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AYP. Accountability. School Improvement. Proficiency. Participation. Graduation Rate. Attendance Rate. AAI. Subgroups. Safe Harbor. Uniform Averaging. Confidence Interval. Trips, Traps, and Troubles with AYP. Assessment and Accountability Summer 2008. Purposes.

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  1. AYP Accountability School Improvement Proficiency Participation Graduation Rate Attendance Rate AAI Subgroups Safe Harbor Uniform Averaging Confidence Interval

  2. Trips, Traps, and Troubles with AYP Assessment and Accountability Summer 2008

  3. Purposes • To review foundational tenets of No ChildLeft Behind (NCLB) • To discuss 2008 amendment to the Accountability Workbook • To identify the trips and traps that have caused troubles with AYP • To review areas that have caused trouble • To discuss potential changes to NCLB

  4. Tenets of NCLB • Assess the areas of reading and mathematics • Must evaluate one additional indicator other than academics • 95% participation rate • All students must be proficient by 2013-2014 • Must report by demographic subgroups

  5. AYP School Report

  6. AYP School Report(Continued)

  7. AYP School Report

  8. AYP System Status Report

  9. 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Reading Grades 4, 6, 8, and 11 Mathematics Grades 4, 6, and 11

  10. Reading Grades 3, 5, and 7 Mathematics Grades 3, 5, 7, and 8

  11. 2008 Amendment to Accountability Workbook • 2% Flexibility Option • 2% Flexibility Option is a method for making AYP in proficiency. • 2% Flexibility Option can only be used if special education Proficiency Index is the sole reason a school or system does not make AYP. • 2% Flexibility Option allows the State to calculate an adjustment for the proficiency for this group of students in determining AYP.

  12. Trips, Traps, and Troubles • Four key areas • Demographics and Coding • Participation • Proficiency • Verification and Certification of Information

  13. Demographics and Coding

  14. The Trip • The school did not confirm and correct the LEP status for the students with limited-English proficiency in STI. • The school did not properly identify LEP 1 students during the Online Correction Process.

  15. The Trap • If LEP 1 students have participated in ACCESS, they are not required to participate in the reading portion of ARMT. • LEP 1 students’ ACCESS scores are used in the participation calculations. • LEP 1 students’ ACCESS scores are not included in proficiency calculations. • If a student is not identified as LEP 1, the student is expected to have a score for ARMT • Without an ARMT score, a student is considered to not have participated.

  16. The Trouble The school did not make AYP.

  17. Demographics and Coding • Check for accuracy of STI demographics • Name • Grade • Ethnicity • Gender • Social security number • Meal status • Special education status • LEP status • Foreign exchange student status

  18. Demographic and Coding • Code withdrawn students accurately and in a timely manner • Revisit the status of students throughout the year

  19. Participation

  20. The Trip • The school did not administer makeup tests to students since attendance indicated that the school never had less than 95% participation each day.

  21. The Trap • The school did not consider the attendance rate of any group other than the All Students subgroup. • Each subgroup must have at least a 95% participation rate.

  22. The Trouble The school did not make AYP.

  23. Participation • N-counts at the school roll up to the system level • Students are included in more than one subgroup • 95% participation rate applies to each subgroup • Administer assessments to all students • Administer appropriate subtests • Administer make-up tests • Student must have valid test results to count for participation

  24. Proficiency

  25. The Trip • The school did not consider the additional academic indicator for any group other than the All Students group. • The additional academic indicator at the subgroup level becomes important for Safe Harbor.

  26. The Trap • In order to invoke safe harbor, the following is required: • Must have a 95% Participation Rate. • Must have at least a 10% decrease in those not proficient in the previous year. • Must have met the additional academic indicator for the subgroup.

  27. The Trouble The school did not make AYP.

  28. Proficiency • Administer all parts of a subject-area test • ARMT score is derived from Stanford 10 and ARMT, Part 2 • Rely on proficient students (Level III and Level IV) to make proficiency • Level II AAA students do not count toward proficiency • Subgroup must make its AAI in order to invoke safe harbor

  29. Verification and Certification

  30. The Trip • For multiple years, the school did not complete the Final Status Report • Final Status Report allows schools the opportunity to ensure that students are given credit for passing portions of the graduation exam across multiple administrations. • This is especially important for students who may have taken an early administration for mathematics or science

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