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ECE Department Update

ECE Department Update. Andreas Cangellaris, Head Power Affiliates Meeting May 3 , 2013. New ECE building. On schedule for July 2014 completion. The design for the new ECE building has been awarded a 2012 Green Good Design Award.

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ECE Department Update

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  1. ECE Department Update Andreas Cangellaris, Head Power Affiliates Meeting May 3, 2013

  2. New ECE building • On schedule for July 2014 completion. • The design for the new ECE building has been awarded a 2012 Green Good Design Award. • The Award recognizes the most important examples of sustainable design throughout the world.

  3. One of the largest ECE undergraduate student bodies in the world Undergraduate • Total students: ~1,800 • ~50% out of state • ~30% international • CE majors: ~800 • EE majors: ~1000 • Graduate • Total students: ~500

  4. US News & World Report 2013 Undergrad Programs Ranking EE CE MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UIUC (5) GA Tech • MIT • Stanford • UC Berkeley • UIUC (5) • GA Tech • U Michigan • 2011-12 ECE+CS Undergraduate Enrollments: • MIT = 653 • Stanford = 375 • UC Berkeley = 1093 • UIUC = 2682 > (MIT + Stanford + UC Berkeley)

  5. US News & World Report 2013 Graduate ECE Programs Ranking EE CompE MIT UC Berkeley 3. CMU UIUC Cornell • MIT 1. Stanford 3. UC Berkeley 3. UIUC • Caltech

  6. LED 50th Anniversary SymposiumOctober 24 & 25, 2012Urbana-Champaign, Illinois http://www.led50years.illinois.edu/ SA

  7. Weng C. Chew, Tom Overbye 2013 NAE Inductees “For the integration of visualization and analysis tools for power systems.” “For contributions to large-scale computational electromagnetics of complex structures.”

  8. ECE Professorship Investitures Naresh Shanbhag – Jack Kilby Professor in ECE Naresh investigates efficient IC implementations of signal processing and communication systems, seeking to innovate at the algorithmic, VLSI architectural and circuit levels, to minimize power and maximize performance while maintaining reliable operation. Martin F. Wong – Ed Jordan Professor in ECE Martin’s research focus is on methodologies and tools for the computer-aided design of 2-D and 3-D VLSI, with special emphasis on the advancement of new ideas and approaches to design for manufacturing in the presence of process-induced variations in nanoscale devices.

  9. Liang and Nicol invested as Franklin W. Woeltge Professors in ECE Zhi-Pei Liang is developing methods for optimal acquisition, reconstruction and processing of MR images with application to functional neuroimaging, real-time cardiac imaging, and cancer imaging. David Nicol, who serves as director of the Information Trust Institute, is an expert on large-scale system simulation, network security and cyber-physical systems security.

  10. Dominguez-Garcia named IEEE PES Outstanding Young Engineer • The IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) has named ECE Assistant Professor Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia the 2012 IEEE PES Outstanding Young Engineer. • Dominguez-Garcia's research interests lie in the interface of system reliability theory and control theory, especially as applied to power and energy systems.

  11. Investing in Young Talent… • Assoc. Prof. Eric Pop and Assist. Profs. Lynford Goddard and Logan Liu recipients of Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). • Assist. Prof. Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia recipient of the 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Young Engineer Award. • Assist. Prof. Sayan Mitra recipient of 2012 Air Force Young Investigator Award. • Assoc. Prof. Jonathan Makela recipient of the IEEE Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award. • Assist. Prof. Yi Lu recipient of2012 NSF Career Award. • Assist. Prof. Max Raginsky recipient of 2013 NSF Career Award. E.Pop L. Goddard L. Liu A. Dominguez-Garcia S.Mitra J. Makela Yi Lu M. Raginsky

