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Team Zebra Everyone Succeeds, No Exceptions, No Excuses. Welcome Parents. Communication is Key. Email School/Teacher websites Monthly newsletters via email Telephone Daily through Agendas Letters home Progress Reports/Report Cards.
Team Zebra Everyone Succeeds, No Exceptions, No Excuses Welcome Parents
Communication is Key • Email • School/Teacher websites • Monthly newsletters via email • Telephone • Daily through Agendas • Letters home • Progress Reports/Report Cards
School Wide Discipline Plan • Overview. Bailey Middle School uses a school-wide approach to discipline. Students are expected to follow six school rules (see Bailey Middle School Rules) and all staff members implement the program. Students who behave appropriately earn privileges and students who do not behave appropriately lose privileges. • The Behavior Sheet. All students carry an 8½ x 5 sheet of colored paper known as a behavior sheet. Staff members record rule violations by signing on this sheet for the appropriate period of the day and the rule(s) violated. Each Friday students return their behavior sheets to their homebase teacher and receive new sheets. Teachers will keep a record of any rule violations. • Privilege Levels. There are four privilege levels in the program. A student’s level is reflected by the color of his or her behavior sheet. These levels are called Ace (green), Bronco 1 (blue), Bronco 2 (yellow), and Grounded (pink). Incentives are tied to these levels and are given randomly. The requirements for each level are below: • Ace level: green sheet 0 rule violations per week • Bronco 1: blue sheet 1-4 rule violations per week • Bronco 2: yellow sheet 5-10 rule violations per week • Grounded: pink sheet 11 or more rule violations per week • Weekly Reports. To facilitate communication between school and home, weekly reports are brought home by students on Fridays if they are at a Bronco 2 level or Grounded.
Bailey Middle School Six • 1. Prepare for class. • 2. Follow adult directions. • 3. Respect others and property. • 4. Avoid disruption of education. • 5. Be responsible with belongings. • 6. Follow the safety rules and CMS Code of Conduct. A violation of Rule 6 indicates serious misbehavior that is to be brought to the attention of an Administrator. When Rule 6 is broken, the teacher completes a Referral form, and an Administrator will issue the appropriate discipline. Only when the student is severely disruptive in class, such that instruction cannot continue should he or she be sent to an Administrator’s Office. Otherwise, the Referral should be given to an Administrator at the teacher’s earliest convenience. Substitutes should be equipped with the plan and necessary sheet colors. 3
Dress CodeThe following items are not to be worn to school: • Bedroom shoes/pajamas • Flip-flops or slides • Pants worn below the waist or showing underclothing beneath the main outerwear • Shorts/Skirts above the fingertips when standing upright with shoulders relaxed • Shirts exposing the stomach, being excessively tight, see-through, exposing the back, or low-cut in the front or back • Tank tops with straps less than 2 inches wide • Headgear (scarves, bandanas, sweatbands, stocking caps, hats, towels, sunglasses, doo-rags, or combs)
Stacy Swanson- Math stacys.swanson@cms.k12.nc.us Or 980-343-1068
Spiral Notebook- Math • Purpose • Sections • Notebook Checks
Criteria for Credit- Math • Complete work in pencil • Properly label assignment with name, date, block, and title of assignment • Show all work used to find the solution • Work vertically down the page when solving a problem • Circle or highlight the correct solution • Put solutions in simplest form
Standard Plus Book- Math • One copy per student to take home • Classroom copy available for use • Very hands-on, exploration • Access to website for extra practice
Honors Book- Math • As of now, we only have a classroom set of textbooks • However, every student has a workbook to take back and forth • More traditional textbook • Algebra readiness
7th Grade Common Core for Mathematics • Ratios and Proportional Relationships • The Number System • Expressions and Equations • Geometry • Statistics and Probability
Ms. JamesScience • 1st Quarter: Weather & Atmosphere • Properties of the atmosphere, air quality, good health environments, atmospheric conditions and weather hazards, utilizing technology in atmospheric study. • 2nd Quarter: Human Biology • Body systems, organs, internal regulation, growth and development, environmental influences on human development and heath.
Ms. JamesScience • 3rd Quarter: Genetics and Heredity • Inherited characteristics, reproduction, human genetic traits, genetic transmittance of disease, role of inheritance, environment, and lifestyle choices in human characteristics. • 4th Quarter: Motion and Forces • Simple machines, Newton’s Laws, moving objects and their interactions, balance and unbalanced forces.
Mrs. BrightSocial Studies http://margaretbright.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/ Brief Course Description: Students will trace the development of the modern world from the age of exploration to today. Students will explore patterns of change and continuity by focusing on the impact of conflict and cooperation, economic development, population shifts, political systems, culture and government over time. Students will analyze and evaluate how the world today has been impacted by the events of the Modern Era. Students will also be engaged in several argumentative writing assignments throughout the year where they will need to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence, and acknowledge alternative or opposing claims. • Tests: given at the end of each unit; about 2 per quarter • Quizzes: vocabulary or map quizzes each week • Classwork: everything we do in class; small group work and notebook checks (2 per quarter) • Homework: Monday - Thursday, please check agendas • Monday – Vocabulary • Tuesday – Current Events • Wednesday – Map Skills • Thursday – Read/Respond
Social Studies • 1st Quarter • 5 Themes of Geography • Forms of Government & Types of Economies • First Global Age • Essential Questions- • Was the Columbian Exchange more beneficial or detrimental? • What were the motivating factors for European Exploration? • How were indigenous populations impacted by European exploration? • 2nd Quarter • Intellectual Revolutions (Focus on Government & Economy) • Essential Questions- • How have the intellectual revolutions (scientific, industrial, agricultural, political) impacted our world today? • How did diverse political thought lead to modern economic systems?
Social Studies • 3rd Quarter • Imperialism and World Wars (focus on culture) • Essential Questions- • How did global balance of power change between 1900-1945 and why? • Why did The Great War last longer than expected and bring about so much change? • Why was there another global conflict so soon after The Great War? • How did a few nations come to control so much of the world? • 4th Quarter • The World After World War II • Essential Questions- • How has the collapse of imperialism impacted indigenous populations? • What impact have international organizations had on international reactions? • How has technology influenced global awareness? • How does personal financial decision making impact quality of life around the world?
Mrs. FisherLanguage Arts • Curriculum Overview: • -Common Core for 7th grade English Language Arts • ***Complete curriculum available at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/ • -Bailey Middle School Literacy Requirements: • 1. Vocabulary Word Wall • 2. Reading Log • 3. Word Build (Vocabulary)
Language Arts Cont. • Homework Policy: • -Students are responsible for recording, completing, and handing in all homework assignments. • -Homework is graded for completeness and effort! • Materials Required for Class: • -Students should always bring their binder with them to class. • -Binder should have a L.A. section/should be divided as follows: • 1. Warm Up 2. Vocab. 3. Classwork 4. Reference 5. Graded Work • *Please make sure your child has a Homework folder! • -Other materials • *Black/blue ink pens * Pencils • *Highlighters *Sticky Notes (for reading strategies) • *Paper *SSR book • ***A GREAT attitude!***