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Accelerating Science and Innovation. An Outlook from Europe. R.-D. Heuer, CERN EPS-HEP, Grenoble, 27 July 2011. ‘Yesterday’. “Discovery” of Standard Model. At the energy frontier through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (e.g. Tevatron )
Accelerating Science and Innovation An Outlook from Europe Glion Colloquium / June 2009 R.-D. Heuer, CERN EPS-HEP, Grenoble, 27 July 2011
‘Yesterday’ “Discovery” of Standard Model At the energy frontier through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (e.g. Tevatron) lepton - hadron colliders (HERA) lepton - lepton colliders (e.g. LEP, SLC)
Test of the SM at the Level of Quantum Fluctuations prediction of the range for theHiggs mass indirect determination of the top mass LEP possible due to • precision measurements • known higher order electroweak corrections
Key Questions of Particle Physics origin of mass/matter or origin of electroweak symmetry breaking unification of forces fundamental symmetry of forces and matter where is antimatter unification of quantum physics and general relativity number of space/time dimensions what is dark matter what is dark energy
Technicolor New (strong) interactions produce EWSB Extensions of the SM gauge group : Little Higgs / GUTs / … For all proposed solutions: new particles should appear at TeVscale or below territory of the LHC Extra Dimensions New dimensions introduced mGravity ≈ melw Hierarchy problem solved New particles at ≈ TeV scale Supersymmetry New particles at ≈ TeV scale, light Higgs Unification of forces Higgs mass stabilized No new interactions Solutions? Standard Model Salam Glashow Weinberg Wilczek Gross Politzer Veltman ‘t Hooft Reines Friedman Perl Rubbia Higgs van der Meer Ting Schwartz Lederman Fitch Cronin Hofstadter Steinberger Selected NP since 1957 Except P. Higgs Schwinger Kendall Richter Gell-Mann Alvarez Taylor Feynman Yang Lee successful for ever ??
‘Today’ Exciting Times At the energy frontier, the LHC brings us into unexplored territory: Excellent progress Accelerator – Experiments – Grid
Key message (I) LHC and the Standard Model Finding the Higgs: Discovery Excluding the Higgs: Discovery Reminder: LHC needs to clarify mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking
CERN today….besides LHC Unique world-class fixed-target programme • Already planned and approved experiments at the AD, n-TOF, Isolde, PS and SPS complexes including CNGS • New projects • HIE-ISOLDE • ELENA • COMPASS2 • Neutrino physics projects being investigated
‘Tomorrow’ Key message (II) There is a 20 years programme at the energy frontier with the LHC: 7 TeV 14 TeV design luminosity 14 TeV high luminosity (HL-LHC)
Not yet approved! update of European HEP Roadmap Plan to continue until around 2030 S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble
‘Beyond Tomorrow’ ? Energy Frontier beyond 14 TeV LHC
CERN today….into the future • CLIC conceptual design report by 2012 • Participation in all LC activities • LHeC conceptual design report 2011 • R&D for high-field magnets (towards HE-LHC) • Generic R&D for a high-power SPL
LHeC options: RR and LR RR LHeC: new ring in LHC tunnel, with bypasses around experiments RR LHeC e-/e+ injector 10 GeV, 10 min. filling time LRLHeC: recirculating linac with energy recovery, or straight linac S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble Frank Zimmermann, UPHUK4 Bodrum 2010
HE-LHC – LHC modifications HE-LHC 2030-33 SPS+, 1.3 TeV, 2030-33 2-GeV Booster Linac4 S. Myers ECFA-EPS, Grenoble
Key message (III) All these projects need continuing accelerator and detector R&D; all these projects need continuing attention concerning a convincing physics case; so that the right decision can be made when the time comes to identify the next energy frontier accelerator (collider). Today, we need to keep our choices open.
Choices ? • Rich variety of projects under study at the energy frontier and the intensity frontier • Global – Regional – National Projects Need to present and discuss all these projects in an international context before making choices Need to present physics case(s) always taking into account latest results at existing facilities
Choices ? Choices ! • Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in 2012 - Several Meetings with international participation bottom-up process: your input needed - increase coordination with astroparticle and nuclear community • ICFA Seminar 3-6 October 2011 at CERN use as 1st step to harmonize Particle Physics Strategy globally
Next decades Road beyond Standard Model At the energy frontier through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (LHC, HL/HE-LHC?) lepton - hadron colliders (LHeC ??) lepton - lepton colliders (LC (ILC or CLIC) ?) LHC results will guide the way at the energy frontier
Results from LHC will guide the way Expect • period for decision enabling on next steps earliest 2012 (at least) concerning energy frontier • (similar situation concerning neutrino sector Θ13) We are NOW in a new exciting era of accelerator planning-design-construction-running and need • intensified efforts on R&D and technical design work to enable these decisions • global collaboration and stability on long time scales(don‘t forget: first workshop on LHC was 1984) more coordination and more collaboration required
Opening the door… • Membership for Non-European countries • New Associate Membership defined • Romania in accession to membership • Negotiations started with Cyprus, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey concerning membership • Several countries expressed interest in associate membership • CERN participation in global projects independent of location
We need to define the most appropriate organizational form for global projects NOW and need to be open and inventive (scientists, funding agencies, politicians. . .) Mandatory to have accelerator laboratories in all regions as partners in accelerator development / construction / commissiong / exploitation Planning and execution of HEP projects today need global partnership for global, regional and nationalprojects in other words:for the whole program Use the exciting times ahead to establish such a partnership
Past decades saw precision studies of 5 % of our Universe Discovery of the Standard Model The LHC is running well Experiments are delivering exciting results Other intriguing results, e.g. in neutrino physics We are just at the beginning of exploring 95 % of the Universe
Past decades saw precision studies of 5 % of our Universe Discovery of the Standard Model The LHC is running well Experiments are delivering exciting results Other intriguing results, e.g. in neutrino physics We are just at the beginning of exploring 95 % of the Universe exciting prospects