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AQUAS Air QUality Assurance System

AQUAS Air QUality Assurance System. Feasibility. CS 410 Fall 2004. Presentation Objectives. Group Introduction Problem Description & Solution System Components Resources & Estimated Costs Time and Management Methods Anticipated Market and Societal Impacts Mitigation of Key Risks.

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AQUAS Air QUality Assurance System

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  1. AQUASAir QUality Assurance System Feasibility CS 410 Fall 2004

  2. Presentation Objectives • Group Introduction • Problem Description & Solution • System Components • Resources & Estimated Costs • Time and Management Methods • Anticipated Market and Societal Impacts • Mitigation of Key Risks

  3. Team Members

  4. Problem Statement A side effect of newer, energy efficient homes is they are too air-tight and insulated and allow airborne contaminants to build to potentially dangerous levels, yet they lack an integral contaminant detection system to offset this side-effect of energy efficiency Clean Filter Dirty Filter

  5. Problem Characteristics • No common way to know when airborne contaminants reach dangerous levels • Numerous odorless gases • No visual cues • Unique conditions present: • Do you have pets? • Mold? • Gas appliances? • Some Health Problems aggravated by “dirty air”: • Allergies (Pets, Dust, Mold, Tobacco Smoke) • Spread of airborne diseases (viral/bacterial) • Common Cold, Tuberculosis, Measles, Staphylococcus • In rare cases, death by asphyxiation: • Carbon Monoxide, natural gas

  6. Solution Air QUality Assurance System Develop a system that alerts a residential consumer when airborne contaminants inside the home reach dangerous levels by continually monitoring and testing the quality of the air entering the central HVAC system.

  7. Proposed System Will • Detect a reduction in air flow commonly caused by a dirty air filter • Reduce airborne contaminants that contribute to fungal growth * • Alert consumer when select contaminants reach dangerous levels • As a side benefits, reduce household costs by improving heating and cooling system efficiency • Contribute in maintaining a clean, clear, and safe air environment * http://www.air-care-filters.com

  8. Proposed System Will Not • Alert the consumer of HVAC system malfunctions • Function without a power source • Determine the source of the contaminant • Require professional installation

  9. How a Heating Ventilating Air Conditioning System Works

  10. System Components Notification system can be constructed with many off the shelf parts • Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) • Power Source • Mounting Hardware • Air Flow Sensor • Pressure Sensor • Thin Film sensor • Electronic “nose” • Can be configured to detect thousands of types of contaminants • Light Emitting Diode (LED) • Typically burn for 10000+ hours. • Wiring • To and from sensor and LED

  11. Resources

  12. (Engineer/Programmer) http://www.salary.com (PLC & Ladder Software) http://web1.automationdirect.com/static/full_pl.pdf (LED) http://www.eled.com/product.asp?catalog_name=LEDs&product_id=E1503CB-ID (Sensor) http://www.eepn.com/Locator/Products/ArticleID/26804/Action/Issue/26804.html (AC Unit) http://www.alpinehomeair.com (Electronic Nose) http://www.anl.gov/Media_Center/logos20-3/smartsensor01.htm

  13. Conceptual Model

  14. Time/Schedule What we will have to do to complete this goal? • Purchase the required components • Construct a model, prototype, and working product • Test to ensure the final product works as proposed with various contaminants We will be able to complete this in the allocated time • No time will be spent manufacturing items • Items in proposal are readily available • Required knowledge is readily accessible • Minimal amount of software creation required • Majority of time spent on research and testing

  15. Managerial Methods • Consistent Weekly Meetings • Agenda driven, Open communication • Assigned Job Description: • Each team member has a certain role with clearly defined responsibilities • Collaborative tools to aid in group work: • Bulletin boards, Email-List • Web based Calendar with tasks and milestones • Plan to institute a Content Management System (CMS) for central document sharing and revision control • Subversion Code Repository • Monitor Project status: • Daily status reports indicating status of current task • Weekly status report to asses reaching milestones • Plan to follow a defined process cycle: • Aligned with business rules and process • Iterative, Requirement Driven, Test Driven

