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Protestant Reformation

Protestant Reformation. Background on Christianity. Rooted in Jewish tradition/Torah and the person of Jesus of Nazareth Jesus – rabbi? who encouraged ethical self sacrifice – Love God Love others Care for the vulnerable/outcastes. Gospels.

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Protestant Reformation

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  1. Protestant Reformation

  2. Background on Christianity • Rooted in Jewish tradition/Torah and the person of Jesus of Nazareth • Jesus – rabbi? who encouraged ethical self sacrifice – • Love God • Love others • Care for the vulnerable/outcastes

  3. Gospels • Many stories written about the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth • Canon of 4 gospels established 4th century CE • Place Jesus as Messiah of Judaism; also: son of God and resurrection

  4. Paul (Saul of Tarsus) • Proclaims special revelation: Jesus’ message meant to be universal – not just for the Jews • Travels & begins inclusion of Gentiles in synagogues…eventually separate churches • Some conflict with Jerusalem church

  5. Letters / Epistles • Most from Paul • Advice to early church communities • How to live in the world • Imminent 2nd coming of the Christ (Messiah/Savior) • By 2nd century – church leaders begin collecting manuscripts

  6. Christianity in power • 315 CE – Edict of Milan – Constantine Christianity becomes legal • 325 CE Council of Nicaea – uniform Christian doctrine • Later 4th century (Emperor Theodosius) Christianity becomes state religion of Roman Empire • 382 CE – Latin Vulgate: New Testament

  7. Christological disputes • What is the Nature of Christ? • “Heresies” – unofficial ideas/ ideas that go against official church Eg: Nestorians, Arians • Nicene creed meant to settle • Eventually  doctrine of the Trinity

  8. Early Middle Ages • Roman Catholic/Latin Church becomes unifying factor among Germanic tribes & others • Charlemagne sees himself as the military protector of the Church • High Middle Ages- church power at height

  9. Great east-west Schism • 1054 – Latin West v. Byzantine Emp • Latin Church (Roman Catholic) • Eastern Orthodox • Excommunicated each other; • After 1453 – Moscow/Muscovy declared self center of Orthodoxy

  10. Scholasticism • Reconciling classical reasoning (Aristotle) and Christian faith • Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica • Forms the theological basis of the Roman Catholic Church

  11. Corruption v. Heresy • Wealth & power of upper clergy (nobles) • Investiture: simony & nepotism • Lack of discipline among clergy • Lack of education/knowledge among clergy • Avignon Papacy & Great Schism

  12. “Heretics” • John Wycliffe – theology prof @ Oxford • English translation of NT • John Huss – theology prof @ Prague • Burned at the stake • This heresy: objected to worldliness of clergy; advocated personal salvation; challenge to church authority

  13. Northern Renaissance • Renaissance Humanism outside of Italy: • Different emphasis – concern over problems in society • Search for more personal religious practices • “New Monarchies”

  14. The Protestant Reformation ended the unity of the Christian church in the West – • Christianity was eventually fragmented into dozens of denominations… • Why did Christian unity come to an end and how did that impact society?

  15. Origins of the Reformation • Began in German states because it lacked a strong central government • Holy Roman Empire included over 300 semi-independent states • Some wanted independence from the Holy Roman Empire • Weak emperor could not control independent ideas about religion within the German states

  16. Martin Luther • started Reformation • German monk, became professor of theology at University of Wittenberg • Came to believe inJustification By Faith: a person could be made just, or good, simply by faith in God's mercy and love • How did it start…?

  17. Selling Indulgences • Pope Leo X sold church positions and indulgences to raise money for the church • Indulgences- certificates issued by the Church that were said to reduce or evencancel punishment for a person's sin

  18. People purchased indulgences, believing it insured them a spot in heaven • John Tetzel, Church's agent for selling indulgences in N.Germany, promised peasants that indulgences would relieve them of guilt for future sins….

  19. Could also buy indulgences for salvation of their dead relatives! - "Once you hear the money's ring, the soul from purgatory is free to spring." • Purgatory- place in the afterlife where people are made fit for heaven

  20. October 31, 1517: nailed on door of Wittenberg Church the 95 Theses – arguments to debate -Criticized sale of indulgences Printed copies of Theses spread Luther’s Protest

  21. justification by faith only God’s grace through Christ saves; no amount of good works could do it... priesthood of all believers all Christians are equal before God these ideas challenged basic church doctrine…that is, they were heresy Two Main Teachings of Luther

  22. The Empire Strikes Back! • 1521: Pope Excommunicated Luther • Diet of Worms (Germany) - tried to get Luther to recant criticisms • Luther refused; condemned as a heretic • Went into hiding; translated Bible into German

  23. Emphasizedsalvation byfaith alone Bible only source of religious truth Church = community of individual believers Stressedfaith and good works in salvation Church authority & teachings important as spiritual guide Church = clerical hierarchy Lutheranism vs. Catholicism

