcompaniesacceptmessages for contacts, use newapplicationsorinform, but neveraskus to deliver personal data by email. • In case youwant to modifyany of the information, not to eversincedirecciónqueoffers email service, but to go to Finder and fromtherehomepagewingservice. The directionsprovided in your e losdelincuentes are lids. • Avoidverifypasswords with thirdservices: ienotenteringpasswordsTwitterniFacebookfromGmailor Yahoo! Mail • Diversifyusername and password: Althoughuncomfortabletenerquekeeptrack of passwords, ifwe use the sameeverywhere, esmuchoeasierweenter all ourservices.
The use of social media by employees in the workplace has led in recentmonthsanongoing debate about the positive ornot the use of thesetools. The lateststudy by Evolv, a company that monitorshundreds of measurements of the Fortune 500 companies, has yieldednew data that point to the benefits and efficiencies that involve social media in dailyactivity. As Mashablereports, this reportnotonly has emerged that employeeswho use social networks are more productive per hour in general, but that the more social media are used, more performance reaches the person. Thus, employeeswhoregularly drive up to fourhour social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn, make more sales and handle more customerservicecalls that are not active in any social network. But thereremains a suspicion by mostcompanies to freedom of action in social networkswithin the work, and peepingotherhazards and problems. This has been the case these days of American newsagency Reuters, which has announced the dismissal of responsible social networking editor, Matthew Keys. The reason that has beenexplainedthrough the "misuse" of his personal Twitteraccountduring the coverage of the recentattackon the Boston Marathon and testing of federal prosecutorshavelinkedKeys in a case of conspiracylasthackactivista the groupAnonymous. The company has argued that duringtheircoverage of the bombing of the marathon, the executiveviolated performance best practicesinformation, for whichpreviouslyhadhaddifferences with the company, whichhaddemanded "animmediateimprovement in theircommunication with managers and more discretion in theirpractices in social media ". In his blog, Matthew Keyssaid: "Reuters has said he has a problem with the perceivedrelationshipbetween my Twitter and newsorganization as it is disturbing that many peopleassociate my work with the companynetwork, since that in my bioonTwittersaysI'm a journalist with Reuters ".
Reflection • humans are so-calledtheory of the Bar full, ieiftodoel a particular worldwill be full bar althoughwe go withoutthinking. Megustariadiscuss the example of Catalonia, is verycurious and is the onlycomunidadautónoma in whichTuentinotseated, as if that is Facebook. It seemsSerque at a time trend was made ofFacebook and rare is Catalan has Tuenti, oddlyextraño.Enrecent years, I'dsayspecificallysince 2008 aboutTuentiabove and a little laterFacebook is seated in the world of youth. But noesfewmonths ago, when I wouldsay that there is a boom, why do I say this? Because as web 2.0 and social networkingspecificallyhanexpandido all areas of society. For example it is curious as havetelevision All ProgramsFacebookgroup and even struggle to havemásnúmeroseguidores.Muy fan orrecommended by the way, getting a little out of the topic, the movie "The Social Network", whichtellsinthe the perfection as created the largest social networktodayycomo Mark Zukenberg is sued for stealing the idea and the exclusion of one of lossocios.Como was saying, in the professionalenvironment are increasinglyusing this social Media, even this year has spread far a newprofession, that of CommunityManagers. They are peoplewhohirelargecompanies to manage the networksusperfiles.
Gracias por ver mipresentación • Referencias: http://tuespacioelectronico.bligoo.com/ventajas-y-desventajas-del-correo-electronico#.Uaa5aZXUknU http://la-morsa.blogspot.mx/2013/04/por-que-las-redes-sociales-no-sirven.html http://www.siliconnews.es/2013/04/28/mas-pros-y-contras-de-las-redes-sociales-en-el-trabajo/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/46768647/Las-redes-sociales-pros-y-contras http://www.slideshare.net/lauramichelle/los-pros-y-los-contras-de-las-redes-4321127 http://www.slideshare.net/diegore11/pros-y-contras-de-las-redes-sociales http://www.elsiglodedurango.com.mx/noticia/325748.pros-y-contras-de-las-redes-sociales.html