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Linguistics. Aleksandra Kasztalska akasztal @ purdue.edu. Rule ordering. Rules with features. Identifying features. Morpho . trees. Surprise me!. Compounds. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 200. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 400. $ 600. $ 600. $ 600. $ 600.
Linguistics Aleksandra Kasztalska akasztal@purdue.edu
Rule ordering Rules with features Identifying features Morpho. trees Surprise me! Compounds $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
$200 Identifying features Which segment is…? [+approximant] m ʃ e g d [-round] u o ʊ ɛ ɔ [+sonorant] f t t͡ʃ z ɹ BACK
$400 Identifying features Which segment is…? [-distributed] w s ŋ θ v [+tense] æ ɛ ə ʊ o [-front] ʌ e æ ɪ i BACK
$600 Identifying features Which segment is…? [-dorsal] ʃ w n b ʔ [+low] i æ ʌ ɛ i [-tense, -low] ɛ o æ u i [-round, -high] o ɪ ə u e BACK
Identifying features $800 Which segment is…? [-son, +con, +cor, +ant, +dist, -voice] [-del. rel., +labial, +voice] [-high, +low, +front, -back, -tense, -round] [-son, +con, -lab, -dors, -cor +spr glottis] BACK
Identifying features $1000 Which segment is…? [-high, -low, -front, +back, -tense, +round [-approx, +son, +cor, +ant, -dist, +voice] [+del. rel., -cont, +cor, -ant, +dist, +voice] [-cons, -syll, +labial, +dors, -voice] [-high, -low, -front, -back, -tense, -round, +stress] BACK
$200 Rules with features Write the following rules using distinctive features: /p/ [b] / V __ V /θ/ [s] / #__ [m n ŋ] BACK
$400 Rules with features Write the following rules using distinctive features: /i u/ [e o] / [z d n] __ /ʊ u o ɔ/ [ə] / [h] __ [ʔ] BACK
Rules with features $600 Write the following rules using distinctive features: /ʃ/ [h] / [f v] __# /ɪ ɛ æ/ [ə] / [w j l ɹ] __ /p f m b/ ø / #__ [t͡ʃ ʃ] BACK
Rules with features $800 Write the following rules using distinctive features: Voiced alveolar fricative becomes devoiced word-finally Palatal glide becomes labiovelar when between two fricatives BACK
Rules with features $1000 Write the following rules using distinctive features: Retroflex liquid gets deleted after affricates and stops Vowels and glides get inserted between two consonants Velars become fronted when preceded by nasals, fricatives and affricates BACK
Morphological trees $200 Draw the morphological trees for the following words and compounds: zombies archipelago enlarge BACK
Morphological trees $400 Draw the morphological trees for the following words and compounds: stimulating justification unibrow BACK
Morphological trees $600 Draw the morphological trees for the following words and compounds: photobomb penniless unconsciousness BACK
$800 Morphological trees Draw the morphological trees for the following words and compounds: irrationally bootylicious bottle opener BACK
Morphological trees $1000 Draw the morphological trees for the following words and compounds: deliverance misunderestimated humble bragger BACK
Compounds $200 Decide whether each of the following compounds is endocentric, exocentric, or copulative/appositional. drama queen over-ripe poet-doctor girlfriend BACK
Compounds $400 Decide whether each of the following compounds is endocentric, exocentric, or copulative/appositional. snail mail keyboard outfox steelworker-father BACK
Compounds $600 Decide whether each of the following compounds is endocentric, exocentric, or copulative/appositional. lawsuit ear-splitting peanut-butter sandwich Ohio-Idaho game BACK
Compounds $800 Decide whether each of the following compounds is endocentric, exocentric, or copulative/appositional. Beetlejuice Austria-Hungary man-wife team pet sitter BACK
$1000 Compounds Decide whether each of the following compounds is endocentric, exocentric, or copulative/appositional. cost-benefit analysis round table trigger happy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles copypasta BACK
Rule ordering $200 Finnishhas the following rules: Rule: Diphthongization (a long vowel becomes a diphthong) /e:/ [ie] Rule: [g] Deletion ([g] gets deleted when between two vowels) [g] → ø / V __ V Now, consider the following Underlying Representations and their corresponding Surface forms: Word 1 Word 2 UR ve: tege PR vie tie • What rule ordering between Dipthongization and [g] Deletion is needed to derive the above Surface form? In the space below, provide the two possible derivations and, in prose, explain which one is correct. • What kind of interaction exists between Nasal Assimilation and [g] Deletion, based on your analysis above? BACK