  12. …to ensure a lasting foundation for faculty excellence • 2012 IEEE Nanotechnology Pioneer Award – Joe Lyding • 2012 OSA Nick Holonyak, Jr., Award – Kent Choquette • 2012 Hans Sigrist Foundation Award – Stephen Boppart • 2012 IEEE-EMBS Technical Achievement Award – Rashid Bashir • 2012 IFMBE Otto Schmitt Award– Z.P. Liang • 2012 Fellow, Acoustical Society of America – Mark Hasegawa-Johnson • 2013 IEEE Fellows– Daniel Liberzon and Pramod Viswanath • Fellow, American Institute for MBE – B. Cunningham • 2012 Stanley H. Price Faculty Award, COE Illinois – J. Bernhard • 2012 IEEE MTT Society Distinguished Educator Award – A. Cangellaris • 2012-13 IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer – P. Moulin • 2012 ACM/IEEE DAC Best Paper Award – M. Wong • 2013 COE Illinois Faculty Scholar Award– Olgica Milenkovic Incomplete List of Most Recent Awards

  13. UG Students/Faculty ratio ~24

  14. New Faculty • Asst. Prof. Yihong Wu (Princeton) • His research focus is on algorithms for estimation with applications that encompass big data analysis, bioinformatics, statistical signal processing and communications. • Assoc. Prof. Romit Roy Choudhury (UIUC) • His research interests are in wireless networking and mobile computing. • Currently at Duke, Romit will be joining us in fall 2013. • Assoc. Prof. Pavan Kumar Hanumolu (Oregon State) • His research interests are in high performance, ultra low-power mixed-mode integrated circuits. • Currently at Oregon State, Pavan will be joining us in fall 2013.

  15. Plan to hire 5 more this year • Areas: • Microelectronics/Photonics • Computer Engineering • Controls/Power Systems • Bioinformatics/Systems Biology • New hire in Power Systems: Dr. Hao Zhu • Area of research: monitoring and optimization of the smart grid. • She will join the ECE faculty on Jan. 1, 2014.

  16. Systems on Nanoscale Information fabriCs Director: Prof. Naresh Shanbhag $30M over 5yrs (2013-17) SRC and DARPA’s STARnet Program 23 faculty – devices, circuits, architecture, to systems 8 universities – Illinois (lead), Berkeley, CMU, Michigan, Princeton, Stanford, UCSB, UCSD design of robust, energy efficient, and intelligent computing on emerging nanoscaledevices inspired by statistical information processing principles found in communication and biological systems www.sonic-center.org info@sonic-center.org A Center catalyzing a foundational transformation of computing – from deterministic to statistical

  17. Grainger Engineering Breakthroughs Initiative • $100M gift to the College of Engineering by the Grainger Foundation • 35endowed chairs and professorships • Boost and grow multi-disciplinary, high-impact research • Primary emphasis on: • Big Data – Attract the best minds in the field to grow Illinois’ influence and impact • Bioengineering – Attract top talent and establish world-class facilities for multi-disciplinary research and education • Everitt renovation to house BioE • Kickoff of a major initiative toward a $100M scholarship endowment for the College

  18. $100M scholarship initiative kickoff • Attract andretain the best and brightest students. • An estimated $4M annual income from endowment provides for ~400 scholarships annually in the range of $5K - $15K.

  19. Everitt Lab Renovation • Everitt Lab remains an integral part of the College of Engineering. • Will house BioE along with other College programs and instructional activities • Renovation/remodeling cost ~$40M. • Grainger gift to offset a portion of this cost.

  20. Endowed Chairs/Professorships • 26 endowed chairs & professorships in the cross-disciplinary areas of bioengineering and big data. • Startup up costs assumed by the College & Campus. • Additional endowed chairs & professorships in other critical areas in the College.

  21. $10M to endow seed funding for breakthrough areas of engineering research • Grow and endow the Strategic Research Initiative program in the College. • Strategic investments in high-risk ideas. • Seed funding aimed at fostering opportunities for successful proposals in new areas of research.

  22. Foray into MOOCS via Coursera • ECE Professor Wen-mei Hwu taught “Heterogeneous Parallel Programming”

  23. A near-campus institute for: • R&D projects outside normal UIUC faculty purview. • Focused on areas of national need. • Enables classified research: • Mission agency driven: DoD, DoE, DHS,… • Targeted technologies • Larger applied programs • Permanent staff • Commercial and proprietary opportunities. • Initial technical foci: Cyber-enabled resilient infrastructure; Energy; Energetics; Materials.

  24. ECE Illinois: Lighting up the future!

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