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Revolutions 3/18/13 http://mrmilewski.com

Revolutions 3/18/13 http://mrmilewski.com. OBJECTIVE : First day of school administrative stuff. I. Welcome Back  II. Attendance III. Distribution of: -syllabus -textbooks IV. Homework. Last name, First name 03-224. New text. Course Outline.

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  1. Revolutions 3/18/13 http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: First day of school administrative stuff. • I. Welcome Back  • II. Attendance • III. Distribution of: -syllabus -textbooks • IV. Homework

  2. Last name, First name 03-224 • New text

  3. Course Outline • Unit I – Italy (Renaissance Reformation, & Modern Italy) • Unit II – Spain & Portugal (Exploration, New World, and Modern Iberia) • Unit III – United Kingdom (Colonization, Mercantilism, and Modern Britain) • Unit IV – France (Enlightenment, Revolution, and Modern France) • Unit V – Germany (Industrialization, World Wars, and Modern Germany) • Unit VI – Russia (Communism and Modern Russia)

  4. Important Stuff • Web-site: • http://mrmilewski.com • Homework Due Monday 3/25/13 1.) Syllabus signed and returned 2.) Read Ch#14 sec#1 p.342-349 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.349 3.) Read Ch#14 sec#2 p.349-353 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.353 4.) Read Ch#14 sec#3 353-357 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.357 *Pick 4 questions of your choice

  5. Revolutions 3/19/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine the beginnings of the Renaissance. MCSS:4.3.5 • I. Journal #1 pt. A -Read “The story about Michelangelo” p.342 -Who was Michelangelo? II. Journal #1 pt. B -notes on the Renaissance (14.1) • III. Homework due Monday 3/25/13 1.) Syllabus signed and returned 2.) Read Ch#14 sec#1 p.342-349 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.349 3.) Read Ch#14 sec#2 p.349-353 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.353 4.) Read Ch#14 sec#3 353-357 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.357 *Pick 4 questions of your choice

  6. Renaissance • Means rebirth, or revival • It began in Northern Italy in the 1300’s and spread across Europe. • It was a period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity. • It produced a new attitude toward learning. • This supported an adventurous spirit and led to the voyages of discovery and the scientific revolution that completely changed the way the universe was viewed. • A Renaissance thinker was well versed in many fields of study (liberal arts)

  7. Liberal Arts • The Liberal Arts were divided into the Trivium ("the three roads") and the Quadrivium ("the four roads"). • The Trivium consisted of: • Grammar • Rhetoric • Logic • The Quadrivium consisted of: • Arithmetic -- Number in itself • Geometry -- Number in space • Music, Harmonics, or Tuning Theory -- Number in time • Astronomy or Cosmology -- Number in space and time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_arts

  8. Why Italy? • Italy was the home of the center of ancient Rome, it made sense that it started there. • Plenty of ruins of the “Empire” to study • Northern Italian cities had survived the Middle Ages. • These cities grew rich from trade. • These wealth merchants supported education & individual achievement.

  9. Florence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ponte_vecchio-arno-florence-np.jpg • By the 1400’s, the Medici family in Florence had gain great wealth & influence. (Bankers) • They were great patrons of the arts, especially Lorenzo. • The Ponte Vecchio and the Arno River in Florence, Italy.

  10. Florence • Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli 1469-1527 was a political philosopher, musician, poet, and romantic comedic playwright. He is most widely known for his treatises on political theory. The Prince. • It was written for the instruction of the Medici after they had just regained power. • The end justifies the means. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Macchiavelli01.jpg

  11. The Prince • Contents • Introduction • Dedication • Chapter I: How Many Kinds of Principlaities There are, and by What means they are Acquired • Chapter II: Concerning Hereditary Principalities • Chapter III: Concerning Mixed Principalities • Chapter IV: Why The Kingdom of Darius, Conquered by Alexander, Did Not Rebel Against The Successors of Alexander At His Death • Chapter V: Concerning The Way To Govern Cities Or Principalities Which Lived Under Their Own Laws Before They Were Annexed • Chapter VI: Concerning New Principalities Which Are Acquired by One's Own Arms And Ability • Chapter VII: Concerning New Principalities Which Are Acquired Either by The Arms of Others Or by Good Fortune • Chapter VIII: Concerning Those Who Have Obtained A Principality by Wickedness • Chapter IX:Concerning A Civil Principality • Chapter X: Concerning The Way In Which The Strength of All Principalities Ought To Be Measured Chapter XI: Concerning Ecclesiastical Principalities Chapter XII: How Many Kinds of Soldiery There Are, And Concerning Mercenaries • Chapter XIII: Concerning Auxiliaries, Mixed Soldiery, And One's Own • Chapter XIV: That Which Concerns A Prince On The Subject of The Art of War • Chapter XV: Concerning Things For Which Men, And Especially Princes, Are Praised Or Blamed • Chapter XVI: Concerning Liberality And Meanness • Chapter XVII: Concerning Cruelty And Clemency, And Whether It Is Better To Be Loved Than Feared • Chapter XVIIII [*]: Concerning The Way In Which Princes Should Keep Faith Chapter XIX: That One Should Avoid Being Despised And HatedChapter XX: Are Fortresses, And Many Other Things To Which Princes often Resort, Advantageous Or Hurtful? • Chapter XXI: How A Prince Should Conduct Himself So As To Gain Renown • Chapter XXII: Concerning The Secretaries of Princes • Chapter XXIII: How Flatterers Should Be Avoided • Chapter XXIV: Why The Princes of Italy Have Lost Their States • Chapter XXV: What Fortune Can Effect In Human Affairs And How To Withstand Her • Chapter XXVI: An Exhortation To Liberate Italy From The Barbarians

  12. Humanism • Intellectual movement based on the study of worldly subjects rather than on the religious issues that had occupied medieval scholars. • Were the promoters of education (liberal arts) • The Greats: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello.

