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The Kingdom Fungi

The Kingdom Fungi. Section 21-1. What Are Fungi?. Eukaryotic Heterotrophic: digest food outside of their bodies, then absorb it Cell walls made of chitin. Structure & Function of Fungi. Multicellular, except for yeast Composed of hyphae (thin filaments one cell thick).

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The Kingdom Fungi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Kingdom Fungi Section 21-1

  2. What Are Fungi? • Eukaryotic • Heterotrophic: digest food outside of their bodies, then absorb it • Cell walls made of chitin

  3. Structure & Function of Fungi • Multicellular, except for yeast • Composed of hyphae (thin filaments one cell thick)

  4. Structure & Function of Fungi • Body composed of mycelium (many hyphae tangled together) • Fruiting body: reproductive structure growing from the mycelium

  5. Reproduction in Fungi • Most asexually and sexually • Asexual • cells or hyphae break off and grow on their own • Spores

  6. Reproduction in Fungi • Sexual • 2 different mating types: plus and minus • Hyphae fuse & form diploid zygote nucleus • Enters meiosis and produces haploid spores

  7. How Fungi Spread • Spores scattered by wind • Some lure animals to disperse spores • Stinkhorns: smell like rotting meat to attract flies

  8. Ecology of Fungi Section 21-3

  9. All Fungi Are Heterotrophs • Saprobes: obtain food from decaying organic matter • Parasites: harm hosts • Symbionts: live in close and mutually beneficial association with other species

  10. Fungi as Parasites • Plant diseases • Corn smut: destroys corn kernels • Mildews • Wheat rust • Human diseases • Athlete’s foot • Ringworm • Yeast infections

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