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Two students are talking about buying a new pair of sneakers. ( D = Darren, F = Fanny ). Conversation. D: I’ve decided to buy a pair of Nike sneakers. They look so cool. F: Do you really need to buy such expensive shoes? There are a lot of other sneakers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Two students are talking about buying a new pair of sneakers. (D = Darren, F = Fanny) Conversation

  2. D: I’ve decided to buy a pair of Nike sneakers. They look so cool. F: Do you really need to buy such expensive shoes? There are a lot of other sneakers that are cheaper and just as comfortable. D: Well, no, I don’t have to have Nikes. I just like them, that’s all. F: I think you just want to impress other people with the Nike logo.

  3. D: But Nike makes high quality sneakers. You can’t argue with that. F: Of course not. What I mean is, are you just hoping to buy some good quality shoes? Or are you trying to impress people? D: Both, I guess. F: Well, I just need a pair of comfortable sneakers, so it’s not necessary for me to buy Nike shoes to make a good impression.

  4. D: Well, if you need to save money, that’s the best choice. F: Actually, I have enough money to buy Nikes, too. I just don’t want to spend much money trying to look cool. D: For me, looking cool is part of feeling good. F: All right. Go ahead and buy your Nikes then!

  5. Tips for You • logo [`loGo]n.[C] • (公司或組織的) 標誌

  6. I’ve decided to buy a pair of Nike sneakers. • a pair of + N 為「一雙…」,應注意後面的名詞為複數。 • 其他可用a pair of來計量的衣物包括trousers (長褲)、jeans (牛仔褲)、shoes (鞋子)、high heels (高跟鞋)、sandals (涼鞋)、slippers (拖鞋)、socks (短襪)、stockings (長襪)等。

  7. ...other sneakers that are cheaper and just as comfortable. • (1) 原句可改寫為...other sneakers that are cheaper and are just as comfortable as Nikes.。 • (2) as + Adj + as表示「與…一樣的…」。 例: ‧You can buy clothes as beautiful as mine.

  8. I just like them, that’s all. • that’s all 「如此而已」,通常放置於解釋完某件事的原因之後。例: ‧A: Why didn't you call me yesterday? B: I was busy. That's all.

  9. ...impress other people with the Nike logo. • (1) 這裡的impress是指「給人深刻的印 象」,以讓別人尊敬或仰慕。例: ‧Amelia’s speech impressed me favorably. • (2) logo指品牌的代表圖案。

  10. You can’t argue with that. • argue with 為「爭論,爭吵」之意,而with 也可以about替換。 What I mean is.... • 意為「我的意思是…」,常用於解釋自己前面所說的話,再次釐清自己想表達的重點。

  11. Both, I guess. • 這裡Darren說both的意思是他既想要有一雙舒適的球鞋,也想要讓別人印象深刻,也就是both hope to buy some good quality sneakers and try to impress people。

  12. ...buy Nike shoes to make a good impression. • make a good impression 意為「留下好的印象」,若要說給某人留下好的印象,則可以用make a good impression on sb。例: ‧Allen made a good impression on his girlfriend's parents when they first met.

  13. Go ahead and buy your Nikes then! • (1) go ahead 意為「去吧」,用於要開 始做某件事 時所說,特別是經過 計畫或得到允許之後。 • (2) then 在這裡不是「然後」之意,而 是用於一句話的結尾,表示因上面 所說所以才說這句話,表示「那 麼,既然這樣」。

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