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Engineering school, Nancy, FRANCE 5 th and last year

Thibaut CARTIGNY. Guillaume PRADURAT. Engineering school, Nancy, FRANCE 5 th and last year. 1 year as ERASMUS students. Project about Transportation of natural gas from Hammerfest to Norrbotten and Northern Finland. Introduction. Semi-trailer. Pipeline. Melköya, Hammerfest 30 years.

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Engineering school, Nancy, FRANCE 5 th and last year

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  1. Thibaut CARTIGNY Guillaume PRADURAT Engineering school, Nancy, FRANCE 5th and last year 1 year as ERASMUS students Project about Transportation of natural gas from Hammerfest to Norrbotten and Northern Finland CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  2. Introduction Semi-trailer Pipeline Melköya, Hammerfest 30 years Train Ship CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  3. Liquefaction Liquefying plant 2.5 G$ 1-15 Mtons LNG/ year 6TWh equivalent to 400 000tons CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  4. Regasification • Warm the gas in a controlled environment • Either a big plant or small ones • Small plants: from 23 to 1500m3, from 400 000 to 10M$. • Big plant: from 100 000 to 1M m3, around 500M$. CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  5. The total demand of LNG in Norrbotten and in the north part of Finland CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  6. Transportation by semi-trailers • Size: 50 m3 of LNG per truck so 0.3GWh • 800km of road from Hammerfest to Kiruna or to Lulea • 1.5 hours for loading and same unloading • Cost: 440 000 $ • This option Needs: • 330 trucks at the same time for 6TWh per year!! • Many small re-gasification plant • But the cost doesn’t depend of the demand CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID


  8. Transportation by trains • Size: 30 wagons per train, one wagon transports 110 m3 of LNG so 690MWh • 500km of railway between Narvik and Lulea • 2 travels per week per train maximum to distribute all destination so 2TWh per year • Cost: 135$/day/wagon • This option needs: • One ship between Hammerfest and Narvik • 3 trains for 6TWh • One tank per destination because the train can’t wait • Some trucks for the industries far from the railway • Many small re-gasification plants CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  9. Transportation by ship • Size: between 40 000 and 200 000 cubic meter of LNG • 125 000 m3 of LNG represent 750GWh • 4000km from Hammerfest to Lulea so 1 week • For 6TWh we need 8 ships per year, one ship every 45 days • One ship consumes 1080 tons of gas per travel • Cost: 150 millions $ • This option needs: • One ship • One big terminal next to Lulea • A network of pipeline to distribute gas to each industry CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  10. Transportation by pipeline • Pipes, compression stations, valves… • The gas is moved by the pressure gradient • The pressure is around 70bars • For 10TWh/year, we need a 8” main pipe • For 40TWh/year, we need a 16” main pipe • Power installed: 11MW for 10TWh, 50MW for 40TWh • Nearly no leakage, pipeline buried, very few accidents • No terrorism in Northern Scandinavia • Compressors driven by electrical motors • Compressors themselves environmentally friendly CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  11. Pipelines planning CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  12. Pipelines economy CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  13. Comparison of the different options for a demand of 6TWh per year and without the costfor extraction of naturalgas CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  14. Comparison of all options in function of the demand with a paying off investment in 10 years CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  15. Comparison of all options in function of the demand with a paying off investment in 30 years CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  16. Conclusion • Demand of roughly 6TWh per year at the moment • Either on environmental or economical point of views, the best way is to start with trucks until 1TWh, then to continue with pipelines • The size of the pipeline will depend on the demand for the next 30 years • Trains could be used until 8TWh during the construction of the pipeline • Ships are too expensive compared to the others CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

  17. Thanks for your attention ! CARTIGNY PRADURAT TEDELID

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