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JERICO WP8 Trans National Access to Coastal Observatories. Stefania Sparnocchia with IBWPAN, NIVA, OGS, HCMR, NERC, HZG, CSIC, INSU/CNRS. WP8 –TNA to Coastal Observatories Objectives. To enable Trans National and free-of-charge access to
JERICO WP8 Trans National Access to Coastal Observatories Stefania Sparnocchia with IBWPAN, NIVA, OGS, HCMR, NERC, HZG, CSIC, INSU/CNRS
WP8 –TNA to Coastal Observatories Objectives • To enable Trans National and free-of-charge access to • original coastal infrastructures among those operated by • the JERICO project beneficiaries. • To establish a long-term alliance between users and • JERICO partners, facilitating staff exchange and mutual • scientific collaboration. • To build an European facility for Science dedicated to • innovation (new sensors, new automated platforms). • To promote the infrastructure by transferring know-how from • partners to users, with a view to future expansion that will • include new partners (possibly also from non-EU countries).
The Infrastructure Network Fixed platforms Ferrybox Fishing vessels Gliders
NIVA NERC Gliders HZG Gliders IBWPAN Fixed. HZG INSU/CNRS Gliders OGS Cal. Facilities CSIC Gliders CNR Cal. Facilities HCMR Cal. Facilities HCMR UOM JERICO WP8 TNA Beneficiaries and Infrastructures
JERICO WP8 – ACCESS to installations • Accessing an infrastructure/installation by a user/user group • generally means to collect specific data following the • implementation of a specific automated measuring system. • Access modalities: • Remote user’s presence not required, an experiment is • implemented by the installation’s operator. • Partially remote user’s presence requiredat some • stage (e.g. while installing or un-installing). • "In person/hands-on" user’s presenceis required • /recommended during the whole operation period. • Specific and detailed modalities are defined in the G.A. per • class of infrastructure and/or per installation.
JERICO WP8 – ACCESS provision Access is granted to user-projects, selected through international calls by an independent panel of referees (Selection Panel) a) the user group leader and the majority of the users must work in a institution established in a Member State or Associated State; b) the user group leader and the majority of the users work in a country other than the country(ies) where the legal entity(ies) operating the infrastructure is(are) established (TransNational Access). !NO for R.A. c) priority should be given to user groups composed of users who have not previously used the infrastructure, and are working in countries where no such research infrastructures exist. Access opportunities and calls for access will be widely publicised, including on a dedicate Web page on the JERICO website. Access provision will be documented by the access provider, to support and justify the amount of access reported. [FP7 Grant Agreement – Annex III – Specific provisions for transnational access activities] ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/fp7-ga-annex3-infra-v2_en.pdf
JERICO TNA – Management (WP1 - T1.6) User modality Access for the Trans National Activities SubTask 1.6.1 : Preparation of the call – peer review - Setting up the Selection Panel. (1) May 2011 - Drafting thecall. (6)Oct 2011 - Drafting theguidelines for evaluation.(6)Oct 2011 - Meetings of the Panel. SubTask 1.6.2 : Information and reporting activities - Implementing the TNA Web Pages (8)Dec 2011 - Call and selection reporting: Calls opening, selected projects, access provision plans. - Access reporting including scientific and technological outcomes achieved.
JERICO TNA Action # 1: Setting up the Selection Panel • The WP8 leader : Stefania Sparnocchia. • The coordinator : Patrick Farcy. • The WP1 coordination team : Pascal Morin, Dominique Durand, Ingrid Puillat. • The 5 SAC experts : Janet Newton, George Zodiatis, Richard Dewey, Hans Dalhin, Roger Proctor. • The 3 FCT board experts : Franciscus Colijn, Laurent Mortier, Alicia Lavin
JERICO TNA – Selection Schedule • Validation of the call by the Selection Panel • CALL opening 1st call Dec 2011-2nd call Dec 2012 • Selection of the TNA proposals by the Selection Panel (scientific excellence). • Validation of each proposal by the manager of the infrastructure : feasibility, timescale, availability … suggestion for adjustments. • Final assessment by the Selection Panel : results are made public through the TNA Web Page.
