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DEVELOPMENT OF 1- 4KM RESOLUTION DATA ASSIMILATION FOR NOWCASTING AT THE MET OFFICE. Sue Ballard, September 2005 Z. Li, M. Dixon, S.Swarbrick, O.Stiller and H. Lean Met Office, JCMM, Reading University. Contents. Aim of high resolution convective scale system 4km UK 2005, 1km ~ 2008-2010
DEVELOPMENT • OF 1- 4KM RESOLUTION DATA ASSIMILATION FOR NOWCASTING AT THE MET OFFICE Sue Ballard, September 2005 Z. Li, M. Dixon, S.Swarbrick, O.Stiller and H. Lean Met Office, JCMM, ReadingUniversity
Contents • Aim of high resolution convective scale system • 4km UK 2005, 1km ~ 2008-2010 • Trial system – small domains • Data assimilation options • Trial results • Impact of data assimilation • Impact of relative humidity and latent heat nudging • Scale selective assimilation • Conclusions
4 km 38 levels Mass-limited convection 1 km 76 levels Resolved convection High Resolution Trial Model
Current HRTM Assimilation Options 12 km 3D-Var Data Assimilation With or without moisture and Latent Heat Nudging (LHN) using AC scheme (referred to as MOPS data – moisture observation processing system) i.e. spin up 4km, 1km from 12km T+1 each cycle. 4km 3D-VAR with continuous cycles with or without MOPS 1km with nudged reconfigured 4km increments using IAU With or without LHN and moisture nudging using AC scheme • IAU – increments output from 3D-Var and fixed over time window • AC scheme – increments depend on latest model fields so vary with timestep through weighting factor and model evolution/impact of data
3D-Var system including MOPS RH and LH nudging via AC scheme Conventional observations 3D-Var (FGAT) Obs window 3 hour f/c: background Hourly ModelOb IAU T-2 T+2 T-3 T+3 T-1 T+0 T+1 Previous analysis Next analysis NudgingRH & Latent heat AC scheme/UM 3D cloud fraction Surface rainrate
6hr accumulations from13Z to 19Z 16/8/04 from 12UTC analysis With 4km 3D-Var +MOPS radar Spun-up from 12km T+1 Rain rates at 14.30 UTC from 12UTC analysis
Accumulated precipitation 19-20UTC 27th April 2004 From 18UTC analysis Impact of MOPS data radar No MOPS With MOPS
Assimilation 12 and 4km with MOPS Spin - up 1km domain average Rainrate 15UTC 13th May 1003 Assimilation 12 and 4km No MOPS
Domain average rain rates 7 Cases x 4 cycles summer 2004 Prognostic rain (1 and 4km) Increased wt MOPS (12,4,1km) 4 Cases x 8 cycles summer 2003 1km no MOPS Black – radarBlue 12 km Green – 4km Orange -1km Dashed – spinup
Domain average rain rates 4 Cases x 8 cycles summer 2003 Prognostic rain (1 and 4km) Increased wt MOPS (12,4,1km) 7 Cases x 4 cycles summer 2004 Prognostic rain (1 and 4km) Increased wt MOPS (12,4,1km) Black – radarBlue 12 km Green – 4km Orange -1km Dashed – spinup
T+2 Forecast precipitation rate for 20UTC 27April 2004 12km 4km 1km radar Water Loading + Reduced MOPS wts
T+4 Forecast precipitation rate for 22UTC 27April 2004 12km 4km 1km radar Water Loading + Reduced MOPS wts
Statistics for 4 cycles of assimilation and forecast data time9,12,15,18UTC 27 April 2004 Orange dashed 4km Orange 4km Water loading Reduced MOPS wt Blue 12km Black radar Area average Precipitation rate For radar area Skill score for radar area for accumulation greater than 2mm against sampling radius Orange 4km Water loading Reduced wt MOPS blue 12km Orange 4km blue12km
theta inc “new” 4km analysis /12km back 12km analysis standard 4km analysis doesn’t see obs outside domain Zero at boundary Scale selective analysis Problem of small domain “new” 4km analysis /4km back & half length 12km long waves 4km short wave analysis
Impact of S-band radar radial wind datav-component of velocity at 410m 12km analysis 4km standard Scale selective Radar data In 12km and 4km Scale Selective Radar in 4km only
Conclusions • Need 1-4km to capture small scale severe events • Need DA to overcome spin-up of explicit convection • However long range forecasts can be better than short range • MOPS RH & LHN improves locations but amounts too high • At 1-4km and worse with prognostic rain • Needs further development but ideally want to use assimilation of cloud and precipitation in 3D-Var and 4D-Var • Model explicit convection overdoes rates (?) • Need to combine synoptic scale and convective analysis • Need to move towards full analysis for 1km model • Ideally want 4D-Var or EnKF - Start with 3D-Var • need to resolve problems seen with 4km first • Use reduced vertical resolution (and horizontal?) for analysis? • High resolution data • Balance and background errors