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PALESTINIAN ARCHITECTURE. PALESTINIAN. ARCHITECTURE. Traditional distinctive types of buildings in Palestine. Resedential buildings. 2 . Residential buildings. Traditional residential building in Gaza can be classified to
Traditional distinctive types of buildings in Palestine ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Resedential buildings ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
2. Residential buildings • Traditional residential building in Gaza can be classified to • two main classes based n building materials and construction • methods • Stone houses • Mud houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
A . Stone Houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
A. Stones houses characters • Most of old houses in Gaza built with stones, covered with • stone vaults or • flat wooden or steel I-beams roofs or with concrete which spread in British mandate • The houses plans are square or rectangle form depend on the building area where the building cover the hall area and the houses are attached adjacent to street edge • The houses has opened c where the rooms doors and windows opened to and uncovered or covered staircase ascending to the first floor • The courtyard used for different social activities such as resting cooking, washing, digging wells for raining water collection, seeds storage, or water storage (Maziarah),in addition to the ventilation and privacy purposes • Some times the court located at the house edge and the rooms opened to internal hall as in Al-Ghossain House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
1.Vaulted Roof Houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
2.Flat Roof Houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
2 . Vaulted Roof Stone Houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
A. Stones houses characters • The house walls at the street are solid contain some small high windows and the main entrance which decorated with stone arch and lead to the court through the perpendicular broken Majaz for safety and privacy purposes • The house consist of many rooms opened to the court and arched iwan used as family living room and other social occasions • In stones houses there is a room called (Eliyah) built over one the rooms or the kitchen reached by special stair at the entrance and used for men guests where it is separated • In some cases full story was build to cover the extended family needs • Rooms has the square or rectangular shape and the angles are not perpendicular affected with the parcels edges with streets ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
A. Stones houses characters • Services are separated from the court • walls of the vaulted houses are bearing with thickness 60-120cm built with sand stone using lime mortars to tie the stone courses and plastering the interior walls and the ceilings • The wall bases are built with rubbles and mortars little above the ground • Stones cutting and fining using steel angles and it built at the outer side of the wall while inside face (Alrrakah) built with rubble and lime mortars or (Qassarmal=lime +ash) • Walls contains the youks for mattress and relief stone for Seraj light and at the corners there is stone for holding vaults called Bakhllah • The vaults built using two perpendicular arches at the diagonals and built fine stones over to form the shape and covering the space between the crossing arches with wooden sheets covered by wheat and barley shucks mixed with sand and covered with mud layer then the stones can be arrayed over using mortars from dawn to up ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
A. Stones houses characters • To level the roof the corner spaces filled with pottery, mortars ,rubble, and sand • The roof covered with lime or Qassarmal mortars layer covered also with Zefzef • The wooden fram can be remove after one week and plastering the vault using lime mortars • The building tiled with small stones slides fixed with mortars which called (Sarrarah and Mala’aqah) ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House - • Al- Radwan palace is the only remained model build in the 16th centaury which represent the palaces architecture in Gaza that characterized by strong, huge, and high building form • Some of the destroyed palaces like Al-Niyabah palace build by Jawly in the 14 centaury, Al-Mubasher palace in the heart of the hill city destroyed in the second half of the twenty centaury , Hussain Basha Mikky palace (the governor of Gaza) in Al-Daraj District build in the 17 centaury and destroyed in the fourty’s of the twenty centaury • The palace building one the most important traditional buildings located in Al-Wihda street east of the hill city • The building characterized by its huge shape and beautiful facades and its historical values • The palace build by Hassan Basha Al-Radwan the governor of Sanjag Gaza in 1600A.C in the Ottoman period and called (Dar Al Saadah) • It said that Napoleon live in the palace during his invasion of Palestine that’s why it called Napoleon Castle ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House - • At the end of the ottoman period its called (Dapbooya) • In British Mandate it used as a government center and prison and called As-saraya • in Egyptian wardship it turn to be Al Zahraa school administration building • and in 2000 the building restored bu Ministry of tourism and antiquities and planned