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Acid Rain

Acid Rain. By Cain S chriber. What is it. Made of Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid. Which are f ound in F ossil fuels mostly from power plants. How can you tell its acid rain.

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Acid Rain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Acid Rain By Cain Schriber

  2. What is it • Made of Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid. • Which are found in Fossil fuels mostly from power plants.

  3. How can you tell its acid rain • Well acid rain looks sometimes like normal water just the more chemicals it has it could be a little darker color. • Can be snow, fog or tiny bits of dry material.

  4. Where does the acid come from • From rotting vegetation. • erupting volcanos. • most are from human’s mostly fossil fuels, cars and factories.

  5. Steps to acid rain • Steps • 1.Go’s into the atmosphere from landscape/Factorys • 2. Reacts to water mix's and forms Acid rain. • The wind takes it and spreads it for hundreds of miles.

  6. Biggest impact • Biggest impact is when it goes to lakes and streams and wetlands. • Makes water toxic to animals and some fish. • Damages forests by stealing all nutrients from soil.

  7. Cont. • Kills Plants and most fish some are immune to acid rain • It is slowly becoming more of an issue because its killing and poisoning things other things need.

  8. How can we stop it • If people use less electricity then power plants don’t do as much fossil fuels. • Use less cars or anything that burns gas.

  9. The Fir forest • In the Czech Republic there Fir forest has great damage to plants and animals. • This is a example of what Acid rain can do to forests.

  10. Work cited • http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/acid-rain-overview • Zipper, Carl E. "Acid Rain." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. http://gme.grolier.com/article?assetid=0001710-0 • pics • http://www.google.com/imgres?q=acid+rain+power+plant&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1024&bih=592&tbm=isch&tbnid=tPQU1hYaD724hM:&imgrefurl=http://myecoproject.org/get-involved/pollution/acid-rain/&docid=Xdcz5No0q_Ee9M&imgurl=http: • /myecoproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/acid-rain.jpg&w=425&h=282&ei=Zt6mTp_lHIfa0QHm-In1DQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=701&vpy=146&dur=1981&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=121&ty=105&sig=107322989459822467922&page=1&tbnh=102&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0 • http://gme.grolier.com/page?tn=/article/media.html&assetid=cd040572&uid=10151584

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