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FESTIVALS • September/October : Harvest Festival (Christian) : Collections of foodstuffs are made, which is then often distributed to the aged and needy. Emphasis is now placed on the fruits of society and a wider interpretation has grown - rather than just the harvest of the fields. • 2 September : JanamashtAmi’KrishnaJayanti (Birthday of Krishna) (Hindu) : Many Hindus fast till midnight – the time of Krishna’s birth. An image of the baby is sometimes placed in a cradle. • 5 or 6 September : Lailat-Ul-Qadr (Muslim) : The “Night of Power” commemorates the start of the revelation of the Qur’an. Muslims will spend the night in prayer studying the Qur’an. • 9 - 10 September : Rosh Hashanah – New Year’s Day (5771 years from the creation of the world (Jewish) : The festival begins ten days of repentance. The blowing of the ram’s horn reminds Jews of Abraham’s sacrifice of a ram in place of his son. Apples dipped in honey are eaten in the hope of a “sweet” new year. • 10 September : Eid-ul-Fitr (Muslim) : A joyous festival marking the end of Ramadan. Presents are given and family or community activities are arranged.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK • "The greatest crime in the world is not developing your potential. • When you do what you do best, you are helping not only yourself, but the world." • Roger Williams
QUIZ PAGE • What is meant by the word infantry? • Which ancient people wrote in hieroglyphics? • What shape is a cylinder? • What is a shooting star? • Where is Hong Kong? • What is a poncho? • What does the expression Never say die mean? • What is an oracle? • Which bird has the greatest wingspan? • Which Roman emperor built a wall right across England?
SCIENCE PAGE Bigeye scad. School of bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus) fish swimming in mid water. Photographed off Misool, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia. MR MOLLOY
London Humanities Visit In the last week of term some Year Nine students went on a Humanities Residential Trip to London. We visited St James’ Park, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the River Thames, the Imperial War Museum, and the British Library. On the Monday Evening students also went to see Wicked the musical! MS OWEN
Book of the Month! Title: Genesis Author: Bernard Beckett Star rating: Review: Imagine the world as we know it is over – covered in water and only one city and a handful of survivors! The Island Republic. Its citizens are safe but not free…
Learning a Musical Instrument If students are interested in learning a musical instrument this year they need to see me from Wednesday break to collect a form. Most instrumental lessons are free of charge and will take place after school. Students should not ask me for forms during lesson times but see me at break times please. • MS STYLES
ANSWERS TO QUIZ PAGE • Soldiers who fight on foot. • The Egyptians (Tutankhamun pictured) • Tube-shaped like a tin of beans or a Pringles container. • A meteor – a rocky object in space which on entering the Earth’s atmosphere burns up. They are not stars at all. • It is an island off the southern coast of China • An outer garment made of a single large sheet of fabric with an opening in the centre for the head. • Never give up hope • Someone who gives wise advice or who foretells the future • the wandering albatross • Hadrian (Begun in AD122, it is 117 km long) - pictured