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The Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Fee

The Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Fee. Ueli Balmer Federal office for spatial Development Switzerland. Driver for Introduction: Transit Traffic. Transfer to Rail Improve efficiency. New Rail Infrastructure. Heavy vehicles fee. Railway reform. The Swiss Policy. Polluter pays Principle

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The Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Fee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Swiss Heavy Goods Vehicle Fee Ueli Balmer Federal office for spatial Development Switzerland

  2. Driver for Introduction:Transit Traffic

  3. Transfer to Rail Improve efficiency New Rail Infrastructure Heavy vehicles fee Railway reform The Swiss Policy

  4. Polluter pays Principle Environmental Protection Transfer to Rail Objectives of HVF

  5. Uncovered Costs Compensation annual flat fee Infrastructure 10 mio. € 90 mio. € Health care 260 mio. € Noise 160 mio. € 220 mio. € Damage to buildings 10 mio. €accidents Total 750 Mio € (in 1993)

  6. Calculation of the Rate Total uncovered Costs (750 Mio €) Total Transport Performance 47 (Bio tkm) 750 Mio € Rate = = 1.6 Ct/tkm 47 Bio tkm

  7. Vehicles with admissible Weight > 3.5t For Use of all Roads Performance-related Distance Weight (Vehicle and Trailer) Emissions (Situation since 2009) Euro 0/1/2: 2,0 €Cts/tkm Euro 3: 1,8 €Cts/tkm Euro 4-6: 1.5 €Cts/tkm Design of the Fee

  8. 1.1.2001 Introduction HVF (Rate 1.1 Ct/tkm) Replacement of flat Fee (similar Eurovignette) Increase Weight Limit from 28 to 34t 1.1.2005 Raise HVF Rate to 1.6 Ct/tkm Increase Weight Limit to 40t 1.1.2008 Raise HVF to 1.8 Ct/tkm Implementation

  9. Exemptions for specific Vehicle Categories Army Agriculture Police, Fire Brigade etc. Public Transport Etc. Reduced rates or reimbursements for others Combined Transport Transport of Timber Transport of Milk and Cattle Tax Relaxations

  10. Road Transport Business Costs Vehicle Kilometers Transalpine Trips Rail Rail Infrastructure Peripheral regions Environment Effects of the Fee

  11. Adjustments of the Fleet Composition Cleaner = cheaper Lower Weight = Lower Fee Changes in the Haulier Business Concentration due to Better use of Logistics (less empty Trips) Fleet Adaptation can better be realised Employment: stable (14‘000 employees) Impact on Road Transport Business

  12. Impact on Road Transport Business: Employment Employment Old Regime New Regime

  13. Impact on Road Transport Costs: small Fee equal to about 20% of Costs, but Outbalanced by Productivity gains Higher weight limit Less empty trips Impact on final customer price: neglectable Transport Costs: on average only 1-2% of final price Impact on Inflation: Only 0.11% (According to Federal Office for Statistics) Impact on Costs

  14. Effects on Vehicle Kilometers

  15. Effects on Alpine Trips

  16. No significant Shift due to: Rail Share traditionally high Over all 40% In Transalpine Transport 65% Higher weight limit for trucks Pricing is one element among others Reliability Simple Procedures Modern Infrastructure Impact on Rail

  17. Use of Income:2/3 For new Rail Infrastructure

  18. Impacts on peripheral regions

  19. Additional costs for peripheral regions25€/Employee (in comparison to others) Additional Charge in SFR per Employee in 2005

  20. Impacts on Environment(Aggregation effects Road/Rail)

  21. System Works well Road Transport has become more efficient Truck traffic has been reduced Environment: Positive Balance Rail: Share maintained - Significant Shift possible only in Context with other Measures Impact on consumer price neglectable (0.11%) Last but not least: No detour traffic! Conclusions

  22. For more information see: http://www.are.admin.ch/themen/verkehr/00250/00461/index.html?lang=en Thanks for your attention Final Remarks

  23. 2 Systems Vehicles with OBU (DSRC + GPS) Ca. 52’000 Swiss Vehicles (mandatorily) Ca. 2’000 Foreign vehicles (voluntarily) Vehicles without OBU (most foreign vehicles) Specific measures for Enforcement Fixed control stations Mobile controls Appendix: Fee Collection

  24. ZOLL ZOLL 057283 057283 km km DOUANE DOUANE DOGANA DOGANA 3 3 0 0 5 5 7 7 2 2 8 8 Tachograp Tachograp Recording Recording km at km at Sensor Sensor for for mileage mileage reading reading border border crossing crossing at at the the tachograph tachograph Vehicles with OBUData Registration

  25. Recorded Recorded Recorded Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle by mail by mail by mail trip data trip data trip data Registration Centre Registration Centre Registration Centre Strassenverkehrsamt Strassenverkehrsamt Strassenverkehrsamt Kanton Kanton Kanton xxx xxx xxx 057283km 057283km Vehicle owner Vehicle owner Vehicle owner 3 3 0 0 5 5 7 7 2 2 8 8 Modem Modem Modem Internet Internet Internet Vehicles with OBUFrom Data to Billing

  26. w w Mileage Mileage reading reading w w Trailer Trailer status status w w Route Route • • individually individually selected selected • • predefined predefined by by the the Customs Customs w w Payment Payment modes modes • • Gas Gas station station credit credit card card • • HVF HVF account account • • Cash Cash w w CT CT receipt receipt Vehicles without OBU Declaration Declaration with with ID ID - - Card

  27. Fixed Control station

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