Rule ordering $400 Uruguayan Spanish has the following rules: Rule: Vowel Lowering (a long vowel becomes a diphthong) /e/ [ɛ] __ C # Rule: Final [s] deletion ([s] gets deleted at the end of a word) [s] → ø / __# Now, consider the following Underlying Representations and their corresponding Surface forms: class classes UR # klase # # klases # PR klaseklasɛ • What rule ordering between Vowel Lowering and Final [s] Deletion is needed to derive the above Surface form? In the space below, provide the two possible derivations and, in prose, explain which one is correct. • What kind of interaction exists between Nasal Assimilation and [g] Deletion, based on your analysis above? BACK
Rule ordering $600 French has the following rules: Rule: Schwa Deletion ([ə] gets deleted at the end of a word) [ə] ø / __ # Rule: Final Consonant Deletion (consonant gets deleted at the end of a word when the next word starts with a consonant) C → ø / ___ # C Now, consider the following Underlying Representations and their corresponding Surface forms: little boy little girl UR # pətit # garsɔ̃ # # pətitə # fijə # PR pətigarsɔ̃ pətitfij 1. What rule ordering between Schwa Deletion and Final Consonant Deletion is needed to derive the above Surface form? In the space below, provide the two possible derivations and, in prose, explain which one is correct. 2. What kind of interaction exists between Nasal Assimilation and [g] Deletion, based on your analysis above? BACK
Daily Double!! First, select an amount of points you want to bet, between 0 and your current point value. Next, answer the question(s) below. If your answer is correct, you will receive the wagered amount—but if your answer is incorrect, the amount will be deducted from your points. If you answer incorrectly, other groups will get a chance to answer your question and to receive half the amount YOU wagered with no penalty for an incorrect answer. Ready?? Alix Spiegel, the author of the article Can grammar win elections?, disagrees with other researchers’ analysis of grammatical aspect as it pertains to observed attitudes. Instead, he proposes his own analysis of aspect and attitude, using examples like: Last year, I was rekindling my relationship with my spouse, but we never quite managed to succeed. Last year, I was having an affair with my assistant, but we never quite managed to succeed. • Explain the other researchers’ interpretation of aspect and attitude. • Explain Spiegel’s interpretation of aspect and attitude. BACK
Rule ordering $1000 Standard American English has the following rules: Rule: Nasal Assimilation (nasal assimilates place of articulation of following stop) [+nasal] [αPoA] / [αPoA, -del. rel.] __ Rule: [g] deletion (A consonant assimilates in voicing to an immediately preceding sound.) [g] ø / __ # Now, consider the following Underlying Representations and their corresponding Surface forms: fingersinger long longer UR fɪngɹsɪngɹlɔnglnger SR fɪŋgɹsɪŋgɹlɔŋlɔŋgɹ • What rule ordering between Nasal Assimilation and [g] Deletion is needed to derive the above Surface forms? In the space below, provide the two possible derivations and, in prose, explain which one is correct. • What kind of interaction exists between Nasal Assimilation and [g] Deletion, based on your analysis above? BACK
$200 Surprise me! This is a wug. Now there are two of them. There are two _______ . BACK
Surprise me! $400 Decide which feature is missing in each set: [g] = [-del. rel, +dors] [ð] = [-son, +con, +cor, +dist, +voice] [l] = [-approx, +son, +cor, +ant, -dist] [ɛ] = [-high, -low, +front, -tense, -round] BACK
Surprise me! $600 Read the following questions and find the answers. Q: wət ɪz ɪt ðæt ju kæn kip æftəɹ gɪvɪŋ ɪt tu sʌmwən ɛls? Q: wətpɑpjələɹtiviʃowəznemdæftəɹ ə sɪŋɪŋvɔjs? BACK
$800 Surprise me! In your own words, define defective distribution and provide an example. BACK
Surprise me! $1000 List ALL the types of pronouns that we mentioned in class (there were 7). BACK