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Interhospital Conference 17 November 2009. 10 years old boy Prolong fever, arthritis. Patient data. ผู้ป่วยเด็กชายไทย อายุ 10 ปี ที่อยู่ อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ Chief complaint ไข้สูง ปวดข้อ 1 สัปดาห์ ก่อนมาโรงพยาบาล. Present illness.
Interhospital Conference17 November 2009 10 years old boy Prolong fever, arthritis
Patient data ผู้ป่วยเด็กชายไทย อายุ 10 ปี ที่อยู่ อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ Chief complaint • ไข้สูง ปวดข้อ 1 สัปดาห์ ก่อนมาโรงพยาบาล
Present illness • 1 เดือนก่อน มาด้วยไข้ 7 วัน ปวดข้อ ข้อบวม • SEM at LUPSB, liver 4cm below RCM • Lt wrist, Lt knee and ankle then Rt ankle arthritis (migratory polyarthritis)
Investigation 1 เดือนก่อน • CBC: Hct 28.6%, Hb 9 g/dl, corrected WBC 9,600, N 37%, L 43%, M 18%, NRC 153/100 WBC, plt 117,000 MCV 72.9, MCH 22.9, MCHC 31.4, RDW 20.8 • ESR 82 mm/hr, ANA-, ASO positive 1:1, RF -, CRP + 1:64, • Melioid titer 1:40, H/C no growth, PPD - • CXR: mild cardiomegaly • EKG: NSR, HR 120/min, QRS axis 750, PR 0.12 sec, QTc 0.38 sec, borderline LVH • Echocardiogram: EF 76.8%, mild LV enlargement, trivial MR
Dx: acute rheumatic fever: 1 major (poly arthritis), 2 minor ( fever, ESR, CRP), + evidence Strep infection (ASO+) • Rx: cefotaxime x 8 d, amoxy+clavulanic acid x 6d, ASA gr V (90mkd) Severe joint pain, pain score= 10 : suspected malignancy/ JRA • Brufen, tramol, MST, morphine syrup prn • Prednisolone 2 MKD x 2 wk • LDH 2,476 U/L uric acid 6.3 mg/dl, ESR 135 mm/hr, CRP 1:16, • Coomb’s test –, ANA-, RF-, UA normal • eye exam: no uveitis
BMA: inadequate • BM biopsy: fragment of cartilage, no bone marrow tissue seen • Film bone survey: multiloculated cystic lesion at distal of Lt femur, no osteolytic lesion, suspected benign condition, No malignancy condition • Bone scan: ? • Ultrasound abdomen: hepatomegaly
Present illness • 1 สัปดาห์ก่อนมาโรงพยาบาล มีไข้สูง ส่วนใหญ่เป็นไข้กลางคืน ปวดเมื่อยต้นขา 2 ข้าง ปวดข้อศอก ทั้ง 2 ข้าง ข้อมือ ข้อนิ้วมือ ข้อเข่าขวา ไม่ไอ ไม่หอบ ปวดศีรษะเล็กน้อย ปัสสาวะอุจจาระปกติไม่มีน้ำหนักลด รับประทานอาหารได้ • 2 วัน ก่อนมา ไข้ตลอดวัน ปวดข้อมากขึ้น ปวดสะโพก 2 ข้าง เดินลำบาก
Past history • มีเลือดกำเดาไหลเป็นๆหายๆ (ตั้งแต่อายุ 3-4 ปี ปีละ 3-4 ครั้ง) • 7 เดือนก่อน มาด้วยไข้ 2 เดือน เบื่ออาหาร อ่อนเพลีย ท้องโตขึ้น ซีดลง น้ำหนักลดลง 2 กิโลกรัม ใน 1 เดือน • ตรวจร่างกาย พบซีด ม้ามโต 10 cm below LCM, • CBC: pancytopenia • BMA: erythroid hyperplasia, no blast • BM biopsy: bony tissue with paucity number of hematopoietic cells without evidence of leukemia • Lymph node biopsy at inguinal: reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
Past history • CT abdomen: diffuse splenomegaly • Splenectomy: diffuse sinusoidal hemangiomatosis with extramedullary hemopoeisis • EBV Ig M +, IgG+, CMV IgM-, IgG+ • Antibiotic 17 days • Hb typing: Homozygous Hb E
Past history • จากนั้นมา follow up ทุก 1 เดือน มีไข้บางครั้ง เลือดกำเดาไหลเล็กน้อย admit 1 ครั้ง เมื่อ 4 เดือนก่อน x 2 วัน Hct 29% WBC, platelet ปกติ • ได้รับ folic, MTV, zyrtec Family history • มารดาเป็นโรคหอบหืด • มีญาติทางบิดาเป็นโรคเลือด (ไม่ทราบว่าเป็นโรคอะไร) • ปฏิเสธประวัติมะเร็งในครอบครัว
