Ingeneral • Inthebasic program allthoseprivatefoundings and civil organisationsareentitledtogainsupportfromtheFund, whoareregisteredin Hungary and operatedeffectivelyatleastforoneyear. (In 2011 NCF assistancecan be givenonlyforfoundings and civil organisationsthatareregisteredbycourtbefore 31st December 2009.) • The newness of NCF system is thedecisionmakingprogresswithoutpoliticalinfluenceexecutedbythe civil organisations.
In 2010 therewere 18 647 applicationsfor7 billionForints. • In 2011theavailablesupport of theFund is 3,6billionForints. (reduced almost by 50%!) • The governmentedict 259/2010. (XI.16) aboutthelegal status of budgetaryauthoritiesentered intoforceon 27th November 2010. Intheframework of thisedicttheSupportmanagementDirectorateofMinistryof Education and Culture (previouslyoperatedundertheMinistry of Education and Culture) willcontinueitsoperationas „Wekerle Sándor Fund Management„.
Accordingtotheprinciple of thenationalcooperationtheWekerle Sándor Fund Management’s most importanttask is tomanage an effective tender systemthatensuresthetransparent, fast and efficientutilization of thenationalbudgetaryrecources and theimplementation of thebestprojects. • EPER – this is an abbreviation of the System of Electronic Tendermanagement and CooperationinHungarian– is suitablefor monitoring thewholeprocess starting withsubmittingtheapplicationsthrough internet, ending withclosingthewinner’s applications, aswellasforregistering and storingdataconcerningtheapplicationandtheapplicantorganisation. • www.wekerle.gov.hu: onthiswebpageunderthe NCF labelwecanclickonthe „EPER” label, orwecanreachitthroughthepagehttp://www.eper.hu/webeper/PALY/PalyBelep.aspx .
Submission of theapplication : we must completeourapplicationwithin 30 daysfromitsappearanceonthewebsite • The NCF system is prefinancedwhichmeansthattheorganisationgetsthesupportafterthecontracting, and thereportaboutitsutilization is requiredwhenthe project has alreadyexpired. • Implementation: this is theperiodwhenwehavetomaterializetheobligations of thewinningapplication. • Report: wehavetomakeprofessional and financialreportsabouttheutilizationof thesupport. The decision-makingbodies (Kollégium) decideupontheiracknowledgement.
The callingfor tender • Therearetwogroups of callingfor tender inthe NCF system: • Operationalcallingfor tender – itsaim is tocontributetotheorganisations’ operationinthefield of equipments, infrastructure and human resourcesaswell. Thispromotestheorganisations’ development. • Professional callingfor tender – inthiscasethepurpose is tosupportthosepublicbenefitactivitiesthatpromotedevelopment of the civil organisations and whicharedefinedbytheprofessionalKollégiums.
NCF South Great PlainRegionalKollégium‘scallingfor tender • The grantable sum is: 286 995 000 HUF • The submissiondate: 3rd March 2011, 24.00 o’clock • The period and theform of support: everyoperationalcost and thepurchase of tangibleassetsrelatedtooperation and emergedfrom 1st June 2011 to 30th September 2011 is supportedbynon-refundableassistance
Attention! • Inthecase of operationaltendersthebeneficiary must ensureitsowncontributionequalsatleast 10% of thedemanded sum. • The owncontributioncan be: • Cash or non-cash, providedfromownrecources (personalcontribution– socialwork, ensurance of theconditionsorservices) • The owncontributioncan NOT comefromsupportgrantedbyothersupporters! • Attherealisation of thecontractwehavetomake a statementabouttheavailableowncontributionin cash and attestitsavailability. Furthermore: duetoreportingobligationweshould account forit.
Calculatingtheavailableassistanceinoperationaltenders • In 2011 thefollowingband-system is valid:
The point of band-system is thatthesupportis limited onthebasis of thedataofthepreviousyear’sannualadjustedcosts. • Tocalculatetheavailableassistance, weneedthedata of thepreviousyear’sannualadjustedcosts. • Previousyear: weconsiderthatyearas „previous” inwhichtheparticular accounting report is available and should be available, asbylawenacted. (Thatmeansiftheorganisationalready has an accepted accounting reportfortheyear 2011 atthetime of theapplication’ssubmission, theorganisation has toattachitaswell. If it is notthecase, wecanalsosubmitthe accounting report of theyear 2009.
If wehavethethedata of thepreviousyear’sadjustedcosts • A) The totalcosts of thebasicactivityinthepreviousyear: 3 475 000 HUF • B) The providedgranttootherorganisationsorpeopleinthepreviousyear: 500 000 HUF • C) The total sum of previousyear’sadjustedcosts (C=A-B) 2 975 000 HUF • D) Inthis tender theavailablesupport: The result of thepoint „D” is determinedbythepoint ”C”.
Inotherwords: • The totaladjustedcosts of point „C” is 2 975 000 HUF, soitfallsintotheband 500,000 HUF-3 M HUF. The max. availableassistance: 300,000 HUF + the 16% of the sum above 500,000 HUF. • Inthisexampleitequals 2,475,000 HUF • 300,000 HUF + 396,000 HUF (2 475 000 x 16%)= 696 000 HUF. Sothemax. availablesupport is 696 thousand HUF. Wecandemandonlythisamountor less thanthis.
It is importantto mention thatthegrantable sum of thedifferentbandscan be reducedbytheKollégiums, whichmeansthatthe most assistancegratnedby a Kollégium wouldnot be 3 M HUF, but less thanthis. • Forthisreason!!-weshouldalwayscalculatewiththevalues of theactualcallingfor tender!
