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Project number n° LLP-LDV/TOI/2007/PT/17 – Inforadapt2Europe – Inform, train and adapt companies for HSW. Action to raise awareness about the Inforadapt products. LE ONARDO DA VINCI MULTILATERAL PROJECTS TRANSFER OF INNOVATION Lifelong Learning Programme. 1-10-07 a 30-9-09 RUI VIEITO.
Project number n° LLP-LDV/TOI/2007/PT/17 – Inforadapt2Europe – Inform, train and adapt companies for HSW Action to raiseawarenessabouttheInforadaptproducts LEONARDO DA VINCI MULTILATERAL PROJECTS TRANSFER OF INNOVATION Lifelong Learning Programme 1-10-07 a 30-9-09 RUI VIEITO
Justificationoftheproduct • The absenteeism from work, costs to the European workers approximately per year one million euros. • The SME’s are particularly exposed, showing 82% of the total number of accidents at work, and 90% of the total number of fatal accidents; • 28% of European workers suffer from health problems, caused or exacerbated by their current job; • 35% of workers affirm that the work is a risk to their health. In this context, the main problem that arises in the field of Health and Safety at Work (HSW) is the lack of skills of employers and employees for the implementation of HSW.
Nature of the project • Had as platform the project INFORADAPT_”Informar, Formar e Adaptar as empresaspara a HST” (Inform, Train and Adapt companies for HSW), funded by Equal Community Initiative between 2001 and December 2006. • Had as Key activities, Inform, Train and Adapt companies that were prepared to implement the HSW in the labour context.
Objectives InSeptember 2009, the inforadapt products are incorporated in the daily practise of 60% of the partners through the incorporation of the products developed under the project Inforadapt_”Informar, Formar e Adaptar as Empresaspara a HST” (Inform, Train, Adapt companies for HSW). The transfer of Inforadapt products, will be filled with specific needs of each partner.
Inform Train Adapt Companies Objectives Health and safety at work
Type of transfer • HSW covers all sectors of economical, social and educational life. • Transfer of the products doesn't concern to an exclusive sector, but also will contain a dimensional component with a geographic level, meaning that the products will be transferred to other geographic contexts, such as the specific needs of each country and each partner. • Transfer strategy of the products is marked by its incorporation to the companies and adjustment and introduction into the programmatic contents of the training institutions.
Target Groups (Companies) • Have access to the information of HSW; • Increase the knowledge in HSW; • Consolidate knowledge of entrepreneurs, relatively to the adjustments or changes of the process of the work organization for the implementation of HSW; • Need for greater openness of companies for the application of HSW.
Target Groups (institutions of education/training) • Train internal trainers for HSW; • Incorporate/improve/update modules or specific content of HSW for the training courses curriculum, specially in the areas of highest accident risks. • Required use of content/tools/methods of training, adaptable to each sector and specificities of the target. • Permanent and current information about HSW plan.
Inforadapt products Inform Train Adapt Plan/Consultancy Implementation Center of digital knowledge Plan/Consultancy Implementation Program Awareness Training Pack
Key 1 – Inform A)Awareness program Objectives: to sensitize the participants for the question of HSW. How to raise awareness (as creation of willingness between the partners), good for the implementation of changes in HSW. Methods: Survey of all available instruments in the DP in order to diversify the quantity and quality of resources to be used in actions. Allocation and scheduling of tasks.
Key 1 – Inform Intervention strands: Awareness in papers and radios Awareness in the partners companies Advantages: Communication • Addressed to the needs of a variety of audience • Simple • Accessible • Practical implementation • Useful
Key 1 – Inform Awareness in radios and newspapers Tools and methodologies: • Negotiation of an advertising space (air time/ ad-free or sponsored by another entity) • Collecting and sorting information • Publication / Broadcast (Practical advice, easy to understand and immediate application)
Key 1 – Inform Awareness on the partners companies Tools and methodologies: • Collecting and sorting information; • Display; • Posters with strong messages related to the area of work of each company • Content published and circulated in the previous case.
