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The most favourite and popular Bohemian national fairy tales. Short review. Gymnázium bratří Čapků a První české soukromé střední odborné učiliště, PRAGUE. Comenius project LET´S MEET UNDER THE SPOTS, 2011-2013. The devils are not fun ( Give the Devil His Due ).
The most favourite and popularBohemian nationalfairytales Shortreview Gymnázium bratří Čapků a První české soukromé střední odborné učiliště, PRAGUE. Comenius project LET´S MEET UNDER THE SPOTS, 2011-2013
Thedevils are not fun(Give the Devil His Due) • Collected by BozenaNemcova asDevil'sbrother in law.Amongchildren and adultshaveconsideredthatitisoneofthe most popularfairytalesthat has everbeenfilmed. • Petr Máchal grows to his father in themill. His mother had died and his fatherdecided to marryagain. He marriesyoungerDorothy, whouagreedwithhimonlybecauseof his property. Aftershorttime, Peter´sfatherdies and thewidowmeetswiththemanagerofthecastle, whoseonlyinterestisalsomoney in the principality, whicheffectivelyrules - so thatenrichedhimself. Peter issentenced to 12 yearsofservice in thearmy. He meetsthedevil Janek and arrangedwithhimthatif he helpgetPeter'sstepmother to hell, Peter willhelphimback to hell. At the end Peter marriedwithoneprincess, daughterofthecount; her evilsisteristaken to hell by Lucifer, the king ofdevils.
Otesánek (Glutton, GreedyGuts) • Thischildeatseverything and in spiteofit so much eatingitisstillhungry • Thethemeisthe story ofspouseswhohave long beenchildless, and probablyinfertile, although a verywantedchild • fatherdecided to carve a consolationfor his wife'schildfrom a woodenmaverick, • Eachcharacterisfirstintroducedearliereaten a list: "I ate - I ate: porridgeofcasseroles, milk-pan ofmilk,loafofbread, mom, dad, maidwith a wheelbarrow ..." endedwiththewords "... and youtooeat." • Fairytalewithfeaturesof horror
Zlatovláska (Goldilocks) • The model was a fairytalecollected by Karel Jaromír Erben (19th century). • Youknowthisfairytalefromourtranslation and analysis • Whywe love thisfairytale? Becausetheyoung, good, loyalservantfound his true love in spiteof his brideis noble and he is just a cook - Thenarrativeis very similar to mythicalCeltic story known as Tristan and Izolda, alsotranslated in 14th century as anepic in whichtheservanttravelsforthebridefor his king, but he falls in love with her. Actually, thefairytale has good end: thebad king died and theyoungcookmarrieswithprincess
Prince Bajaja • Prince Bajaja narrativeisbased on thecollectionoffairytales by BozenaNemcova. • Theyoung king said his wifegoodbye and wentfightintothebattle… • Themainmessageisanold folk wisdom: italwaysdepends on the man himself, to whatgoal he willleadtheway, good – orevil. • Typicalfairytalesmotives: talkinghorse, knightfighting on tournament, 3-headed dragon
Sedmero krkavců (Sevenravens) • In mountainforesttherelivedfather, mother and theirsevensons. Motherwasupset and damned her son in affect, and theyturnedintoravens. • Laterthedoughert Bohdanka, God´sGift, as born, Shedecided to find her brothers and deliverthem. • Duringthesearching, shemarriedyoung king, but his sisterhated her. • Bohdanka couldsave her brothersifshepass in silence and sewsevenshirts. • Specialfairy-talemotivs: • Metamorphoseofsevenboysintosevenravens • Brave heroine – poor girl frommountainforest • Thecurse and damn and itccancelwithgooddeeds. Typicalnarrativeepizodes: • Marriageofpoor girl withthe king • Evilsister-in-law • Fearofpeoplefromwitchcraft
Firebird, Red-Fox and GoldenApples (O ptáku Ohniváku, lišce Ryšce a zlatých jalkách) • Slavonic and Germanmotifoffairytale • Thisbirdispresent in Russian folklore (later in balet of Igor Stravinskij) and in thecollectionoffairytales by brothersGrimms. • In Czech version, theFirebird stole thegoldenappleformking´s garden. Threesonsofthe king tried to findhim, onlytheyoungestofthemmanaged to comply. TheRed-Fox helpedhim, but his brotherskilledhim. The Gold-HairVirginsavedhimfinaly. The king-father let his evilsonsbehead. • Apple istypicalmotif, used in mythology • Firebirdissimilar to Fenix • In the film version, thegoodprincessiscaptured by Sceleton, but theyoungest prince delivers her
Otherpopular folk fairytales 2 3 • Prince and Evening-Star (1) • Long, Broad and Sharp-Sight • PrincesswithGolden Star on her forehead (2) • ThePunishedPride (The Proud Princess) • TheKnightŠtenberk • HowSilly John wonthePrincess • PrincessFairy and flyingshoemaker (3) • The Brave Smith Mikeš • ThreeGoldenHairofOld-Wise-Man (4) • Reason and Fortune • Twelve-headedDragon 1 4
Conclusion • Many ofbestknownfairytalesweknowbecauseoffolkloristic and literaryworkof Karel Jaromír Erbenand Božena Němcová(19th century, romantism). Thewellknownpaintersof Czech fairytales are Josef Lada (1), Artuš Scheiner(2), Jiří Trnka (3), and others. • The most popularheroes and heroines are kings, princes and princesses - ARISTOCRACY. Poor folk people are not so oftenmainharoes • Czech traditionalfairytales are on thecrossroadbetweenGermanand Slavonianmythology and they are influenced by Feudalism • Everyfairytaleisthekindofiniciationofthehero • Itisusualthattalkinganimalshelpheroes • Karel Jaromír Erben Božena Němcová 1 2 3