Physical Examination • Vital signs: BT 39.70 C BP 110/70 mmHg PR 112/min RR 22/min BW 23 kg (P3-10) Ht 130 cm (P25) • GA: A boy, fully consciousness, well co-operate • HEENT: mild pale conjunctiva , anicteric sclera pharynx and tonsils: not injected Rt cervical lymph node 0.5 cm
Physical examination • Heart : systolic ejection murmur gr II at LPSB • Lungs : normal and equal breath sound, no adventitious sound • Abdomen: soft, liver 3 cm below RCM • Extremities: no edema • Tender and swelling of bilateral elbow, wrist, 4th, 5th MCP, Lt 2nd, 5th MCP, Rt knee joint
Problem lists • Prolong fever • Polyarthritis • Anemia • Hepatomegaly • SEM gr II • S/P splenectomy • Homozygous HbE
DDx • Infection: TB, virus (EBV, CMV), Bacteria, fungus • Connective tissue disease: JRA, SLE • Malignancy: acute leukemia, lymphoma • IAHS • LCH
Investigation • CBC: Hb 10.2 g/dL, Hct 31%, WBC corrected 4,900 N 45%, L 36%, M 18%, E 8%, NRC 91/100 WBC, Platelet 131,000 MCV 85.7 fl, MCH 28.2 pg, MCHC 32.9 g/dL • BUN 5 mg/dL, Cr 0.4 mg/dL, Uric acid 3.4 mg/dL • Na 139, K 3,8, Cl 97, CO2 29 mmol/L, Ca 8.9, Mg 2, P 4 mg/dL • Albumin 2.4 g/dL, AST 54 U/L, ALT 37 U/L. ALP 520 U/L • Hemoculture; no growth • UA : pH 5.5 ,sp.gr. 1.025, wbc 1-2 , rbc 0-1 • ESR: 75 mm/hr
Investigation • LDH 542 U/L • Ferritin 3,840 ng/ ml • B-HCG 1.11 mIU/ml, AFP 3.08 IU/ml • ASO-, CRP-, Melioid 1:20
Ultrasound whole abdomen :diffuse hepatomegaly
BMA: inadequate, rare nucleated cell, no blast Cytochemistry : numerous cell debris and very rare blood cell have been observed, no hematologic malignancy cell :Other cause of bone marrow destruction should be ruled out Flow cytometry: blast gate 2.63% of total event No evidence of hematologic malignancy
Histopathology report 1st admission
Splenichemagiomatosis (1st admission)
Splenichemagiomatosis (1st admission)
Bone marrow biopsy: Bone marrow necrosis No malignancy cell
Bone biopsy at Lt humerous: Bone marrow necrosis No malignancy cell
Bone Marrow Necrosis (BMN) • Necrosis of myeloid tissue and medullary stroma in the large areas of hematopoietic bone marrow • On BM biopsy: disruption of the normal bone marrow architecture with a considerable loss of fat space • Aplastic anemia: only loss of myeloid tissue and no destruction of reticular structure • Aseptic necrosis: no destruction of the spicular architecture
Hypoxemia after failure of microcirculation: • Inflammatory damage or mechanical obstruction : DIC, sickle cell disease or tumor cell plug • Immune process • Toxicity and the release of toxins, cytokines, or vasoactive substances from damaged cells : TNF • Major complication: pancytopenia, embolic processes • Repopulation of the bone marrow cavity can occur after BMN resolved
Identified underlying malignancy 90% Extensive search for neoplastic disease is justified whenever BMN is diagnosed
1st described by Wade and Stevenson, 1942 : Sickle cell disease, died of cerebral infarction • Nies et al. 1965: define BMN in acute leukemia 34/ 316 (10.75%) postmortem • Kiraly and Wheby.1976: 13/664 (2%) in BM specimens during 12 –year period • Norgard, 1979. retrospectively reviewed 120/368 (32.5%), only 4 were diagnosed at initial
