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Learning unit:2 Socialization- The Development of Children and Adults. Definition of Socialization. Process whereby children learn to establish and maintain rships with others, To get along with people, and To adapt their behavior to meet society's codes and standards (society specific).
Learning unit:2 Socialization- The Development of Children and Adults
Definition of Socialization • Process whereby children learn to establish and maintain rships with others, • To get along with people, and • To adapt their behavior to meet society's codes and standards (society specific)
Exercise on Socialization • Imagine you are going to a traditional african wedding-what would you do, how would you behave? • Imagine you are going to an Indian wedding-what would you do? How would you behave? • If you were eating supper at home with your family who would sit where and who would eat first? Who would clear the dishes and do the washing up? • The process by which you acquired these rules of behavior is called socialization.
Integration • Is the various functions people use to become accepted members of society • Young children use socialization and integration to fit into society. • Who helped you to integrate into society?
Socialization Of Children • socialization and integration impt. • Socialization is life long proc-people learn rules of b by interacting with others • Socialization teaches to form rships, get along with people and adapt behavior to societal codes and standards • Acc to Damon and Lerner(2006) in early life children encounter people and circumstances that steer them towards socialization and integration to society.
Socialization Through Sport Exercise-can you think of an instance in which you were socialized through sport Think of an example where you learned how to behave through the influence of sport Children become socialized into sport by hearing positive stories of sport form their parents. Sporting heroes of parents adopted by children even if they have never seen the hero. Seeing athletes as heroes is one egs of how socialization can influence people.
Socialization most effective when enforced by family, peer grps, school, media. • We learn DIRECTLY from those who inform us of expectations of proper b and INDIRECTLY from observing others. • Jarvis(1999) extent to which children are socialized into sport depends on the culture-Muslim women excluded from British sport. Japanese children –team members
Negative Socialisation • Studies in 1950s-1980s-sport encouraged dev of +ve personality traits, reduced delinquents,promoted personal achievement and moral values in children • findings are now challenged-poor research methods. • Most believe sport promotes positive socialization-no evidence to prove this. Acc to Horne(2006) little proof that harmful
Positive Deviance (Hugh and Coakley, 1996) term used to explain why some cheat or use illegal drugs to improve performance. • Because of competitive nature of sport they are so determined to win that they break the spirit of sport in order to win • (Hugh and Coakleys research in 1996)
But is sport is a positive influence why do some not participate or have a negative attitude to sport. • The answer lies in how they were socialized towards sport. • Child who is picked last for teams or always loses doesn’t have a good attitude to sport
Acc to Jarvis (1999) childerninternalsie the fdbk they get from adults. If they are criticised for their play this can reinforce a negative self image which can affect their soc rshps. • There are many reasons that sport may not be a positive character building exp for a child-this is why the idea that sport plays a positive role in socialistion is not always true.
Sport and Self Development • Early chldhd is critical in dev of the self • People closest to child has the most impact on childssocialisation • This is the primary grp of family, teachers and care givers • Later in life includes media, employment, religion • In this way identities of inds are socially constructed.
To maintain an id it must be worked on in a grp-team captain only exists in ateam • The ind must aslo do what is expecetde of that role- • Acc to Delany and Morgan ( 2006)people maintain their “self-label” or identity to understand hwo others see them and this idfentity remains as long as they interact with this grp
Egs??? • Mod8ifiactiosn to self identity are necessary –people adjust roles to meet requirements of membership to a new grp. • Cultural impt given to sport –inds have their ids tied directly or indirectly to sport-athlete
Effects of sport on identity and self image not fully understood yet. Sport achievement related to masculine ideal. Boys excel at sports seen as more masculine and are more accepted by peers. Boys who don’t play sport must find others to establish an id that will promote integration into primary social grp and society. Sport is given much importance in society and ids that do not include sport seldom given same status as that of athlete.
Sport and Child Development • Sport and physical education are impt to early child dev • Skills learnt during play, sport and physical ed contribute to holistic dev • Thru playing sport yp learn values of honesty, teamwk, fair play, self respect and respect of others and adherence to rules.
Sport helps children learn how to deal with competition and to cope with winning and losing- social and moral dev • Lots of evidence shows that sport had positive effects on health, growth and dev
Sport and Adolescent Development • Time between childhd and adulthd • 11/12-late teens/early twenties • Time of physical and cognitive growth crucial to socialization proc • Ind searches for own id • Infl of parents decrease and peer infl increase
Acc to Adams and Berzonsky(2006)sport can play a significant role in dev of adolescents • Sport teaches values of responsibility, conformity, risk-taking, conformity and self control • Sport is impt to many-spend time on it willingly-inds learn best when doing what they enjoy
Sport is not a magic wand in adolescent dev- • The participation, interaction with others, rshp with coach and way the sport is experience by the adolescent is imp in self dev • For positive outcome the sport must be managed well by those in charge-or it can be a negative experience
Positive life skills-goal setting, communication, dealing with probs and conflict can be learned via healthy participation in sport. • Ability to transfer these skills from sport to daily life is impt.