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Developments at Regional and National Levels

Developments at Regional and National Levels. By: Isabelle Granger, IDRL Coordinator for the Americas, International Disasters Response Laws, Rules and Principles Programme isabelle.granger@ifrc.org Washington DC, 09 December 2010. Need to act: regional signals.

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Developments at Regional and National Levels

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  1. Developments at Regional and National Levels By: Isabelle Granger, IDRL Coordinator for the Americas, International Disasters Response Laws, Rules and Principles Programmeisabelle.granger@ifrc.orgWashington DC, 09 December 2010

  2. Need to act: regional signals • Resolution of the OAS General Assembly (July 2009) • “process of joint assessment of existing legislative and coordination mechanisms” • Declaration of Florianopolis (September 2009): • Investigate existing mechanisms • Evaluate national legal frameworks for facilitating and regulating international relief using the IDRL Guidelines • Declaration of Buenos Aires (June 2010) • Request for a Model Regional Legal Compendium, based on the IDRL Guidelines • Declaration de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (November 2010) • “to organize, within the OAS framework, a workshop to define a prompt and coordinated regional response mechanism to natural disasters.”

  3. Regional Instruments • CDEMA • Convention establishing CDERA • Development of Model Legislation for member states • CEPREDENAC • Regional Mechanism • Regional Manual • CAPRADE • Regional Manual • ACS • Treaty on Disaster Response • MERCOSUR- REHU • Specialized Meeting

  4. Gaps in regional regulatory framework • Limited geographical reach • State actors only • Ratification and implementation needed to take effect (harmonization of national laws) • Do not address all most common legal problems of international disaster assistance

  5. Technical assistance project to strengthen legal preparedness for international disaster assistance at national levels • Methodology: • Legal Investigation: Analysis and review of legal framework • Interviews with stakeholders • Meetings of Working Group and National Workshops • Recommendations and follow-up 2010/2011: Colombia, Haiti, Peru 2011/2012: Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Jamaica, El Salvador, Dominican Republic.

  6. IDRL-Haiti • Project Phase 1 (Sept to Dec. 2010): legal investigation and consultation process. Report will be launched early January 2011. • Project Phase 2 (First quarter 2011-onward): IFRC and CRH will provide support to government of to strengthen the legal framework, taking into account the recommendations of the IDRL report.

  7. IDRL-Peru and Colombia • Phase I- First quarter 2011 • Legal investigation and consultation process • Reports will be launched in February and March 2011 • Phase II-Second quarter 2011-onward • Recommendations and follow-up actions

  8. For more information • IDRL website: • www.ifrc.org/idrl • www.ifrc.org/sp/idrl

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