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Day 123 Objectives

Understand the causes and details of the Cold War between USA and USSR, analyzing tensions, conflicts, and impacts on Europe after WWII. Explore three analogies and three themes explaining why the Cold War happened.

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Day 123 Objectives

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  1. Day 123 Objectives • After today’s class, SWBAT… • Analyze the causes of the Cold War • Evaluate the characteristics and main details of the Cold War

  2. 1. Cold War Overview USA USSR • ~1945 to early 1990s… • Between ______ vs ________ • Competed for… • _______ supremacy in the world (Europe) …think PERSIAGM • Tension & Hostility • Many disagreements and conflicts • but NEVER an armed conflict between the 2 sides • What is done to Europe? Power

  3. 2. Three Cold War Analogies

  4. a. Cold War Umbrella • Many small disputes that fall under a giant, long Cold War Umbrella • Never a short major dispute (WWII)

  5. b. What is a better analogy?

  6. b. Cold War = Long Chess Match USA USSR

  7. The 2 heavyweights never duke it out!!!

  8. But the showdown threat is scarier than ever!!!

  9. c. The Cold War is like Two Car Salespersons • Both want to sell their product to the rest of the world (whoever is buying) • Product = • Economic and Political Systems, and an Alliance! • USA’s product? • USSR’s product?

  10. 3. What caused the Cold War to start? When were pushes? • 1st Origin…1919… • Paris Peace Conference…why? • Who was left out? • West makes worst decision possible • Trust?

  11. #2…February 1945 • Yalta Conference • First showdown…over what? • Stalin is very bitter…why

  12. 3. July 1945… • Potsdam Conference • Who is receiving little respect right now? • What does Truman reveal? • What is still disputed?

  13. 4. Aug 1945… • Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki • Why would this be a cause of the Cold War?

  14. 4. Why did the Cold War Have to Happen? • There are 3 Themes (Reasons) • have PERSIAGM in them

  15. Reason 1 • Ideological Differences • Communism and Democracy/ Capitalism are not friendly systems

  16. 2. Superpower Tug of War • Balance of Power shifts after WW2 • 2 competitors for top superpower • Giant Chess match to spread influence around the world and have more countries follow your system

  17. Misperception stuck around a long time • both sides viewed themselves as good and other as evil • Any action by the other was viewed negatively

  18. 5. How does the Cold War affect Europe? • Power Vacuum exists after WWII…what has to happen to it? • WWII leaves Europe in Shambles • Europe needs rebuilding • USA and USSR want to rebuild it IN THEIR IMAGE!!!!

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