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First Regional Library's strategic plan for 2012-2015 focusing on enhancing physical facilities, community hours, and digital resources to promote lifelong learning. It includes goals, objectives, activities, and responsibilities to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach.
Strategic Plan FIRST REGIONAL LIBRARY 2012-2015
Library’s Vision Statement: FIRST REGIONAL LIBRARY …where discovery begins!
Library’s Mission Statement: The Mission of the First Regional Library is… THE PEOPLE’S PLACE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING
GOAL I Provide the public with quality physical facilities that are handicapped accessible, as safe and as comfortable as possible; operate open hours convenient for the public
GOAL I OBJECTIVE 1 Libraries to operate efficiently and safely, meeting ADA standards ACTIVITY 1 Update building facility audits annually to determine landscaping, lighting, and ADA issues (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Utilize a member of the Business Office at Headquarters, part of whose job is now to help the branch heads/managers work with local trustees, governmental agencies and/or volunteer groups to fix or repair facility shortcomings, inside and outside the physical buildings within the Library System (2011-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Add security personnel and/or security cameras as situations warrant and the budget allows (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Director, Assistant Director for Public Services, Branch Head Librarians and Managers, Business Office
GOAL 1 OBJECTIVE 2 Libraries to provide open hours, perceived as needed by the various communities in which they operate ACTIVITY 1 Utilize current and projected census data, branch community analyses, pertinent library usage data, along with relevant staff and resident input to determine ideal branch open hours (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Open as many of these hours as the operational budget will allow; recognizing when cuts or additions to staff and open hours become necessary and making those adjustments as needed within budgetary constraints (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Explore the possibility of providing community bookmobile service to the more outlying areas of our service area in order to reach people – especially children – who are mired in the grips of rural poverty and isolation (e.g. Dundee and Robinsonville in Tunica County; Crowder, Courtland and Pope in Panola County; Harmontown and Abbeville in Lafayette County; Independence in Tate County; Lewisburg in DeSoto County) Responsibilities: Director, Assistant Director for Public Services, Branch Heads and Managers, Regional Board of Trustees
GOAL II Expand and enhance 24/7 access to information through Library’s web portal, mobile and tablet apps and social media
Golden Triangle Regional Library Consortium GOAL II EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) — The fundamental element of the complete solution, providing the most comprehensive collection of searchable data OBJECTIVE 1 Maintain highest possible level of computer network efficiency, following the Library’s Technology Plan by replacing older equipment as the budget will allow ACTIVITY 1 Integrate SirsiDynix upgrades as they become available (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Make available new software, hardware, web enhancements, WiFi improvements, plus relevant apps for mobile and tablet devices as budget allows (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Incorporate patron-initiated Interlibrary Loan (2012) ACTIVITY 4 Integrate EBSCO’s Discovery package – which will give our patrons the “one-stop shopping” experience (or Power Search) in terms of showing the patron books, articles from databases, etc. when they search for information on any given subject Responsibilities: Assistant Director for Technical Services, Staff Development Coordinator, Network Specialist, Public Relations Specialist, Director
Circulation Period and Fine Policy - Golden Triangle Regional Library Consortium What will FRL do?
FRL’s participation in the Golden Triangle Regional Library Consortium with a hoped-for • “soft opening” in March; • and a big publicity announcement in time for National Library Week. • A committee has been formed whose charge it will be to develop a plan for a • seamless transition into GTRLC consortium membership. • The members of this committee will be: • Alice Pierotti - Como • Amy Poe - Headquarters • Blake Adams - Lafayette County & Oxford Public Library • Glinda Jaynes - M.R. Davis Public Library in Southaven • Jesse Pool – Horn Lake • Robin Warren-Busigo - Hernando Public Library • Ruth Harris - Tunica • Plus: • Marty Coleman - Headquarters, Technical Specialist • Barbara Evans - Headquarters, Recorder • Judy Card – Headquarters will serve as the Moderator
GOAL II OBJECTIVE 2 Expand informational offerings through the FRL Digital Collection ACTIVITY 1 Complete digitizing the 1983 DeSoto County interviewing project (audio left to be digitized) and transfer to University of Southern Mississippi (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Digitize as much of the Coldwater Room collection as possible; add this digitized information to the FRL Digital Collection (2012-2013). ACTIVITY 3 Locate other unique area collections in our branch libraries and/or communities to add to the FRL Digital Collection (2013-2015) ACTIVITY 4 Continue working with the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, local county museums, and the Mississippi Digital Collection maintained by the University of Southern Mississippi to expand offerings and to preserve and make available local history (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Law Librarian & Archivist, Assistant Director for Technical Services, Assistant Director for Public Services, Branch Head Librarians and Managers, Director
Keep it local Specifically local, less generic!