JERICO TNA First year actions deadline October 2011 #2Drafting the call(CNR + TNA beneficiaries) technical and financial conditions, rules and procedures to permit access to the infrastructure as defined by the access providers and in accomplishment of the FP7 Grant Agreement, Annex III. #3Drafting the guidelines forevaluation(CNR + TNA beneficiaries) evaluation criteria, taking into account excellence, innovation, technical feasibility and impacts on the community, and any other criteria indicated in the FP7 Grant Agreement, Annex III. First drafts will be circulated by CNR to TNA partners within July
JERICO TNA Nextactions to do deadline December 2011 #4 TNA WebPages implementation(CNR + TNA beneficiaries) should contain all the information pertinent to the TNA activity, calls, panel assessment, detailed description of the available installations for TNA, as well as the relevant information for making potential users aware of the possibility open to them. A template for the description of the available installations will be circulated by CNR to TNA partners within August
JERICO WP8 – Budget • Unit cost * Minimum quantity of access = Access costs • TOTAL Budget for TransNational Access • TNA costs = 471820 € • Travel grants* = 80000 € • *IFREMER to refund travelling expenses to • Selection Panel for the selection meetings • Users of selected projects
JERICO WP8 – Reporting TNA activity • Reference documentation • http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/research-infrastructures-doc_en.html • 1) Additional Reporting Instructions for Transnational Access Work Packages • ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/capacities/docs/ta_reporting_instructions_final_en.doc • Additional instructions to report specifically on the Transnational Access activities under section 3.2.3 of the periodic report. • Description of the publicity concerning the new opportunities for access • Description of the selection procedure • Transnational Access activity overview • Scientific output of the users at the facilities (highlights of important research • results from the user-projects ) • Annex 1 – Composition of the Users Selection Panel • Annex 2 – List of User-Projects • Annex 3 – List of Users • Annex 4 – List of Publications
JERICO WP8 – Reporting TNA activity Reference documentation http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/research-infrastructures-doc_en.html 1) Additional Reporting Instructions for Transnational Access Work Packages ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/capacities/docs/ta_reporting_instructions_final_en.doc Additional instructions to report specifically on the Transnational Access activities under section 3.2.3 of the periodic report. 2) Reporting transnational access and service activity costs ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/capacities/docs/reporting-ta-service-activities.pdf Guidelines based on “Annex III – Specific Provisions for Transnational Access Activities”.
Estimated/Real access cost calculation For whom who have to provide a CFS (audit): You have to certify the actual access costs of the reporting period (or of the 4-year project life-time if the real unit cost is calculated only at the end of the last period). Costs A, Costs B and E If the installation is shared, H is shared too. e.g, if it is shared by 2 users, to get I you must give H*2=100 days of access
Example of TNA Web Pages http://www.jerico-fp7.eu/Transnational_Access JERICO – TransNational Access JERICO offers Transnational Access to unique European Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities for international research Find your facility andplan your experiment. Read carefully the access rules. Write your proposal (please, contact the facility’s operator for a better planning) and submit to the next JERICO call.
Example of TNA Web Pages …/Transnational_Access/Accessible_Facilities Ferrybox Fixed platforms Gliders Calibration Facilities
Example of TNA Web Pages …/Transnational_Access/Accessible_Facilities/Fixed_Platforms
Example of TNA Web Pages …/Accessible_Facilities/Fixed_Platforms/Acqua_Alta Infrastructure: CNR-Marine Platforms and Laboratories (CNR-MPL) Installation: Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (ACQUA ALTA) Location: Mediterranean Sea, Northern Adriatic, Gulf of Venice Coordinates: 45°18.83’N – 12°30.53’E Bottom depth: 16 m Contact: Dr Mauro Bastianini, mauro.bastianini@ismar.cnr.it Web site address: http://www.ismar.cnr.it/infrastrutture/piattaforma-acqua-alta/ (set language EN) General description The "Acqua Alta" research tower consists of a platform containing an instrument house, suppor-ted by a steel pipe structure, similar to that of an oil well derrick… Service offered The installation is available for Trans National Access to JERICO users for specific experiments, tests of sensorsand in-situ validation… Intruments/Sensors onboard The following instrumentation is already onboard the tower and will be available to the JERICO users … Special owner rules
Example of TNA Web Pages …/Transnational_Access/… Rules set up by the JERICO Consortium and the European Commission for the TransNational Access Open call. Calls schedule and deadlines. Selection Panel composition. Selection status. Selection reports. Any information following the selection: JERICO access calendar. Users’ reports.
JERICO WP8 – Reporting TNA activity Reference documentation http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/capacities/research-infrastructures-doc_en.html ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/capacities/docs/ta_reporting_instructions_final_en.doc ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/capacities/docs/reporting-ta-service-activities.pdf
Example of TNA Web Pages …/Transnational_Access/… End of WP8 presentation Questions?
JERICO WP8 – ACCESS to installations The access is quantified by its duration, in principle corresponding to the period of installing, operating and un-installing the measuring system. This duration is measured in unit of access (UA).
Access cost calculation days The unit cost is the total eligible operational costs divided by the total quantity of access (by internal and external users, supported by JERICO or not). The access cost (what the operator will have refunded by the project) is lower if the installation is shared. For example, if shared with a "permanent" user the actual duration of access for JERICO is doubled to have the same final Access Cost (equivalent to have half an unit cost)
Transnational access provision per installation Fixed Platforms (Partners: IBWPAN, CNR, HCMR, NERC/POL, HZG) Shared (owner + JERICO user) Actual duration is twice this number
Transnational access provision per installation FERRYBOXES (Partners: NIVA, NERC/POL,HZG) Shared (owner + JERICO user) Actual duration is twice this number
Transnational access provision per installation GLIDERS (Partners: NERC/POL, HZG, CSIC, INSU/CNRS) Not shared
Transnational access provision per installation CALIBRATION FACILITIES (Partners: OGS, CNR, HCMR) Not shared