1. Training and Assessment Training Package
Where are we at?
2. The Context Fifteen years of reform
Workplace Trainer Cat 1
Workplace Trainer Cat 2
Assessor Competency Standards
Competency Standards for Assessment
Training Package for Assessment and Workplace Training
Training and Assessment Training Package
3. Current Situation The importance of the qualification has augmented with each iteration.
TAA is the core qualification for teachers and trainers in VET.
Dominant qualification in the market place.
4. What do we think about the TAA? High risk qualification TAA trainers and assessors responsible for the training and assessing the TAA competencies of all other VET trainers and assessors
Continue to be questions around quality of Certificate lV in TAA
Issues include quality of people delivering; rigor of assessments; length of program
5. What are we doing about it? States continue to rely on an auditing model of quality assurance.
RTOs obsessed with evidence for the next audit
IBSA and the training package continuous improvement project and now fit for purpose review.
6. Is a different approach possible? Interventions rely on a top down approach
Is this the best way to handle quality issues?
Contemporary approaches emphasis on employees/professionals finding solutions
7. Some Ideas to DebateFor the Individual TAA Professional Professionalise the TAA trainer
Continuous improvement as part of AQTF 2007 onus on the RTO and staff.
Put responsibility on individual
Necessity for TAA trainers and assessors to belong to a TAA association
Necessity to participate in continuing PD
Possible spin offs better pay scale, blacklisting of those who dont participate
8. Some Ideas to DebateFor the TAA RTO Engender collaboration amongst TAA RTOs how?
Authorities insist moderation/validation of assessments with 2 other RTOs
In effect a peer review of activities
Authorities to establish parameters and template for moderation/validation process