Mississippi is unhealthiest state, United Health Foundation reports Diabetes, smoking, obesity top threats; drinking low, immunization at high level • By Phil West • Memphis Commercial Appeal • Posted December 7, 2011 at midnight • Discuss • Print • A • A • A OXFORD -- Mississippi again is dead last in the nation in overall health rankings compiled by the United Health Foundation, a nonprofit subsidiary of insurer UnitedHealth Group. More than one out of three Mississippians is obese, ranking the state last in that category. And there appears to be no end in sight to the obesity epidemic, with the number of obese adults growing from 30.9 percent of the population in 2000 to 34.5 percent this year. Preserving Panola's Musical Heritage
GOAL II OBJECTIVE 3 Prioritize collection development needs, especially in terms of striking a balance between providing access to content and actual owning the physical item ACTIVITY 1 Maintain awareness of and be familiar with new formats and technologies (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Provide sufficient access to needed online informational resources through the Library’s network by purchasing access to eBooks and databases not available to FRL via the MAGNOLIA Project within budgetary constraints (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Re-evaluate and re-write the Library’s Collection Development Policy (2012-2013) Responsibilities: Assistant Directors for Technical and Public Services, Branch and Department Heads, Director
GOAL III Improve and enhance relationships with all area schools, public and private
GOAL III OBJECTIVE 1 Work closely with all area schools and school systems, using social media and web instruction whenever and however possible ACTIVITY 1 Offer training to students and teachers on First Regional Library Resources: those in print, electronic and database (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Visit schools on a regular schedule to present book talks, puppet shows; provide and promote Read-a-chapter time – in library, classroom, or via social media – for older kids; have copies for the students to check out and/or have books on similar topics. Especially for grades 3 – 5 – provide regular booktalks on new books available to the students at their local public library (2012- 2015) Responsibilities: Youth Services Coordinator, Youth Specialists, Branch Heads and Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services
Goal III con’t. OBJECTIVE I con’t. Work closely with all area schools and school systems, using social media and web instruction whenever and however possible ACTIVITY 3 Host and encourage regularly-scheduled Family Reading Time to be held at the Public Library or at area schools (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 4 Host onsite or web interactive after school or library period book clubs (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 5 Prepare classroom boxes; take to classes on a regular schedule (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Youth Services Coordinator, Youth Specialists, Branch Heads and Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services
GOAL III OBJECTIVE 2 Strengthen and improve relationships with area school librarians ACTIVITY 1Visit school librarians to discuss what the public library could do with/for them (at least once every school year 2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Obtain and annually update email addresses and/or use social media to communicate directly with area school librarians and interested teachers and administrators (2012- 2015) Responsibilities: Youth Services Coordinator, Youth Specialists, Staff Development Coordinator, Branch Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services
GOAL IV Play a vital role in the communities we serve to help all area preschoolers reach school ready to read and succeed
GOAL IV OBJECTIVE 1Continue to support and strengthen FRL’s Early Childhood Resource Center ACTIVITY 1 Strengthen and promote the specialized collection of resources available to caregivers and homeschoolers within the Center at the Headquarters Library (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Continue to maintain, promote, and make available the Library’s database of area daycare information (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Early Childhood Services Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist, Director
GOAL IV OBJECTIVE 2 Provide outreach to preschoolers by “Taking the Public Library” to area preschoolers with stories and books chosen to help them be ready to read and to succeed in school ACTIVITY 1 Continue operating the Library’s Words on Wheels BookWagon Program of services within budgetary constraints (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Maintain FRL’s association with Mississippi State University’s Early Childhood Institute and Extension Service (2012- 2015) Responsibilities: Early Childhood Services Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist, Director
