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Strategic Plan

Develop implementation plans to address decline in single-family areas through strategic code enforcement policies. Compare survey results, explore inspection programs, and propose enhanced regulations focusing on property standards, rental housing, and neighborhood maintenance.

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Strategic Plan

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  1. Strategic Plan Two implementation plans include related items, milestones in November V3S1ib- Examine and enhance proactive code enforcement program V8S1ib- Develop solutions that address decline in Single Family Areas

  2. Milestones for November Present findings of study(Benchmark survey of Big 12 cities code enforcement procedures and ordinances) Present and review findings, alternate property standard code

  3. Rental Regulations Also working some of the rental housing issues into this item

  4. Decline Decline- Typically refers to deterioration in physical condition of an area Today- Also will be considering negative impacts on quality of life as “decline”

  5. Survey Results Three Cities have Inspection Programs Ames, IA. Boulder, CO. Lincoln, NE.

  6. Survey Results Numbers of Units range from 5,200 to 38,300 College Station has 19,000 Frequency of Inspections Vary

  7. Survey Results Cities with programs say it prevents the decline of properties and has reduced fire deaths

  8. Survey Results Six Cities have researched or are researching Programs: College Station, Lubbock, Waco, Norman and Stillwater, OK. Manhattan, KS.

  9. Current Policies, Practices Building Department construction oriented Has worked in conjunction with Fire Marshal to address property conditions on reactive basis

  10. Current Policies, Practices Community Enhancement provides proactive enforcement of various codes

  11. International Maintenance Code Developed by the International Code Council as part of the family of International Codes

  12. International Maintenance Code Regulations are contained in one document (current regulations are in two separate areas of Chapter 3)

  13. International Maintenance Code IPMC is more comprehensive in nature (for example, smoke detector requirements and common hallway lighting )

  14. International Maintenance Code IPMC was designed to complement the other International Codes

  15. UDO UDO provides for development standards Development Standards important aspect of regulating rental housing- how it is developed/built, parking requirements, buffers, screening, etc.

  16. UDO UDO, development standards will not address many of the issues that have been raised related to existing rental housing in neighborhoods

  17. UDO Does establish, by definition, what constitutes a “Family”

  18. Approach Define problems (categorize) Put problems into context Choose regulatory approach

  19. Types of Complaints Two general kinds of complaints: Property Conditions Behavior

  20. Defining the Problem Look at the most common complaints Categorize

  21. Defining the Problem Problems (complaints)- Noise- loud car and truck mufflers, loud motorcycles, people and cars coming and going, car doors slamming, house doors slamming, car horns honking, parties, loud music, shouting, yelling, hollering and bellering

  22. Defining the Problem Problems (complaints)- Things- trash containers left out, litter, household furniture on lawn or porches, weeds, sanitation, junk vehicles, etc.

  23. Defining the Problem Problems (complaints)- Parking- excessive on street parking, parking in no parking zones, parking on lawns, not enough off-street parking, too much pavement for off-street parking, streets partially blocked, etc.

  24. Defining the Problem Problems (complaints)- Traffic- speed, violating traffic signs, noise, too many cars resulting in too much traffic

  25. Defining the Problem Problems (complaints)- Maintenance and condition- structural condition, condition of systems (plumbing, electrical, hvac, etc.), paint, roof, fences Some of these complaints come from tenants

  26. Defining the Problem Life/Safety concerns Smoke detectors, windows not functioning for emergency egress, substandard electrical service, heating systems, etc.

  27. Defining the Problem Many of the complaints we receive are behavioral issues, not property standards issues

  28. Context Look at the context in which we must address problems

  29. Context College Station’s housing stock is approximately 73% rental 26,054 Total dwelling units 19,000 +/- Occupied rental units 2,000 +/- Vacant (may become rental, owner)

  30. Context Have to address problems and complaints within the context of the Texas statutes

  31. Context Texas statutes define nuisance, establish process for abating nuisances Nuisance abatement is a case-by-case legal tool

  32. Context Property conditions have same blighting influences regardless of owner/renter occupancy

  33. No Simple Solution There is no one size fits all solution to address the variety of problems identified through complaints

  34. Solution Best approach for addressing most of the issues raised (behavioral) would be a mechanism to prevent rental conversion of single family homes, require existing rental property to return to owner occupancy... This is not feasible

  35. Solution? Rental property licensing, registration programs may be seen by some as a panacea for all the ills associated with rental housing

  36. Solution? Does a rental property licensing or registration achieve the desired results? Does it address the most common complaints?

  37. Solution? Licensing programs are the best approach to address certain types of property condition issues- particularly when combined with inspections

  38. Solution? Licensing programs are the best approach to address certain types of property condition issues- particularly when combined with inspections Licensing programs are ineffective for addressing behavior problems

  39. Solution? Licensing programs are the best approach to address certain types of property condition issues- particularly when combined with inspections Licensing programs are very effective for addressing life safety and property standards

  40. Solution? Licensing programs are the best approach to address certain types of property condition issues- particularly when combined with inspections Licensing programs are more critical for addressing problems that cannot be seen from public view

  41. Recommendations Do not attempt to address problems through definition of “Family” Inefficient, ineffective, does not address full range of problems You will be frustrated

  42. Recommendations What can we do? 1. It is usually more effective to regulate the symptoms than the cause Parking, noise, sanitation best addressed through specific ordinances

  43. Recommendations Symptom- Cars on street, lawn. Cause- Too many cars, not enough parking, parking not convenient. Cure- Parking regulation, enforcement.

  44. Recommendations Some rental properties, particularly in older neighborhoods, are not well maintained

  45. Recommendations What can we do? 2. Prevent blight and decline by increased enforcement of property maintenance codes

  46. Recommendations What can we do? 2. Prevent blight and decline by increased enforcement of property maintenance codes This will require shift in priorities, resources or addition of resources

  47. Recommendations What can we do? 2. Prevent blight and decline by increased enforcement of property maintenance codes International Property Maintenance Code is a good tool for enforcement

  48. Recommendations Don’t try to regulate behavior through property standards, development codes or rental registration/licensing It will be ineffective, you will be frustrated

  49. Recommendations What can we do? 3. Continue to regulate behavioral problems through the current efforts underway by PD This approach can include abatement of nuisances under the statutes

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