  16. Market • Who is the customer? • Residential consumers that have central heating and cooling systems • As of July 1, 2003, there were an estimated 120,879,390 homes in the United States * • Between 88 and 90 percent of new homes completed in 2003 have air conditioning ** • Other considerations? • Affordable for the average consumer • Easy to install and operate • * http://www.census.gov/popest/housing/tables/HU-EST2003-01.pdf • ** http://www.census.gov/const/C25Ann/sftotalac.pdf

  17. Societal Impacts Pros: • Improvements in air quality within consumer homes • Reduction in consumer costs associated with energy/ power consumption • Ease of mind Cons: • Over reliance on a technological solution

  18. Risks What are some Risks? • The existing components are not sensitive enough to effectively monitor air flow in a typical heating and cooling system • Production costs exceed initial estimates resulting in higher consumer costs • Market for a comprehensive air quality detection system is too small

  19. Mitigation of Risks Risk: The existing components are not sensitive enough to handle the flow of air in a typical cooling/heating system. Mitigation: Quality control and safety program that implements specific tests verifying our notification system works in a variety of environments. Risk: Market for a air flow sensor doesn't exist. Mitigation: Thorough market research through consumer polls. If our product was available and at reasonable cost would the customer be interested? Risk: Consumers may be unwilling to accept the added expense of the AFNS. Mitigation: Demonstrate that the cost of adding the AFNS to a new or existing home is very small compared to the costs of not having the AFNS.

  20. Safer air environment for home owners with central HVAC Potential reduction in energy costs due to reduced stress on the HVAC system Eliminates the burden of scheduling routine superfluous air filter replacements maximizing an air filter’s life span Lack of customized alarm settings may annoy certain consumers Locations for installation may be difficult to access depending on the home’s architecture Pro’s Con’s

  21. Final Remarks • No integrated air quality system is included in most new residential homes • The Air QUality Assurance System provides a more accurate method • Components and resources required are readily obtainable and for reasonable cost • Large potential residential consumer market exists for this product

  22. Research Sources • Croom, Miles L., Filter dust collectors, McGraw Hill, Inc, New York, 1995. • Donovan, R. P. Fabric filtration for combustion sources, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1985. • McDermott, Henry. Handbook of Ventilation for Contaminate control. Butterworth Publishers, Boston, 1985. • McQuiston, Faye C. and Parker, Jerald D. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994. • Oughton, D. R. and Hodkinson, S. Heating and Air Conditioning of Buildings, Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford, 2002.

  23. Research Sources • http://www.air-care-filters.com • http://www.air-care-filters.com/faq.htm • http://www.eepn.com/Locator/Products/ArticleID/26804/Action/Issue/26804.html • http://www.stpaultravelers.com/business_insurance/risk_control • http://www.eled.com/product.asp?catalog_name=LEDs&product_id=E1503CB-ID • http://www.eepn.com/Locator/Products/ArticleID/26804/Action/Issue/26804.html • http://doityourself.com/store/buildingwireuf.htm • http://www.provantage.com/buy-7CBTB00E-500-ft-solid-cat5e-pvc-jacket-cmr-rated-white-cables-go-bulk-wire-connectors-27355-shopping.htm • http://www.census.gov/indicator/www/newresconst.pdf • http://www.census.gov/popest/housing/tables/HU-EST2003-01.pdf • http://www.census.gov/const/C25Ann/sftotalac.pdf • http://www.deyes.sefton.sch.uk/technology/AS&Alevel/microprocessor_control.htm • http://www.salary.com

  24. More Proposed Changes • Market change market to residential HVAC manufacturers (choose one) • Add new functionality- carbon monoxide detector? Is expandable to detect other contaminants…

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