GOAL IV OBJECTIVE 3 Structure Library storytimes and other preschool programming to help children reach school ready to read and for those in school to stay on level and succeed. ACTIVITY 1 Continue to provide staff training, encouragement and guidance as needed for all FRL Youth Services Specialists on the use of the proven Between the Lions and the American Library Association’s Every Child Ready to Readcurriculums and techniques at preschool storytimes in their branches (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Provide all appropriate resources needed to deliver effective storytimes that encourage early literacy skills in all preschoolers who participate (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Early Childhood Services Coordinator; Youth Services Coordinator; Staff Development Coordinator, Branch Heads and Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services
GOAL V Provide assistance to all school-age young people as they attempt to succeed in their schoolwork; keep in mind reluctant readers, young people with learning disabilities, and youth living in poverty
How to Raise Boys Who Read! How to Keep Girls Reading! GOAL V OBJECTIVE 1 Provide specialized materials, services and programs designed to minimize the effects of the so-called “falling-off” periods associated with the documented reading decline years (i.e., 3rd and 5th graders) ACTIVITY 1 Continue to provide FRL’s excellent Summer Library Program, a program designed to help all students maintain their reading levels over the summer months (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Develop and promote special programs, collections, and other library resources using “hooks” specifically designed with the reluctant reader in mind – especially using social media, colorful bookmarks, etc. (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Youth Services Coordinator, Youth Specialists, Public Relations Specialist, Branch Heads and Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services
GOAL V OBJECTIVE 2 Provide quality homework and readers’ advisory services to area students ACTIVITY 1 Train all staff to assist students in using HelpNow! – the Library’s online homework help program ACTIVITY 2 Train staff in J and YA Reader’s Advisory services (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Schedule specially-designated library staff members to “float” in youth areas of the Library after school, after library programs have ended, and on weekends to provide direct assistance with homework and readers’ advisory (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Staff Development Coordinator, Branch Heads and Managers, Assistant Director for Public Services, Youth Services Coordinator, Director
GOAL VI Improve and enhance services to the Library’s adult users, recognizing that the very large Baby Boomer Generation is entering retirement in record numbers
Let’s Get A Piece of This Action! - Bilingual Brains Delay Aging Effects ***Talk about the power of words—speaking at least two languages may slow dementia in the aging brain, new research shows. – from National Geographic News, February 18, 2011 Now 31 seats!!!!
GOAL VI OBJECTIVE 1 Enhance collection on “how-to” materials in all subjects and formats; Provide exceptional lifelong learning opportunities ACTIVITY 1 Purchase and/or make available resources deemed helpful to lifelong learning (2012-2105) ACTIVITY 2 Create timely book displays, bookmarks, provide special programming to promote and explain these resources (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Branch Heads and Managers, Public Relations Specialist, Assistant Director for Public Services, Assistant Director for Technical Services
GOAL VI OBJECTIVE 2 Emphasize intergenerational programming ACTIVITY 1 Provide regularly-scheduled programming for all members of the family so that going to the local Public Library becomes a part of “the family routine” recognizing the need to provide this programming during the “family-friendly” hours of evenings and/or weekends (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Make craft and/or activity programs accessible to all of the varying ages within the family (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 3 Utilize the public performance rights purchased by the Library System to provide free family movie time (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Youth Specialist, Branch Heads and Managers, Public Relations Specialist, Assistant Director for Public Services
How the Public Library Can Save You Money Free is the key. Creativity rules in Olive Branch library's free jewelry class
Horn Lake library program brings together people from different backgrounds Horn Lake Family Cultural event features songwriters
A FREE Concert Will Bring Out the Families! In March, celebrate National Women’s History Month by each generation sharing a significant moment in women’s history they experienced. Or look at photos of women marching to get the right to vote. Many may not realize women couldn’t always vote! In September, host a Grandparents’ Day tea, sharing stories of grandparents along with refreshments. A little LINE dancing???
