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European Footholds in S and SE Asia

European Footholds in S and SE Asia. Chapter 14 Section 3. Portugal Builds an E Empire. First to have an empire in Asia Good weapons that helped them control Indian Ocean spice trade Muslim rulers were in India

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European Footholds in S and SE Asia

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  1. European Footholds in S and SE Asia Chapter 14 Section 3

  2. Portugal Builds an E Empire • First to have an empire in Asia • Good weapons that helped them control Indian Ocean spice trade • Muslim rulers were in India • Alfonso de Albuquerque (P) got local princes on his side and kicked out the Muslims

  3. Rim of Trading Outposts • 1510 Portuguese took Island of Goa • Military and commercial base • Took over Malacca (city) and massacred the Muslims • Used coastal cities to resupply and trade

  4. Limited Impact • Portuguese faced resistance inland • Tried to convert them to Christianity • Not very successful

  5. ?? • How did the Portuguese control the spice trade? • Used their superior weapons to have control of the Indian Ocean trade.

  6. Rise of the Dutch • Challenged the Portuguese • The Netherlands were part of the Holy Roman Empire • When independent competed

  7. Building a Mighty Sea Power • 1599 successful voyage • After that leader of European commerce • Set up colonies and trading posts around the world • Cape Town (S Africa)

  8. Powerful Dutch Company • 1602 Dutch East India Company • Group of wealthy merchants • Not controlled by the gov • Could build armies, fight, & make treaties

  9. Dutch Dominance • 1641 took Malacca from the Portuguese • Opened trade with China • Monopoly in the spice islands • Close ties to the local rulers • British and French led to Dutch decline

  10. ?? • How did the Dutch build up a strong presence in SE Asia? • Used weapons to take trade from the Portuguese. Dutch E India Company was powerful. Ties with local rulers.

  11. Spain Takes the Philippines • Magellan had claimed them for Spain in 1521 • Named for King Philip II • Not united so easily conquered • Tried to convert them to Christianity • Key for trade

  12. ?? • Why was Spain able to conquer the Philippines easily? • They were not united.

  13. Mughal India and European Traders • Center of the spice trade • Textile manufacturing, silk, and cotton cloth • Europeans got trading rights • Built forts and warehouses

  14. A Great Empire Shatters • Mughal empire weakened • French and British fought for power • Both had E India Trading Companies • Organized Sepoys (Indian troops) • 1700s Britain had taken over India • Made the Mughal recognize their rights

  15. ?? • How did Britain gain control of India? • Mughals were weak and they beat French for control.

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