  24. All occupations were vocations in which people could serve God Ministers – guides only baptism &communion Priesthood only calling in which people could serve God Priests – special powers administer 7 sacraments Lutheranism vs. Catholicism

  25. Religious War • Luther’s conflict with the church led to violence • Peasants revolted - the Lutheran princes crushed the rebellion • Civil War between the HRE supported by Catholic princes & the Lutheran princes • 1555 Peace of Augsburg – gave each German prince the authority to chose the religion of his state (Cath. or Luth)

  26. The Spread of Protestantism

  27. Huldrych Zwingli • Swiss priest wanted to break completely with Catholic tradition and the Holy Roman Empire • 1525 established a protestant THEOCRACY(church-run state) in Zurich, Switzerland • 1531 died in battle between Catholics & Protestants

  28. John Calvin • Frenchman who fled to Switzerland • argued that God determines fate of every person before born- • PREDESTINATION • Those predestined (chosen beforehand) were called “the elect” • Calvin turned Geneva into model religious community (theocracy)

  29. Consistory (Church council) required citizens to attend services; inspected homes - Geneva earned title "City of God."

  30. While Lutheranism spread in Northern Germany and Scandinavia • Calvinism spread into Scotland (presbyterians), England (puritans), Netherlands (Dutch Reformed) especially • Huguenots were Calvinists in France

  31. John Knox • Leader of the Reformation in Scotland • Founded Presbyterian Churchbased on Calvin’s teachings • Presbytery - group of elected decision makers of the church • “Priesthood of all believers” --equality

  32. Anabaptists • Only baptizedadultmembers • Denied authority of local governments to direct their lives - said Christ was their only authority (separation of church and state) • 1534 - radical Anabaptists seizedpower in German city of Munster (burned books, took property) Lutherans & Catholics united to crush them

  33. Sketch of the 1535 execution of leaders of the sect in Münster, and photo of the church where their corpses were displayed. The cages still remain.

  34. Henry VIII • England’s King Henry wanted to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon for not producing a male heir to the throne (daughter: Mary) • Catholic Church forbade divorce - refused to dissolve Henry’s marriage

  35. Henry withdrew England from Catholic Church married Anne Boleyn and created a new church  • Act of Supremacy - Parliament created Church of England (Anglican Church) with king as its head • King took church lands and abolished monasteries • important Englishmen were required to swear oath accepting king as head of the church instead of the Pope...

  36. Sir Thomas More - • King Henry’s former chancellor who refused to take the oath…. • As humanist believed in religious tolerance - but was loyal to the Catholic Church • (author of Utopia!) • Beheaded for treason

  37. Henry’s wives & Children • Catherine of Aragon Mary • Anne Boleyn Elizabeth • Jane Seymour Edward • Anne of Cleves • Catherine Howard • Catherine Parr Son Edward inherited throne 1st Div Beh Died Div Beh Surv

  38. Changes in the English Church • Henry was NOT a protestant • The English church was separated from the Roman Catholic Church • But few changes were allowed in the church by Henry • However, changes were made during the reign of Henry’s son and the English church became protestant

  39. Edward VI – under a regent • The boy king, Edward, was under a regent because of his minority • The 1st regent – his uncle – introduced Protestant reforms into the church: • English liturgy – Anglican Prayer Book • Salvation by faith • Images, ornamentation & much ritual removed • When sickly Edward died at 16 some protestant nobles attempted to keep his sister Mary from inheriting the throne because she was Catholic

  40. { Lady Jane Grey} • Edward’s 15 year old cousin Lady Jane Grey was claimed Queen by some dominant nobles • Duke of Northumberland had arranged a marriage between her and his son, Guilford Dudley • But quickly people rallied to the support of the rightful heir, Mary Tudor • Troops abandoned Jane for Mary • Guilford & Jane were executed for treason • She had been queen 9 days

  41. Mary I • Catholic daughter of Catherine of Aragon • Married to Catholic Philip II of Spain • Sought to revive Catholicism • Protestants revolted • Persecution of Protestants led to her being known as: • Bloody Mary

  42. Elizabeth I (1558-1603) • 25 years old; ruled 45 years! • Protestant;re-established the Anglican Church as the National Church • “The Virgin Queen” never married because…. • “Courted” the English people • Emphasized loyalty for England over religion

  43. Subject of assassination plots • 1587 – forced to give the order to execute her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots • Catholic Mary (Stuart) had been living in England after haven been driven from Scotland by scandal • Mary communicated with Catholic Spain who wanted Elizabeth dead so Mary could take the throne

  44. War with Spain! • After Mary’s execution, Spain attempted an invasion with their feared “invincible” Armada (navy) • English “pirates” had been attacking Spanish ships and New World ports • The Armada was defeated by the weather and the smaller, faster English ships

  45. Other Religious Wars • Spain tries to put down Protestantism in the Netherlands • Dutch Netherlands eventually gains independence from Spain • France endures religious wars through 4 kings – eventually protestants (Huguenots) are given some religious freedom – for a while…

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