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Working together in Local Partnerships. Working Together in existing partnerships;. Extended Schools Academies Sports Partnerships School Consortiums Local SEN Clusters DSPL Headteacher Consortia.
Working Together in existing partnerships; Extended Schools Academies Sports Partnerships School Consortiums Local SEN Clusters DSPL Headteacher Consortia
In the context of a rapidly changing political & financial landscape what will future partnerships look like? Do we.... Take the independent academy approach? or Work together to find collaborative solutions? or Combine both approaches
Working Together in local partnerships To do nothing and wait and see or to hope someone else does it for us is not really an option Do nothing – Nothing will happen
Local Authority re-organisation. • Herts targeted services (ITS teams) will reorganise into multi-disciplinary teams, grouped and managed on a district basis. • The new teams will significantly reduce management costs, make front line services more accessible to schools and reduce the current bureaucratic burden. • The LA will consult to devolve funding for targeted services, moving to a ‘buy back’ arrangement by April 2013, or earlier if at all possible. Integrated targeted Support teams (ITS Teams) will provide tier 2 services; EP, SEND, ESTMA & plans to develop an integrated Attendance & behaviour resource based on existing ESCs.
2013+ Core services = integration and SEND services. . • Attendance and Pupil Support Service. • Statutory Services; • Additional Services and support • Cost per pupil £.....
Working Together in local partnerships – beyond targeted services.... ? A possible solution Schools Forum have identified some limited funding for the next two years (2011/13) to help develop local partnerships at a district or more local level. This will give groups of schools the capacity they need to establish practical partnership working, or to review or strengthen existing partnerships.
Local Partnerships The Offer Funding to employ a Partnership Development Officer and admin. support for up to 2 years Funding to deploy a team of School Family Workers
Role of the Partnership & the Lead school • Deploy the resource allocated to district/local partnership to develop working arrangements between groups of schools in order that they plan/commission universal and targeted services. This will include the employment of a development officer who will: • facilitate the partnership development • support the establishment of a partnership management board (initially a small group of head teachers) • line manage and deploy the school family workers across the schools if these staff are employed through lead school arrangements • develop a mechanism to monitor outcomes and the effectiveness of the ITST’s in meeting local need on behalf of the partnership of schools and secure pathways for children and young people stepping down from the ITST’s team interventions. This will be achieved through termly meetings with the ITST’s team manager • Employ the school family workers and deploy their services across the schools within the partnership to meet the needs of children and their families as identified by local needs data or be responsible for commissioning the ITST’s to do so
Working Together The Partnership Development Manager The funding will be paid to a lead school(s) for a district or more local group as determined locally through an SLA with the LA. It will be up to the schools in each DP/LSDP area to decide how to best use these resources based on the requirements and outcomes shown: To deliver a range of services eg family support, sports partnerships, special provision for children with SEND (DSPL), to remove barriers to learning through the development of an effective partnership(s) at a district or local level. Provide for the deployment and day to day management of a team of School Family Workers (SFWs) Facilitate the development of a social enterprise or similar entity to ensure the sustainability of any partnership working that is developed To seek sources of revenue and grant funding. To develop links with the voluntary sector To support the development of community services To develop links with other statutory bodies eg. Police, health To monitor outcomes and effectiveness of ITS in meeting local needs as set out in the ITS service specification To prepare and support schools in the actual commissioning of targeted services in the future.
Funding available to develop partnerships. • 52,000-80,000 per district potentially to fund; Full time H9 Local Partnership Manager + 25 hr admin support (H2). • £1,740,000 across LA to fund; H5 School Family Worker posts (50 – 75 posts across LA)
Local Partnerships How might these work? Option 1 Schools in a district/borough have set up or set up their own ‘Management Board’* and through a lead school are given the full amount funding to directly deliver the above. Option 2 Schools in a district/borough have set up or set up a ‘Management Board’* with a lead school and agree to deploy the staffing to deliver the above but commission the LA to employ the staff. See appendix one for the HCC Unit costs for a FTE M1. Option 3 In a District where the majority of schools elect to collaborate at a LSDP rather than a district level Each LSDP sets up a management board, and agrees to deliver the above outcomes/requirements on either an option 1 or option 2 basis. Option 4 If the majority of schools in a DP/LSDP are not ready to form a partnership from September 2011, the Strategy Manager (LSDPs/extended services) would work with schools in the area, deploying the allocated resources appropriate to their local circumstances with the aim of exploring whether or not it is possible to establish such a partnership in the transitional period. * A ‘Management Board’ is a small group of headteachers who agree to work together with the support of their colleagues to develop and deliver local services.
Local Partnerships & School Family Workers The funding will be allocated to each District Council area using a formula that reflects need. It will be up to the schools in each District Council area to decide how to best use these resources based on the requirements and outcomes shown: To employ a team of Family Workers to deliver the requirements shown in the job description To achieve this there are a number of options that can be chosen based on where a district is at present with its approach to partnership working. Option 1 Schools in a district/LSDP have set up or set up their own ‘Management Board’ and are given the full amount of funding to employ manage and deliver the SFW Service. Option 2 Schools in a DP/LSDP have set up or set up a ‘Management Board’ and agrees to deploy the staffing to deliver the SFW service but asks the LA to employ and manage the staff. Option 3 If schools in a DP/LSDP area are not ready to work in partnership, the Strategy Manager (LSDPs/extended services) as the budget holder will commission ITST to provide the service for the two year transitional period on behalf of those schools. * A ‘Management Board’ is a small group of headteachers who agree to work together with the support of their colleagues to develop and deliver local services.
What Happens in 2013? The LA is proposing to delegate almost all funding to schools by this time and schools will have to procure and buy into arrangements for a range of services – very similar to academies. Many primary schools will find that their share of the funding is too small to use effectively therefore the ability to combine resources and procure a cost effective service will be very important
Sept 2011 2013 Integrated Service Teams (tier 2) Entitlement (EP, ESTMA, AIO, SEN, ETC) OR Integrated Service Teams (tier 2) Entitlement to every school (EP, ESTMA, Attend & Behaviour, SEN, ETC) Partnership Development Officer School Family Worker team Counsellors Extended services (eg. holiday clubs, after -ch child care) Additional services identified as needs (eg; speech therapy, Learning mentors, etc) Integrated Service Teams (tier 2) Entitlement to every school (EP, ESTMA, AIO, SEN, ETC) Partnership Development manager (district) School Family Workers (x 50-75) • Budgets • Requirement for FCO? • Every Child Matters • Curriculum • Future of LA • Future funding/central government • Academies • Engagement OR Integrated Service Teams (tier 2) Entitlement (EP, ESTMA, AIO, SEN, ETC) Buy back
Developing Local Partnerships... Develop a District-wide approach/establish partnerships ? Take the opportunities offered ? Agree a way forward? Practical Steps Hold an initial meeting Consult all schools Create (a) ‘Management Board/s’? Agree how to deploy the resources? Agree an action plan?
Reminder of time scales • March – Opportunity for schools to discuss & decide how to go forward. • May 4th– Expressions of interest to lead partnerships submitted by schools • May 27th – Service Level Agreement contracts and funding for Local partnerships agreed. • By July 22nd – appoint partnership development officers, admin & Family Workers • Sept 1st – Begin to deliver service to schools