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The PIC Process in AP

The PIC Process in AP. Jennifer Kroner & Veronica O’Looney Translation Forum, June 19, 2007. The AP World – Model-Driven Development. What is model-driven development?

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The PIC Process in AP

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  1. The PIC Process in AP Jennifer Kroner & Veronica O’Looney Translation Forum, June 19, 2007

  2. The AP World – Model-Driven Development • What is model-driven development? • Model-driven development (MDD) has 2 main principles, process and methodology, which require consideration of requirements and design beforehand. • In contrast to system development, AP first models objects in a tool called ARIS, to ensure that there is as much reuse of its objects as possible. • ARIS is also connected to the tool (SAP Solution Composer) where the objects are documented by the AP info-developers.

  3. Snapshot of ARIS FIN: Cash & Liquidity Management

  4. Integration Scenario Deployment Unit Process Component PIC O Business Object Business Object Node GDT Process Agent Service Interface Service Operation PIC 1-3 Object types in ARIS • There are a variety of objects types in ARIS, called entities. • The PIC0 process covers everything above business object level. • The entities relevant for the PIC 1-3 process are at business object level and below.

  5. Advantages and Disadvantages of ARIS • Advantages • Good modeling tool • Faster development • Ability to try out ideas before implementation • Disadvantages • No versioning • Models in English only • Translation only available using workarounds

  6. PIC Process • To ensure the consistency and quality of the models and their documents, the developers have the PIC process. • PIC is a governance process and has multiple phases for creating and reviewing documents about the entity types. • There are a variety of people involved in this process: • PIC coach • Integration expert • Owner • KM contact

  7. Governance Process: PIC 0 and PIC 1,2,3 IntegrationScenarioStructure ESA EntityIdentification& Cut ServiceOrchestration PIC 01 PIC 02 PIC 03 Identification of BO’s,PC’s, DU’s(Name and Semantics) Identification of PC’s and PCinteractions within Integration Scenario(Name and Semantics) Identification and cut of Service Operations andInterfaces within PC interaction(Name and Semantics) ChangeRequests PIC 03approval of PCIM’s (Interfaces and Serv.Operations) requiredto start PIC 3 PIC 01approval Required tostart PIC 1 NodeStructure Actions, Queries, Interfaces Elements PIC 1 PIC 2 PIC 3 GDT’s Assignment GDT’s to BOnodes Definition of Actions, Queries, compoundservices GDT PIC Definition of Node Structure of BO Detailed Definition of Global Data Types

  8. PIC 0 • Objectives of PIC 0 • Naming and Semantics in Architecture • Identify entities needed • Define structure for ISs and Process Component Interaction Models • Definitions for all entities • This is where KM comes in! • KM must be involved to ensure correct (American) English and consistent terminology

  9. PIC Phases (Explanation) • PIC 1 • Definition of Node Structure • PIC 1.5 (GDT PIC) • Detailed Definition of Global Data Types (GDTs) • PIC 2 • Assignment of GDTs to BO Nodes • PIC 3 • Definitions of Actions, Queries, and Compound Services

  10. Generating PIC documents from ARIS • There are documents for PIC phases 1-3, which are generated from ARIS. • Choose Evaluate Start Report • Select report AP_BO_BusinessObjectDocumentation and choose Next • Choose Finish and then choose the documentation for the desired PIC phase (1, 2, or 3) • It generates a PIC document as a Word file

  11. Implications for Translation and Documentation • Translation of PIC Documents: • Because ARIS does not support multiple versions, the PIC documents can only be written and maintained in English, so no translation is required. Also, up to now, the models in AP have only been required in English. • Documentation: • The definitions agreed upon in the PIC documents are imported directly as automatic content in our entity documentation in SAP Solution Composer. It is vitally important that KM is included as part of the review process in PIC, so that the definitions reflect the KM standards and guidelines and (as far as possible) the definitions in SAPterm.

  12. Detailed PIC Process for Business Objects - PIC 0-3 Identification + Definition of Key Entities by PIC0 IE PIC 0 Creation/Change of BO in Aris (english) according to guidelines Color Legend: Coaching by IE + KM BO Owner Suited for Review? Check by IE Integration Experts (IE) + KM Representative • AP Ops starts review: • Q&A-, SignOff-Excel • Inform: owner + experts Name + Definition OK? Coaching Team AP OPS • secure copy in word • After change before review Offline Review by IE + KM + Coach BO-Coach contacts PIC0 coach ² PIC0-Coach + Applicationexpert, PIC1-3 Coach, Integrationexpert, Object Owner, KM Representative Critical Issue? Check by owner Name + Definition OK? Escalation Inform SVP Clarification in Clearing House² Online Review OK with changes ConsolidationOpen Issues PIC Scheduling PIC Meeting Open Issues Owner corrects open topics + informs coach Sign-Off Phase Not OK Coach checks + set status in ARIS OK Creation of BO in ESR by Owner ARIS status  freeze SAP wide Review (only PIC 1 + 3) Document Accepted? Check by AP OPS Change Request • secure copybefore change • ARIS status  change BO finally approved IE informs AP Ops about Change Request

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