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The Five Faces of Salvation

The Five Faces of Salvation. Face # 4 Defilement. Guilt and Shame and Power. Alienate. Definition: : Withdrawal or isolation from other people, rejection of the values of one's family or society, or estrangement from one's own feelings. Eph. 2:19-20.

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The Five Faces of Salvation

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  1. The Five Faces of Salvation Face # 4 Defilement

  2. Guilt and Shame and Power

  3. Alienate • Definition: • :Withdrawal or isolation from other people, rejection of the values of one's family or society, or estrangement from one's own feelings.

  4. Eph. 2:19-20 • Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

  5. Jesus provides the alienated with a new community.

  6. Eph. 2:19-20 • Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.

  7. What We See in these Verses • Before we followed Jesus, we were___________ from God • After we began following Jesus, things changed: • We became _______of God’s Kingdom • We became members of God’s _____. alienated citizens family

  8. Mark 5:1-20 An alienated man tortured by demons.

  9. Note In This Story: • The man was well known but all _________. • His demons isolated him from: • His fellow _______ • His _______ alone citizens family

  10. Note In This Story: • Jesus used the community’s resources to heal the demon-possessed man. • The community was ___________. • The community asked _____________ to leave. afraid Jesus

  11. Note In This Story: • The healed man didn’t want to go back to his ___________and friends. • Jesus told him to go back and _______________________ about the Lord. family tell his friends and family

  12. Bottom Line • If you trust in what Jesus did for you on the cross, • You are not alone anymore. • You are a member of God’s family. • You are a citizen in God’s Kingdom.

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