Grading • Small necrotic lesions: <25% of the dimention of the biopsy (39%) • Intermediate BMN < 50% (24%) • Large BMN >75% (12%) • Extensive: throughout the dimension of the specimen • Pennaforte et al. 1986: extensive 4/1149 (0.3%) • Maisel etal. 1988: severe BMN > 50% of dimension (3%)
BMN in children • Macfarlane and Tauro: 4/379 (1%) in ALL • Pui et al: 7/1419 (0.5%) in cancer patients
Bone Marrow Necrosis (BMN)Ann M. Janssens et al. Cancer 2000 • Clinicopathologic entity, rare condition • Review 240 cases, 1980-1999 • Inclusion 1. BMN diagnosed during life 2. necrosis > 50% of the diameter of biopsy specimen
Underlying disease association • Malignancy 91% • Hematologic malignancies 60% • Acute leukemia 41%, lymphoma 15% • ALL 18%, AML 13% • Children 18/25 cases were ALL • BMN developed before diagnosis: ALL 26/37 (AML 16/24) • After induction chemotherapy 1/37 • At recurrence 10/37
Underlying disease association • Solid tumors 30% • Not found primary origin, even after extensive search 12/43 • Non malignancy only 9%: sickle cell crisis, infection, drug, HUS, antiphospholipid syndrome, DIC, hyperparathyroidism, anorexia nervosa, idiopathic etc. • 16/22 documented infection: underlying malignancy were found later (early - 1 yr)
Infection • E.coli • Streptococcus • Staphylococcus • Citrobacter freundii • Salmonella • Mucormycosis • Q fever • TB • Parvovirus • HIV Drug • Sulphasalazine • Sulphathiazol • Sulphanamide • Interferon-alpha • G-CSF • ATRA • Hydroxyurea • Fludarabine
Presentation • Bone pain 75% • Fever 68.5% • Anemia 91% • Thrombocytopenia 78% • Leukoerythroblastic picture 51% • Elevated LDH, alkaline phosphatase 50%
Leukoerythroblastic picture primitive red cells (nucleated rbc or erythroblasts) primitive white blood cells (myelocytes)
Cytology • Bone marrow aspiration can be unsuccessful • Multiple aspirates from different sites (sternal, posterior iliac crest, etc.) • Serosanguineous, watery dark red or clear fluid Histology • Combination of gelatinous transformation and necrosis of the myeloid tissue • Background of gelatinous transformation surrounds cellular debris with indistinct cellular margins, pyknotic nuclei, and abnormal eosinophilic staining cytoplasm • The hallmark of bone necrosis: loss of osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts
background of amorphous extracellular eosinophilic material that surrounds cells that disintegrate.
shows cells that lose their normal staining characteristics. irregular or indistinct margins; the cytoplasm can shrink or vacuolate, and the nucleus shows pyknosis, karyorrhexis, and karyolysis
Bone Marrow Scanning • Technetium 99m sulfur colloid and indium chloride localize selectively to the reticuloendothelial elements of the marrow • Dx BMN, residual BM activity, guided biopsy, recovery MRI: changes in bone marrow signal intensities
Life-threatening complication: embolization of fat and necrotic bone marrow to pulmonary arteries