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Education initiatives: HR implications

Education initiatives: HR implications. Cathy Brearley. 30 January 2013. Teacher Standards. Standards came into effect 1 September 2012 All teachers assessed against standards as part of appraisal process Teacher standards used to inform Ofsted judgements about schools

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Education initiatives: HR implications

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  1. Education initiatives: HR implications Cathy Brearley 30 January 2013

  2. Teacher Standards • Standards came into effect 1 September 2012 • All teachers assessed against standards as part of appraisal process • Teacher standards used to inform Ofsted judgements about schools • Latest recommendations about teachers pay look at how standards will be embedded in schools

  3. Ofsted framework • Safeguarding • Management of resources • Performance Management

  4. Framework for school inspection Inspectors will consider the extent to which leaders and managers: • Improve the school and develop its capacity for sustained improvement by developing high quality teaching, leadership capacity and high professional standards among all staff • Ensure that all teaching staff benefit from appropriate professional development and that performance is rigorously managed

  5. Professional Development With professional development Ofsted will: • Look at how it links to school self evaluation • Analyse its impact on teaching and specific teachers and scrutinise the school’s evaluation of professional development • Evaluate the support and professional development provided to NQTs and those at an early stage of their career

  6. Performance Management Ofsted will consider “the robustness of performance management and effectiveness of strategies for improving teaching, including the extent to which the school takes account of the teacher standards” This includes: • How the quality of teaching and learning is monitored • How underperformance is tackled • The link between performance and salary progression

  7. School Teachers Review Body (STRB) “The STRB has made recommendations on a pay framework that seeks to raise the status of the profession, support professional development, and reward individuals in line with their contribution to improving pupil outcomes, enabling the most successful teachers to progress faster than at present on the basis of annual appraisal.”

  8. Key recommendations (1) • Greater flexibility for schools • Progression linked to annual appraisal for all teachers; teachers appraised against objectives and teacher standards • Abolition of mandatory pay points on the main scale for teachers to enable individual pay decisions • Present points on the main scale retained for reference only

  9. Key recommendations (2) • Replace threshold test with simpler criteria based on the teacher standards • Local flexibility for schools to create posts paying salaries above the upper pay scale for roles leading the development of teaching skills in the school • More discretion for schools in the use of recruitment and retention allowances • Freedom to pay fixed term responsibility allowances for time limited projects

  10. Implementation • Full detail in slimmed down pay and conditions document • Anticipate that the pay and conditions document will be available earlier than usual, at the start of the summer term, rather than for the start of the Autumn Term • This week, STRB issued a note highlighting the key points schools need to take into account

  11. Linking pay and progression Whole process reinforces responsibility of heads to manage staff and resources And Governors to hold school leaders to account for managing and rewarding the performance of teachers in the interests of pupils

  12. Linking pay and progression: key considerations (1) • Leadership teams develop transparent arrangements to link pay and appraisal for recommendation to the governing body • Governing Bodies agree new pay policies and need to assure themselves that the proposals are robust and can be applied consistently • Leadership teams explain the new arrangements to staff

  13. Linking pay and progression: key considerations (2) • Individual teachers agree own objectives with line manager and understand how their performance will be assessed • All appraisals to have a written pay recommendation at the end of the year • Headteachers put all individual pay progression recommendations to Governing Body for agreement and to account for effective operation of links between pay and performance

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