Supportable expences • Guidance page 22. • The National Civil Fund supports the operational expences and activities like the followings: • Fundamental operational and administrative costs and developments • Development of Human Recources and capacities • Fundraising, management • Internal and external communication • Marketing, service development • Administration, costs of office, meeting legal requirements
The costs of the ensurance and development of conditions neccessary for pursuing the target activities, if it is not connected to the program directly. • Development of Human Recources, capacities of target activities • Internal and external communication of target activities • Marketing of target activities • Ensurance of technical, logistical conditions of target activities • Meeting legal requirements of pursuing target activities
In the regulation there are three large groups of expenditures: A./ Material expenditures B./ Costs of employment and human resources C./ Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets These are the main sections in the budget of the application that can be devided into subsections.
Non-eligible costs • Non-eligible cost are expenditures that do not serve the operation of the organisation (e.g. program costs), or serve the pursuit of activities that are not included in the deed of foundation. • Further non-eligible cost is the refundable, pre-charged Value Added Tax. Thus in the report we use the net prices without the refundable VAT.
When we demand operational support, we have to give detailed, exact reasons! (page 28) • Changes compared to 2010 At the point „Calculation of resources and costs relating to the utilization of assistance” we are obliged to plan the revenues and expendutures of the particular support period. • We must ensure own contribution amounted to at least 10%. This can be: cash, payment in kind coming from own resources as well as voluntary work. We should account for the expected own contribution due to the reporting obligation!
Expenses • The own contribution of the organisation (own contribution plus support deriving from other assistance) should presented at the expenditures in the column of „costs paid from other sources”. • Important: There should be an equalibrium between the total income and the total cost at the bottom line of the balance sheet.
In case of getting support the applicant need to make a budget plan with the contract, which corresponds with the amount of the financial assistance. This will be an annex of the support contract. (Of course it is advised to be done at the submission of our application, so we can plan according to this.)
Divergencefromtheplanedbudget • Wecandivergefromourplannedtotal sum downwardswithoutanyrestriction – thustheapplicantwill account for less expencesthustheapplicantwillforgotheremaindermoney and transferit back. • The applicantcanrearrangemoneybetweenthesubsections of theparticular main sections, buttheparticularmainsection’s totalvaluecannotexceedtheoriginalvalueby more than 20%.
Inourexample (HUF): • A./ Materialexpenditures: 300 000 B./ Costs of employment and human resources: 200 000 C./ Acquisition of tangible and intangibleassets: 196 000 • Forinstanceiftheorganisationplannedtopurchase a printer for 100 000 HUF – whichitdidnotbuyeventually, forthissubsectiontheorganisationwill account for 96 000 HUF, thusinthe C main sectionthedivergence is 51%. Buttheremainingmoneycan be usedwithoutmodificationtocontractasthefollowings:
A./ Materialexpenditures:360 000 HUF (300 000 HUF + 20% = 120%) • B./ Costs of employment and human resources: 240 000 HUF (200 000 HUF + 20%= 120%) • C./ Acquisition of tangible and intangibleassets: 96 000 HUF (48,98%) • If youwouldliketouseitdifferently, youhavetomodifythecontract.
Incase of professionaltenders • We should receive at least 75% of the assistance adjudged by the competent Kollégium (changes in 2011)! Thus a realistic budget planning is crucial • In some cases the Kollégium is curious for the organisation’s non-cash own distribution, thus we should fill out a sort of„free-of-charge contribution” table. Here we should mention the material and personal non-cash contributions that assisted the tender’s implemention
For the program a detailed cost accounting is neccessary (page 41.) • The Kollégiums can define the amount of the compulsory own contribution, which must be presented in the application form at the „Planned resource calculations of the program” (Revenues) in the line „Own resources”.
Reportonpublicbenefitactivity • In case of professional tenders the report on public benefit activity is an annex of the project. (organisations registered as a public benefit organisation /PBO/ before 31st Decemeber 2010 have to write a report on their public benefit activities together with the approval of the Disclosure Statement, ruled by the Act CLVI of 1997 on Public Benefit Organisations
Substantiveelements: • Accounting report • Utilization of the budgetary assistance. • Report on the appropriation of the assets • Report on the target grants (grants by particular targets) • The amount of the assistance granted by the central budget authority, the separated state fund, the local governments, the local governments of minority groups’ settlements, the local government associations • The amount of allowance grated to the executive officers of the PBO • A brief substantive report on the public benefit activities (of the actual fiscal year) In the report on public benefit activity we should provide information about all mentioned points. (the negative answer should be included as well)
The monitoring of theassistance’sutilization • Within 30 daysafterthesupportperiodtheorganization is obligedtosubmit a financial and a professionalreportabouttheutilization of theassistance. • Intheframework of thefinancialreportthebeneficiarieshavetosubmitthebillsofcosts, thefinancialfulfillment (payment) documents of economiceventsthatwererealizedduringtheperiodassignedbythesupportcontract, and also an annexwithalltheinvoices
Financial report – change! • A szociális és munkaügyi miniszter 6/2010. (III.12.) SZMM rendelet 19.§ (4) bekezdése alapján a korábbi évekhez képest módosult a pénzügyi elszámolás részeként benyújtandó dokumentumok, bizonylatok köre. Ennek értelmében a teljes jóváhagyott támogatási összeg legfeljebb 20 %-ának mértékéig nem kell benyújtani a pénzügyi elszámolás részeként az egyenként tízezer forint bruttó összeget meg nem haladó támogatás tartalmú számviteli bizonylatok, az ahhoz kapcsolódó kifizetést igazoló bizonylatok és dokumentumok hitelesített másolatait.
Thank you for your attention! • Good luck for your application! • Terhes Tiborné • tzsuzsi@t-online.hu • http://www.eunet.site40.net/