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CONNECTORS. Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions Transitions The Differences Between Coordinating , Subordinating Conjunctions and Transitions. COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS. You can join two clauses together by placing a comma and a coordinating conjunction between them .
CoordinatingConjunctions • SubordinatingConjunctions • Transitions • TheDifferencesBetweenCoordinating, SubordinatingConjunctionsandTransitions
COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS You can jointwoclausestogetherbyplacing a commaand a coordinatingconjunctionbetweenthem. Here is a list of themostcommoncoordinatingconjunctions: F : for A: and N: nor B : but O: or Y : yet S : so
Look at theexamplesthatfollow • Thebowl of squideyeballstew is hot anddeliciouns. • Rocky, myorangetomcat, loveshaving his headscratchedbuthatesgetting his clawstrimmed. • Mydaughterwantsto be a mechanic, soshespendseveryspareminute at thegarage. • Tasha’slivingroom is cozy, yet her guestsalwaysgather in thekitchen.
SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS • Twoclauses can also be joinedwith a subordinatingconjunction. SubordinatingConjunction after since as becausewhen(ever) although beforeunlesswhereas whileuntilif
Whecouldseeveryclearlylastnightsincethemoonwassobright. • Unless his shoulderloosensup a bit, Ronwillstay on thebench. • Jessica sent thewomanto her mother’shomebecauseClara had beencaringforfosterchildrenforyears. • Althoughmanychildrenwere in need of specialcare, no centersexisted at the time forbabiesbornaddictedtodrugsandalcohol.
Some of themostimportant subordinatingconjunctionsfallintotwo groups: contrastandcauseandeffect. ConjunctionFunction although thoughexpresscontrastbetween whereasideas while becauseshow a cause/effect as relationshipbetweenideas since
T R A N S I T I O N Somecommontransitionwordsand phrases
THEDIFFERENCES BETWEEN COORDINATING, SUBORDİNATİNG CONJUNCTIONSANDTRANSITION • Use a coordinatingconjunctionwhenyouwanttogiveequalemphasistotwomainclauses. Thepatternforcoordinationlookslikethis: • Therehavebeenmanyhealthwarningsaboutsmoking,butpeoplesmokeanyway.
Subordination, however , emphasizesthe idea in themainclausesmorethantheone in thesubordinateclause . Thepatternslooklikethese: • Shaneremained at thelibraryuntil his daughtercalledto ask for a ridehome. • Becausesomestudentwork hard in the IELTS classtheywillget a goodgrade.
TransitionPhrases: Theymakeseperatesentences • Biology is a difficultcourse. Similarly , manystudentswhotakephysicsendupdissappointedwiththeirgrade • I enjoysports. Inparticular , I enjoyhockeyandfootball.
References • Susan Fawcett & Alvin Sandberg (2000) Evergreen with Readings/ a guide to writing -sixth edition- • NilgünYorgancıFurnerss (2006) Milestones of EnglishGrammar I / PerfectingandPractisingEnglishStructure • Google http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/coordinatingconjunction.htm http://www.wiziq.com/tutorial/181109-Transition-Phrases-Conjunctions-The-differences