Key 1 – Inform B)Digital knowledge center Objectives: free and easy access to various types of content relating to this subject. Create an independent network that allows an easier communication between pairs and experts in the area. Area of discussion and clarification. Methods: Articulated with other Inforadapt products. Tool to support the implementation of the training plan. Complementary with the programme of awareness. Autonomous resource.
Key 1 – Inform Advantages: • Using and updating of the information on a database easy • Autonomy of practice • Free • Information organised
Key 2 – Form (A)Training Pack Objectives: • Endow institutions and training agents with the necessary knowledge for the implementation of the Training Plan. • Create an instrument to support the training agents and disseminators of the plan. • Supporting a strategy of integrated training and adapted to the local reality. • Promote changes in attitudes and behavior at a HSW level.
Key 2 – Form Methods: • Its content consists on five training plans, fundamental for the training at all levels, in an integrated manner and adaptable to the realities of business; • Detailed analysis of the legal impositions; • Implemented by trainers specialists in HSW, having the theoretical and practical aspects.
Key 2 – Form (Training Pack) Advantages: • Easy access to a diverse set of formats that allows its use not only to a public that has electronic instruments; • Existence of a methodological guide that covers the various steps to be taken for the implementation of the training; • Organized to allow an oriented consultation for specific themes and content; • Integrated appeal from the various aspects of HSW; • Manuals constructed to allow upgrades easier.
Key 2 – Form Support in the plan implementation
Key 3 – Adaptation Implementation of the training plan through the methodological guide Objectives:solve the overall situation of the companies on the issue of HSW: • Existence of an organizational culture badly oriented for the issues of HSW; • Lack of information about HSW;
Key 3 – Adaptation • Poor knowledge, from the heads of the companies, about their situation regarding the HSW; • Poor preparation of human resources in the enterprises; • Existence of an informal organizational culture adverse to the practices of HSW.
Key 3 – Adaptation Methods: It involves the following key steps: • Evaluation of training needs / Diagnosis of the conditions of HSW; • Planning - selection and quantification of the trainees, according to the principle of equal opportunities; drafting of the general schedule; • Mobilization of human resources; • Collection of the required pedagogical supports;
Key 3 – Adaptation Methods • Negotiation with beneficiaries - drafting the final schedule; • Implementation: training the trainers, entrepreneurs, workers, first aid and fighting fire; • Evaluation; • Analysis of the security conditions of the beneficiary companies.
Key 3 – Adaptation Innovative measures 1- Implication of entrepreneurs; 2- Involvement of the trainers with the beneficiaries and in the design of the training plan; 3- Application of a new methodology in practice sessions for workers at an employment context.
Key 3 – Adaptation Advantages: • Involvement of trainers with the beneficiary organizations; • Involvement of trainers in the design of the training plan; • Strategy of involvement / responsibility of entrepreneurs; • Implementation of a strategy for training in the context of innovative work;
Key 3 – Adaptation • Ability to adapt the practice and complementary with other methodologies; • Training in first aid - creates practical competence and utmost importance; • Training in fighting fires - creates a practical and fundamental competence.
Key 3 – Adaptation Advantages for the beneficiaries: • Making HSW an everyday subject between workers and entrepreneurs; • Development of a conscience of safety; • Some behavioral changes between employees and entrepreneurs; • Creation of organizational skills; • Changes in the layout and organization of the working area; • Considerable increase of compliance with the law in all companies.
Advantages in the use of Inforadapt products • Improving the know-how of partners, through the incorporation of products that integrate the Inforadapt project. • Product adaptable to any specific sector and geographical context, facilitating the process of transfer, since meeting the requirements for a transfer successfully, or that the authorities accept this transfer, and feel this process necessary to fill with their specific needs . • Being the process of transfer from a continental level, the European dimension is strengthened and enriched by the inputs and outputs of each of the partnerships, increasing the added value of the exchange of knowledge and experience..