Use the Many FRL BiFolkal kits! • Programs can be done at a library or at a senior center, church, etc. • Two examples: • Remembering Farm Days Share what life was like when living on a farm • Remember School Days Share your memories of school, which will be very different from today’s student experiences! GOAL VI OBJECTIVE 3 Engage in outreach opportunities for adults who are unable to come to the Library because of illness or other disability ACTIVITY 1 Provide programming activities in area assisted-living and nursing home facilities, using Bi-Folkal kits as appropriate (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Promote FRL’s Books-by-Mail program to all area homebound residents, whether they are permanently disabled or temporarily so due to surgery, illness, etc. (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Assistant Directors for Technical and Public Services, Branch Heads and Managers, Staff Development Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist
GOAL VII Remain a strong and vital community partner in all communities we serve
GOAL VII OBJECTIVE 1 Promote First Regional Library’s strong brand ACTIVITY 1 Maintain contacts with local traditional media (print, TV, radio) (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Explore any and all other advertising options in order For us to help “Get the word out!” including the use of social media (2012-2015) Responsibilities: Public Relations Specialist, Branch Heads and Managers, Director
GOAL VII OBJECTIVE 2 Partner and participate in community discussions ACTIVITY 1 Participate in local civic club and Chamber activities whenever possible; actively look for “seats at the table” where information about the Library’s services can be promoted and where information needs of the community can be discerned (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Identify and partner with area civic clubs, businesses, chambers and other Community stakeholders to help provide a better quality of life for all northwestern Mississippians (2012-2015) Responsibilities: All Library Staff and Trustees
GOAL VIII Streamline and consolidate processes and operations
GOAL VIII OBJECTIVE 1 Improve technical services and public services operational functions by automating, outsourcing, consolidating and/or re-assignment whenever possible ACTIVITY 1 Explore electronic bill payment of accounts payable (2012-2013) ACTIVITY 2 Work with Library Material Acquisitions to fully utilize EDI ordering (2012) ACTIVITY 3 Continue active participation and partnership with the libraries within the Dancing Rabbit Library Consortium; and look for other similar opportunities to provide the best possible service for FRL patrons (2012- 2015) Responsibilities: Assistant Directors for Public and Technical Services, Business Manager, Director, Trustees
GOAL VIII OBJECTIVE 2 Encourage all staff to take advantage of relevant staff development offered educational opportunities (and other identified educational opportunities, conferences, etc.) to become prepared to think quickly and make changes about how best to change or enhance service levels; to be able to think “out of the box” as technological advances press ahead at lightning speed (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 1 Encourage all Library Assistant staff members to take classes and to advance according to the Library’s advancement plan (2012- 2105) ACTIVITY 2 Develop a similar advancement plan for Youth Specialists (2012) Responsibilities: Assistant Director for Public Services, Staff Development Coordinator, Youth Services Coordinator, Branch Heads and Managers, Director, Trustees
Some of the things we “know” have passed their use-by date Some of what we know may have passed its “use-by” date
GOAL IX Secure adequate funding to achieve the mission
GOAL IX OBJECTIVE 1 Demonstrate how vital public libraries are to the way of life of the local communities served by the First Regional Library to local funding officials ACTIVITY 1 Continue to collect stories about how First Regional Library services have directly impacted people’s lives; Use Tell-a-Tale pads; Relate info on those pads upward (2012-2015) ACTIVITY 2 Communicate these FRL success stories to elected officials, including statistics and public comments whenever possible (2012-2015) Responsibilities: All Library Staff