to be used as museum for antiquities and removed the impermanent buildings in the site which prevent the viewing of the building and turned the area in front to be a garden ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House - • The building consist of two separated parts • The southern building edged with the street consist of two floors the ground floor area is 100m2 contain arched entrance build with off-white and pink marble stones and some services rooms for the palace. The entrance leads to the court between the two buildings • the northernbuilding ground floor is opened to the court by door leads the different spaces and wide staircase from the court rise to the first floor which consist of rooms and wide hall covered with dome. The building has windows at the four facades gives good lighting and ventilation • There is basement under the building reached by stair in the northern side • It thoughts that the buildings are parts of the palace complex as there are many remains for building bases at the site especially at the eastern side • The building characterized with the geometric and plant ornaments and arches, arcades and ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House - • The building build with sand stones and some marble slides and covered with cross vaults or domes • The building form described as huge, majestic, and strong which ensure the fact that it was house for governor • The building shape has the mamlouk style. ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Radwan Palace House - • The building build with sand stones and some marble slides and covered with cross vaults or domes • The building form described as huge, majestic, and strong which ensure the fact that it was house for governor • The building shape has the mamlouk style. ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
2 . Flat Roof Stone Houses ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Flat Roof Stone Houses • The style dominated in the British mandate where changes in building designs and planning and their interaction with the surrounding environment and the construction system • Buildings without courtyards and the rooms windows opened to the outside • The house become group of rooms opened to covered central space called Liwan one side looking to the outside with the main entrance • House relations differ where it was attached in the old city it follow the recession of the parcels where flowers and shrubs are planted in house gardens • Sand stones or cement solid stones or masonry stones used in walls which are bearing walls but with less thickness (30-40cm) • Roofs are flats made of woods, stones, and concrete which is mixed of sand, cement ,and gravels brought from Wadi Gaza or Wadi Al-Shareeah. The slabs loaded on iron beams (I or T sections) loaded over the bearing walls spaced 0.6-1m called Dawamer ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Flat Roof Stone Houses • Some buildings covered with reinforced concrete with steel bars net or wooded layer consist of wooden beams loaded to the walls and covered with rubbles fixed with mortars The roof covered with lime or Qassarmal mortars layer covered also with Zefzef which called (Sarrarah and Mala’aqah) • Interior plasters with lime or qassarmel and painted with lime • Grounds tiled with layer consist of stones and mortars or tiled with colored cement stones carved with plants or geometrical shapes • Examples of this style A-tarrazi house in Remal area, Issam al-Shawa house , Abu Jaiyab house near the legislative council, and the old Municipal building ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
One the first houses built outside the old city represent the building style in the British mandate • It was built in 1930 by Khader antone Tarrazi • This new style has referenced to the old buildings and represent stage of the development • It has similarity with other houses like Al-Ghossain house in rooms distributions but differ in the entrances, courts and building materials • The house has recession to the street and neighbors and Windows are opened to the recessions • In front the is veranda with some steps leads to the entrance arched with pointed arches • The court replaced with covered hall between the rooms and opened at south to the veranda by the entrance door • The norhen side ended with Liwan the main living and has opened windows to veranda at the back the best ventilation direction ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
The area is 335m2 consist of 6 rooms, hall, Liwan, verandas, and services • The symmetry in the plan reflected at the main façade and the rooms windows decorated with pointed arches covered with tents over carved beams • House build with sand stones brought from Bier-Shabaa and the roof made of concrete plastered with lime mortars • The ground tiled with colored tiles 20X20cm carved with geometrical shapes • Wooden windows are still in good conditions with wooden shokhshikhah and steel protections • The plan style dominated in the thirty’s and fourty’s ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Tarrazi House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
sisallim House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Shawah House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Shawah House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Shawah House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD
Al-Shawah House ENG.NABEEL M. AIAD