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Cyberbullying from Venezuela Mary Lucy , Maria and Kristian. Case presentation 17.2.2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ukr8P1NiBs. ” R egular bullying ”: Physical or V erbal abuse Kicking , punching , pulling hair , Stealing property etc.
Cyberbullyingfrom VenezuelaMary Lucy, Maria and Kristian Case presentation 17.2.2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ukr8P1NiBs
”Regularbullying”: Physical orVerbalabuse Kicking, punching, pullinghair, Stealingproperty etc. Namecalling, Threats, Blackmail, Mocking etc. Physical orNonphysical Recurring Depends on theperception of thesubject. Definingbullying Cyber-bullying: Cyber-bullying is often defined as bullying using electronic forms of contact. Qualitative research showed that students aged 10 to 18 define cyberbullying as bullying through modern technological devices which (1) is intended to hurt, (2) is part of a repetitive pattern of negative actions and (3) is performed in a relationship characterized by a power imbalance. Graduine, P., Strohmeier, D., & Spiel, Ch. (2010). Definition and Measurement of Cyberbullying. Cyberpsychology: Journal of PsychosocialResearch on Cyberspace,4(2), article 1. Overlapping Picturesfrom Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliitto webpage.
Examples: Namecalling / Hatefulremarks Postingpicuresorvideos (possiblymanipulated, withoutpermission) Hategroups Excludingfrom a group Falsefulrumours/Falseinformation Harrasment To Belittle/Diminish Cheating of passwords Appearingbysomeonesname/profile Direct orIndirectthreats www.mll.fi
Perpetrator´spossibility to act anonymously Interaction withouthavingthesocialcues and restrictionsthatregulateface-to-faceinteractions. (Bullying Ian Rivers and Neil Duncan 2013). Can behard to notice/catch Commonplacephenomenon 5% of 9-16 yearoldFinnishkidssaidhadexperiencedInternetbullying. (mediataitokoulu.fi/tietopankki/kiusaaminen) EU-widestudyshowed 93% arenotbulliedneitherbullies. (EU Kids online 2011,Who bullies and who is bullied online?AnkeGörzig). According to thestudy of Vanhempainliitto in 2008 (FinnishParents' League) 19% of thebulliesdidn´tfindInternetbullying to be a seriousmatter. Safety at home? Cyber-bullying- Nothing new but in a new arena.
Case person Background: -Jorge is a 16 yearold Venezuelan boy. He studied in a prestigiousCatholicschool (Opus daioriented) only for boys, whichwaspaidbyhisparents. He lives with hisgrandmother, whohasbeentakingcare of him for manyyearsdespite the badeconomicalsituation. Jorgeuseseyeglasses, notquiteathletic, normalcontexture and rathershort, he is considerbyhisrelatives as a ”shy”boy, quiet, and reserved. Jorge hasbeen a victim of normalbullying and cyberbullying for 4 years. - For manyyears he hasbeen in silencesufferingallkind of humilliationbyhisclassmates
-Thephysicalthreats, insults and otherhumilliationweretranferred to ”online format”. -Jorgedidnothavecomputer at home, and coupleyearsagoreceived a BlackBerry(Smart mobile phone) with limited internet connection. He visited a Cybercoffee to checkhis Facebook, emails, and play online games. It wasnotpossible he couldknowwhatwas happening to him in the ”virtualworld” whereallkind of pictures of himwereridiculed and manipulated, hisidentitywasplagiarizedin severaltimes in Social Networks usinghispictures and posting ”I am a homosexualwholikes….” My a*@ is full of ”#@*”, etc. - Anytimewhen he openedhisFacebook he feltanxietybut at the sametime the need to readwhat is going on. The privateinboxalwayswasfull of threatsif he woulddelete of hisfriendslist to one of the agressors, orwhat is going to happenafterschool.
-Hewouldhavenevertalkedaboutwhatwas happening to him, untilone of the agressions in the schoolwasrecorded. The video showshow he wasinsultes, humilliated, beaten, and tortured. The video waspublished in Youtube and becamepopular and wasrepostedbymanyFacebookusers. -Somepeoplegotscadalizedwhileotherwereenjoiying the suffering of a shy and powerlessboy. The video wastakenseriously for somepeoplewhodenounced the violence. -Hechangedschool to onemixed (boys and girls), where he consider as a refuge and itseemsthat he is quitepopularthere, and encouragehispersonalitywhen he hasmorepeoplearound. -Theagressorreceived a sanctionby the Child Protection Center. Theymust to go to rehabilitationcourses for agressorduringthreemonths, and afterthattheymust to goamounts of schools to explainwhattheydid and howtheyfeelnow. At the moment, nothinghashappened to them. -Jorge’sfeelingsareverysensitive, he neverwasworriedabouthis person, only to the damagethattheycouldmake to hisbelongingswhichhisgrandmotherbought with sacrifies. He alsotold me thoughtSkype ”I felt a devilgrowing inside me, anytimethattheytook my glassesoff”. Thiswas the firsttimethatJorgeopenedhisfeelingsabout the situation.
Descripion of the bullying • Created a profile in hisname. • Postedpictures on the internet withouthimknowing • HateEmails. • Threats and harrasment. • He wasphysicallyattacked. The assaultwasrecorded and postedonline. • Threatingnot to removefromfacebook.
Repercussions and current situation • Afraid of use of technology (anxiety, panic, etc.) • Depression, panicattacks, resentment • Video • Socialization • New school. New life? • Is he beingbullyed at thismoment?
Prevention www.poliisi.fi/nettipoliisi • Save the evidence • Don’t respond or retaliate • Attempt to identify the cause • Block the bully • Change your account settings • Tell the person to stop • Don’t wait too long to ask for help • If someone you know is being bullied, take action • Use available tech tools • Talk to your school administrators • Report the bully to your service providers
For parents • Provide support if a child is cyber-bullied • Teach kids to get adult help anytime they see unsafe behavior on the Internet • Stay aware of and involved with what your child is doing • Be clear about the rules for using technology • Practice how to speak up to stop cyber-bulling • Respond thoughtfully, not fast • The ultimate goal is restored self-respect and greater resilience in your child. This, not getting someone punished, is the best focus for resolving the problem and helping your child heal. What your child needs most is to regain a sense of dignity. Sometimes that means standing up to the bully, sometimes not. Together, you and your child can figure out how to get there
References • Confronting Cyber-Bullying. Shaheen Shariff. (2009) • Bullying. Experiences and discourses of sexuality and gender. Ian Rivers. Neil Duncan (2013). • Netin Pimeä Puoli. Ari Haasio (2013). • Graduine, P., Strohmeier, D., & Spiel, Ch. (2010). Definition and Measurement of Cyberbullying. Cyberpsychology: Journal of PsychosocialResearch on Cyberspace,4(2), article 1. http://www.cyberpsychology.eu/view.php?cisloclanku=2010112301 • Cyberbullying experiences on-the-go: When social media can become distressing Anke Görzig, Lara A. Frumkin • http://www.cyberpsychology.eu/view.php?cisloclanku=2013022801 • Görzig, Anke (2011) Who bullies and who is bullied online?: a study of 9-16 year old internet users in 25 European countries. EU Kids Online network, London, UK. • http://www.mll.fi/kasvattajille/ • http://www.mediataitokoulu.fi/tietopankki/kiusaaminen/ • http://www.Poliisi.fi/nettipoliisi
The End Have a niceday!