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2. Introduction of the NNEC Roadmap
Development of the NNEC Roadmap
The Analysis Process
Conclusions and Recommendations
3. The NNEC Roadmap Development Process
4. The NNEC Roadmap Goal: Management Tool to Govern NNEC
Developed by ACT and Used by NC3B and L&G Support Group
Design Principles:
Steer NNEC Development at Strategic Level
Guidance and Tempo for maturity of Initiatives at NATO and National Levels
Nations Should Provide Guidance and Input
Identify NNEC Shortfalls
Synchronize Capabilities with NATO
Ability to Measure Progress
The upper half of this slide, shows the NNEC Component Areas. The implementation of NNEC will increase operational effectiveness, enabiling More capable future forces via:
Better Information;
Better Command and Control; and
Better Decision Support.
The upper half of this slide, shows the NNEC Component Areas. The implementation of NNEC will increase operational effectiveness, enabiling More capable future forces via:
Better Information;
Better Command and Control; and
Better Decision Support.
5. Operational Milestones
7. Introduction of the NNEC Roadmap
Development of the NNEC Roadmap
The Analysis Process
Conclusions and Recommendations
8. The Focus Areas The (current) operational capabilities at each milestones are described based on 8 Focus Areas:
Mission Analysis
Joint Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (JISR)
Target Acquisition and Fire Support
Battle space management
Command and Control
Force protection
Operational Milestones, Objectives, and Focus Areas are currently being reviewed and validated by Subject Matter Experts
9. NNEC Enablers The enablers are the “actions” that need to be taken to achieve the objectives supporting the milestone goals
Examples: approval of NNEC policy, development of an IEG…
10. The major inputs One of the key issues of completing the roadmap is identifying the list of enablers. Main sources:
Mid Term Plans (MTPs)
Master CP List and Capability Packages description
Current Capability Area Roadmaps (CARs) and associated PoW (experimentation, R&D, education and training and NURC)
Defence Requirements: DRR/NDPP, Capability Packages, etc.
SME Inputs from the different Communities of Interest (CoIs)
11. Example: The NDPP The NDPP:
12. Introduction of the NNEC Roadmap
Development of the NNEC Roadmap
The Analysis Process
Conclusions and Recommendations
13. Roadmap as Analysis Tool
14. NNEC Analysis: Process NNEC Analysis Goals using the Roadmap:
Enable identification of programmatic gaps and overlaps
Lead to identification of additional actions that must be performed to achieve higher levels of operational capabilities
Product of analysis using the NNEC roadmap will include:
Capturing inputs from the NDPP, capability shortfalls and LoA
Identifying mismatches between NNEC milestones objectives, associated activities, plans and resources and potential solutions
Deriving inputs for Capability Improvement Plans and Force Proposals
Adjusting LoA of NNEC
Providing guidance for NATO Nations’ evolutionary synchronization
15. Outputs of the Analysis The analysis will provide information on:
When each milestone can be achieved under the current planning constraints
Possible mechanisms to speed up the process
Which activities are putting the milestones at risk
Which activities are in the critical path
Which required activities are currently unfunded or not programmed
R&D and experimentation requirements
Current NATO policy and doctrine change requirements
16. NNEC Roadmap Value Added Identifies, sorts, schedules and prioritizes the activities to achieve the operational gains related to NNEC implementation.
Identifies conflicts (gaps, overlaps, etc.)
Provides information Nations require to really govern NNEC realization.
Provides information to link military (operational) objectives to programmatic and implementation activities.
Links several current instruments for NNEC improvement (NDPP, MTPs, CPs, R&D PoW, EPoW) under the same umbrella
17. Introduction of the NNEC Roadmap
Development of the NNEC Roadmap
The Analysis Process
Conclusions and Recommendations
18. Current Status of the Roadmap The framework is developed.
Milestones, Focus Areas and objectives have been defined and described (Validation on-going, marginal changes expected)
We already have a significant initial collection of enablers (under refinement)
The analysis process is fully described and consolidated
The Military analysis and recommendations processes are underway
All the above is being coordinated at Bi-SC level with participation from NHQC3S, JFCs, Agencies, …
19. Conclusion The NNEC roadmap is feasible and doable
The work performed so far proves that the NNEC roadmap:
Can align operational needs with programmatic / implementation activities
Can embrace Capability Improvement activities including CPs, MTPs, R&D PoW, etc.
Can produce inputs and recommendations at both governance and management levels for NNEC implementation.
The concept, framework and implementation of the NNEC roadmap is (successfully) almost finished.
Focus now is to engage CoIs & SMEs to accelerate population and validation of the roadmap
20. Recommendations The NC3Reps are invited:
To note this briefing and to support the approach
To support ACT in on-going activities:
Collection of inputs from the Communities of Interest and Subject Matter Experts
Military Analysis to derive inputs for governance
To invite ACT to maintain and further develop the NNEC roadmap
To agree on a process to have the NNEC roadmap approved by the NC3B.