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IEEE Reliability Society (IEEE RS) Standards Status and Opportunities to Collaborate

IEEE Reliability Society (IEEE RS) Standards Status and Opportunities to Collaborate. Lou Gullo July 27, 2009. Recommendation for 982 Section 4.1.3. No activity since last year Alan Nikora was chair Assign responsibility to RS RS will assign our own to chair

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IEEE Reliability Society (IEEE RS) Standards Status and Opportunities to Collaborate

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  1. IEEE Reliability Society (IEEE RS) Standards Statusand Opportunities to Collaborate Lou Gullo July 27, 2009

  2. Recommendation for 982Section 4.1.3 • No activity since last year • Alan Nikora was chair • Assign responsibility to RS • RS will assign our own to chair • RS will seek WG participation from CS and other societies • RS will initiate the PAR as soon as the WG is formed…tentative date 1/1/10

  3. Active Standards Status • IEEE 1633 (Recommended Practice on Software Reliability) • Published in 2008 • IEEE 1624 (Organizational Reliability Capability) • Published in 2009 • IEEE 1332 (Reliability Program) • Revision in progress • IEEE 1413 (Standard for Reliability Predictions) • Revision in progress – Balloting to start in Aug 2009 • IEEE 1413.1 (Guide for Reliability Predictions) • Activity to begin when 1413 is done.

  4. Opportunities to Collaborate IEEE CS & RS • IEEE CS • IEEE 982 • IEEE 15288 • IEEE 12207 • IEEE 15026 • IEEE RS • IEEE 1332 • IEEE 1467 (revitalized) • Other organizations • MIL-HDBK-217 working group • Power Society - IEEE 500 (revitalized) • Other Ideas?

  5. Revenue from Standards • How much revenue does IEEE collect for standards, by standard number? Where does this revenue go? • Major drawback in standards development – IEEE does not reinvest revenue from standards into the working groups that did the work • IEEE 500 – PES could not support it so standard was archived • Some standards require considerable funding create them and keep them maintained • Government wants to off-load standards to industry and funds may be provided • Would IEEE SA consider funding study groups and working groups to develop standards where significant revenue will follow?

  6. Latest Developments • Recently, I spoke to Bill Tonti, IEEE, about the revenues generated by IEEE from the efforts of its working groups • Bill is looking into the question of standards revenue • 2 societies were chosen to evaluate the cost benefit ratios – PES and RS • Determine their revenue to expense ratios including all aspects of each, but not company funded expense. • Understand the expenses - there is Standards staff cost, facility expenses, Society costs, personal expenses, etc

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