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Robust Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Thermal-Visible Surveillance Videos

Robust Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Thermal-Visible Surveillance Videos. Alex Leykin and Riad Hammoud. Goal. Create a pedestrian tracker that operates in: Varying illumination conditions Crowded environment To achieve it we create a fusion pedestrian tracker that uses input from: IR camera

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Robust Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Thermal-Visible Surveillance Videos

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  1. Robust Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Thermal-Visible Surveillance Videos Alex Leykin and Riad Hammoud

  2. Goal Create a pedestrian tracker that operates in: • Varying illumination conditions • Crowded environment To achieve it we create a fusion pedestrian tracker that uses input from: • IR camera • RGB camera Our approach consists of two stages: adaptive fusion background model blob array Bayesian tracker

  3. Related Work Fusion background model: • Y.Owechko, S.Medasani, and N.Srinivasa “Classifier swarms for human detection in infrared imagery”, OTCBVS 2004 • M.Yasuno, N.Yasuda, andM.Aoki “Pedestrian detection and tracking in far infrared images” OTCBVS 2004 • C. Dai, Y. Zheng, X. Li “Layered Representation for Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Infrared Imagery” OTCBVS 2005 • J.Davis, V.Sharma “Fusion-based Background Subtraction Using Contour Saliency”, OTCBVS 2005 Bayesian formulation: • J. Deutscher, B. North, B. Bascle and A. Blake “Tracking through singularities and discontinuities by random sampling”, ICCV 1999 • A. Elgammal and L. S. Davis, “Probabilistic Framework for Segmenting People Under Occlusion”, ICCV 2001. • M. Isard, J. MacCormick, “BraMBLe: a Bayesian multiple-blob tracker”, ICCV 2001 • T. Zhao, R. Nevatia “Tracking Multiple Humans in Crowded Environment”, CVPR 2004

  4. codebook codeword Background Model Two stacks of codeword values (codebooks) • Color • μRGB • Ilow • Ihi • Thermal • thigh • tlow

  5. Adaptive Background Update • Match pixel p to the codebook b • If there is no match create new codeword • Else update the codeword with new pixel information • If >1 matches then merge matching codewords • Remove the codeword if it had not appeared for a prolonged period of time • Discard infrequent codewords • Exclude p from update if it corresponds to a currently tracked body I(p) > Ilow I(p) < Ihigh (RGB(p)∙ μRGB) < TRGB t(p)/thigh > Tt1 t(p)/tlow > Tt2

  6. Subtraction Results Color model only Combined color and thermal model

  7. state prior probability observation likelihood Tracking Location of each pedestrian is estimated probabilistically based on: • Current image • Model of pedestrians • Model of obstacles The goal of our tracking system is to find the candidate state x` (a set of bodiesalong with their parameters) which, given the last known state x, will best fitthe current observation z P(x’| z, x) = P(z|x’) · P(x’|x)

  8. Tracking – Accepting the State x’ and x candidate and current states P(x) stationary distribution of Markov chain mt proposal distribution Candidate proposal state x’is drawn with probability mt(x’|x) and then accept it with the probability α(x, x’)

  9. body coordinatesare weighted uniformlywithin the rectangular region R of the floor map. U(x)R and U(y)R  variation from Kalman predicted position d(xt, x’t−1) and d(y, y’t−1) Tracking: Priors Constraintson the body parameters: N(hμ, hσ2) and N(wμ,wσ2)body width andheight Temporal continuity: d(wt, wt−1) and d(ht, ht−1) variation from the previous size N(μdoor, σdoor) distance to the closest door (for new bodies)

  10. Tracking Likelihoods: Distance weight plane Problem: blob trackers ignore blob position in 3D (see Zhao and Nevatia CVPR 2004) Solution: employ “distance weight plane” Dxy = |Pxyz, Cxyz| where P and C are world coordinates of the camera and reference point correspondingly and

  11. Tracking Likelihoods: Z-buffer 0 = background, 1=furthermost body, 2 = next closest body, etc

  12. Tracking: Likelihoods Color observation likelihood is based on the Bhattacharya distance between candidate and observed color histograms Implementation of z-buffer (Z) and distance weight plane (D) allows to compute multiple-body configuration with one computationally efficient step. Let I - set of all blob pixels O - set of body pixels Then

  13. Tracking: Jump-Diffuse Transitions • Add a new body • Delete a body • Recover a recently deleted body • Change body dimensions • Change body position

  14. H t t t-1 t-1 Tracking: Anisotropic Weighted Mean Shift Classic Mean-Shift Our Mean-Shift

  15. Results

  16. Results

  17. Results

  18. Conclusions A method to fuse visible and thermal inputs for background model creation: • robust to illumination changes • adaptive • computationally efficient (30fps+) A novel formulation of priors in MCMC particle filter:

  19. Future Work • Extend binary background mask with foreground probability values • Incorporate these probabilities into appearance-based fitness equation for particle filter-based tracker • Utilize tracklet stitching to decrease the number of broken paths

  20. Thank you!

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