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What is behind all the bullying in schools?

What is behind all the bullying in schools?. What is bullying?.

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What is behind all the bullying in schools?

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  1. What is behind all the bullying in schools?

  2. What is bullying? "Bullying involves an initial desire to hurt, this desire is expressed in action, someone is hurt, the action is directed by a more powerful person or group, it is without justification, it is typically repeated, and it is done so with evident enjoyment." Rigby, 1998 as cited by Field, 2010. It can take many forms including: • Physical • Psychological • Emotional • Social • Aggressive/violent: hitting, pointing, yelling • Subtle: whispers, stares, rumours • Cyber bullying • Discrimination/harassment: gender, sex, racial, handicapped • Group bullying

  3. A biblical perspective “Almost as hurtful as the cruelty of bullies, is the sense of betrayal, which many feel when those that they thought were friends remain silent and inactive on the sidelines. Like the priest and the levite who walked by on the other side of the road, while the man remained bleeding on the ground, all too many friends and fellow students choose to keep their distance, or stand silent and inactive on the sidelines” (Luke 10:30 – 33). “This is the very opposite of loving our neighbour as ourself and doing unto others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). http://www.christianaction.org.za/articles/bullying_biblical_perspective.htm

  4. Why do children bully?What do children say? Children from a Year Five class were asked “why do children bully?” The results indicated that family life and popularity were two of the major driving forces they believed as the reasons why children bully. Expression of feelings and power were two other significant reasons that the children highlighted.

  5. What does the research say? • Research shows that when it comes to bullying, it is the bully with the issue, not the victim.

  6. Why do children bully?WHAT DOES RESEARCH SAY? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28mN0GtL2fk Click hyperlink to play video

  7. Looking at some of these reasons more closely

  8. HOME ENVIRONMENT The environment that a child is brought up in plays a part in a child’s perception of what is right and what is wrong.

  9. LOW SELF-ESTEEM The Brown University (2004) discusses how bullying is detrimental to a child’s well-being. The results indicated that if a child is being bullied they can start to feel isolated, anxious, scared, insecure and consequently believe that there is something wrong with them.

  10. SCHOOL ETHOS The amount of bullying that occurs at a school varies; it depends on the geographical position, socioeconomic status, organisational structures and the culture of the school. (State of Victoria Department of Education and Training, 2002).

  11. ROLE MODELS The problem with combating bullying is that the bully lacks empathy and the victim lacks assertiveness. Effective, socially competent role models are needed not only for the bully, but also the bystanders and the victim.

  12. DESIRE FOR POWER Research conducted by Juvonen (2003) found that 7% of the bullies were psychologically strong. The image that bullies portray to fellow peers is generally to cover up one’s own insecurities and inadequacies.

  13. ENCOURAGED BY ONLOOKERS Bullying can create an image that portrays the bully as tough, popular or someone to be fearful of and therefore gains the attention of fellow peers.

  14. SOCIETAL DIFFERENCES There is evidence from a range of disciplines that indicate that children in the 21st Century are facing a different world from previous generations. Children need COPING SKILLS in order to deal with the challenges that they will face in their daily life. (McGrath & Noble, 2003, p.1)

  15. Societal Differences There are four significant reasons why the youth of today are facing different challenges in life in comparison to previous generations: Young people are more likely nowadays to encounter a range of difficult circumstances, negative events and down times than previous generations (McGrath & Noble, 2003, p.1)

  16. Societal Differences They are less equipped and well situated than previous generations to cope well with these challenges and down times. In response to such stressors, they are more likely to turn to maladaptive strategies like overusing drugs and alcohol, behaving in an anti-social way and suicide. The relative epidemic of depression among young people that was not apparent in previous generations. (McGrath & Noble, 2003, p.1)

  17. Rosenberg (2002) states that bullying is most prevalent and damaging when a child is in primary school. • Implementing an effective program into the school can prevent the prevalence of bullying. • Research has indicated that both the bully and the victim have an inadequate grasp of social skills. Rosenberg (2002) has postulated that it is paramount that children are equipped with vital social skills to be assertive, handle negative criticism, feel positive about themselves and realise the impact of one’s actions on other people.

  18. Preventative Approach • The most effective way of addressing bullying is by focusing on a primary prevention approach. Research both here and overseas shows that a preventative approach in school is most effective, especially in achieving long-term goals (State of Victoria Department of Education and Training, 2002).

  19. IT’S UP TO ALL OF US TO HELP STOP BULLYING http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJut7KQhI4 Click hyperlink to play video

  20. resources Brown University. (2004). Bullying intervention more effective for older students. (What’s New in Research). The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behaviour Letter, 20 (4), 4-6. Bullying No Way!, http://www.bullyingnoway.com.au/ Christian Action, 2003. Bullying: A Biblical Perspective http://www.christianaction.org.za/articles/bullying_biblical_perspective.htm Elliot, M. 1997. Bullying: A Practical Guide to Coping for Schools, Pearson Education Limited: Great Britain Field, E. 2010. Bully Blocking, http://www.bullying.com.au/school-bullying/index.php Field, M. 2009 , Bullying in Schools http://www.bullyonline.org/schoolbully/school.htm Full Esteem Ahead, http://www.stopbullyingnow.com/Some%20reasons%20why%20%20kids%20bully.pdf Hibbert, A. 2004. Why Do People Bully?, Great Britain: White-Tomson Publishing James Cook University, 2010, Reasons for Bullying Behaviour, http://www.jcu.edu.au/eo/bullying/JCUDEV_010054.html Juvonen, J. (2003). Bullying in schools pervasive, disruptive, serious. Ascribe Medicine News Service, 1, 1-3. McGrath, H & Noble, T. (2003). Bounce Back! Teacher’s Handbook A Classroom Resiliency Program. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia. Rosenberg, M. (2002, March 17). Required course: Bully prevention. New York Times. P.5. State of Victoria Department of Education and Training. (2002) Addressing bullying behaviour it’s our responsibility [Online]. Available URL: http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/bullying/index.htm

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