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Welcome to Mrs. Leever’s 8 th grade Science Class. Room 14. How did I get here?. Went to John Diemer Elementary Indian Woods Middle School Shawnee Mission South Class of 1992 Baker University Kansas State University University of Kansas Class of 1997 – B. S. Genetics
How did I get here? • Went to John Diemer Elementary • Indian Woods Middle School • Shawnee Mission South Class of 1992 • Baker University • Kansas State University • University of Kansas Class of 1997 – B. S. Genetics • Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Co. • University of Kansas Class of 2001 – M. S. Education • Westridge Wildcat ever since! (almost 13 years!)
This year we will study (in approximate order): • • Chemistry • • Rocks and Minerals • • Plate Tectonics • • Geologic Time • • Space Science • • Weather and Atmosphere • • Health (throughout the year *)
Journals/start of class • Get your journal from the cabinet • Write the day’s assignment in your planner • Write the day’s learning goal in your journal • Write down the journal question and answer it to the best of your ability in your journal, quietly (this does NOT involve talking to your neighbor) • Keep your journal at your desk unless otherwise instructed
Handing in work • ALL work must have a first and last name on it • ALL work will be returned to the wood box at the front of the classroom, by the door; unless otherwise instructed. • If an assignment is incomplete or late, make a note at the top of the page (by your name)
Grades: Grades are determined on the total points earned on experiments/labs, projects, tests, quizzes, and current events. Points earned will be posted on the paper above the possible points. The standard scale will apply: 90-100% = A, 80-90% = B, etc. • Students who score below 70% on a test or quiz will be offered the opportunity to take a similar test if they have completed a study guide over that unit. This enables the student to get extra help if needed and review missed questions. • Late work is given 10% off per day late; the exception being Current Events (which are ALWAYS due the first Thursday of the month). Current Events turned in at or before the class starts are full credit, if turned in during class but not at the beginning, -10%, that day but not before or during the hour -20%, next day – 50%. These are discussed in class the day they are due and MUST be present to be discussed.
Absences • It is the student’s responsibility to copy the day’s objective, journal question, classwork and homework for each day, including the days they are absent. This information is found in a planner in the classroom, as well as on my web back pack. You are allowed two days for every missed day to make up an assignment. Attendance is crucial to student achievement; labs and experiments as well as class discussion and activities are often difficult or impossible to make-up.
Web back pack • http://www4.smsd.org/allisonleever/
My (pending) absence/maternity leave • I have lined up a long term substitute who is VERY well educated in Earth and Space Science, has taught middle school (in Washington state or Oregon…up northwest somewhere) and moved here as a result of getting married. • As of right now, I’m planning on taking 6 weeks, but if money comes in, I may take longer. • Baby girl Leever is due October 1 or 2…but don’t plan on an exact day, right?