  13. Revolutions 3/20/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine the spread of the Renaissance. MCSS:4.3.5 • I. Journal #2 pt. A -Examine the painting on p.346 -How does Renaissance art compare to medieval art? • II. Crash Course in World History#22 • III. Journal #2 pt. B -notes on the Renaissance moving North (14.2) • IV. Homework due Monday 3/25/13 1.) Syllabus signed and returned 2.) Read Ch#14 sec#1 p.342-349 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.349 3.) Read Ch#14 sec#2 p.349-353 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.353 4.) Read Ch#14 sec#3 353-357 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.357 *Pick 4 questions of your choice

  14. Renaissance moves North • Italy recovered from the Black Death (The Plague) faster than northern Europe. For that reason, it took the Renaissance 100 years to make it North. • Flemish painters (Netherlands, Belgium) used Italian techniques in art p.350 • Painting in the North are usually darker. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Bubonic_plague_map.PNG/250px-Bubonic_plague_map.PNG

  15. Northern Humanists • Stresses the liberal arts, but also stressed religious themes. • They used the classics to bring about religious & moral reforms. • Desiderius Erasmus – (Dutch) created a better translation of the Latin New Testament (New Testament was written in Greek) • He also called for the Bible to be translated into vernacular (language of each people) • Sir Thomas More – (English) pushed for economic & social reforms. • He called for an elimination of private property (Communist?)

  16. Renaissance Literature • Shakespeare – (English) Tons of commentaries on love, history, rivalries, etc… • Cervantes - (Spanish) Don Quixote mocks the romantic notions of medieval chivalry. • The Printing Press made the works of Renaissance authors available to the masses along with the writings of the ancients. • Books became cheap and Europeans were exposed to new ideas. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/Europe_map_1648.PNG/250px-Europe_map_1648.PNG&imgrefurl=http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Eloquence/bee&h=180&w=250&sz=42&hl=en&start=11&um=1&tbnid=g0JMdvlE_yrIWM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drenaissance%2Bin%2BNothern%2BEurope%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26rls%3DGGLG,GGLG:2005-29,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN

  17. The Protestant Reformation • Protestant = protest • Reformation= reform • The goal of the Protestant Reformation was to protest the authority of the pope and the Roman Catholic Church and reform the Christian religion.

  18. Martin Luther • Martin Luther was a German priest who was critical of the selling of indulgences. • What is an indulgence? • An indulgence is a pardon of sins sold by the Church.

  19. Luther’s 95 Issues • In 1517, Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 questions to the door of the Wittenberg castle church. • In these 95 questions, know as theses, he condemned the sale of indulgences. • Because of the printing press, his 95 theses spread quickly and Luther found himself to be in the middle of a religious debate. http://www.flholocaustmuseum.org/history_wing/assets/room1/martinlutherpaint.jpg

  20. Luther Believed • People could not achieve salvation through good works (like giving money to the Church) but only through God’s mercy. • He believed that the Bible and individual conscience outweighed the authority of the Church. • He rejected several of the Churches ceremonies. • Luther’s teachings sparked the Protestant Reformation

  21. Other Reformers • John Calvin (Calvinism) Geneva, Switzerland • Calvin believed in predestination. It is the belief that God has decided in advance who was getting into heaven or going to the other place. • So, it didn’t matter what you did in life, you fate was already decided http://www.piney.com/CalvinPort.gif

  22. Henry VIII • Henry VIII (Anglican Church, the Church of England) London, England • Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church when the Pope refused to annul, cancel, his marriage. • Henry made himself the leader of the Church of England, granted himself a divorce, and adopted some Protestant beliefs. http://tudors.crispen.org/art/henry8_by_holbein.jpg

  23. Religious Wars in Europe • The Catholic Church did respond to many of the Protestant criticisms. (stopped selling indulgences). • But, wars broke out between Catholic nations and Protestant nations. So did civil wars between Protestants and Catholics.

  24. Revolutions 3/21/13http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine The Way We Are. MCSS:4.4.1 • I. Administrative Stuff -Attendance • II. The Day the Universe Changed -questions on episode#1 “The Way We Are” • III. Homework due Monday 1.) Syllabus signed and returned 2.) Read Ch#14 sec#1 p.342-349 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.349 3.) Read Ch#14 sec#2 p.349-353 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.353 4.) Read Ch#14 sec#3 353-357 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.357 *Pick 4 questions of your choice

  25. Revolutions 3/22/13 http://mrmilewski.com • OBJECTIVE: Examine the concepts related to Fundamental Economic Concepts. MCSS:5.3.5 • I. Chapter#14 Guided Readings Complete the following activities due today! -Chapter#14 section#2 Guided Reading -Chapter#14 section#3 Guided Reading • II. Short Film -Eighteenth Admendment

  26. Due Monday • 1.) Syllabus signed and returned • 2.) Read Ch#14 sec#1 p.342-349 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.349 • 3.) Read Ch#14 sec#2 p.349-353 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.353 • 4.) Read Ch#14 sec#3 353-357 -Answer questions (1-7)* p.357 • *Pick 4 questions of your choice

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